teaching sewing confidence, tip by tip

Thursday 15 November 2012

Paper Piecing A Butterfly

A few weeks ago Juliet from The Tartankiwi posted about a paper pieced Butterfly Block that she'd designed and she asked for volunteers to test her pattern.  Here's a link to her original post and when you see her block you'll completely understand why I was straight in there putting my name forward as a tester!

I'm thrilled that she chose me as one of her testers and when she sent me the pattern earlier this week I couldn't wait to get started so here it is:

Just to tease you - here's the front page of the pattern ;)

Choosing the fabrics.  Trialling fabrics in their relative placements (left) and lining them for overall value (right) 
My colour inspiration came from a Kaffe Fassett print that I bought at Liberty, London on my trip back to England in July (you can check out my post about my visit here).  I've decided I'll incorporate the butterfly into the front of a cushion cover, framing it with the Kaffe Fassett and finishing with piping in the Kona Grass Green.

My chosen fabrics for the project are:
Kona Cotton Solids in
Carnation/Orange/Amethyst/Magenta/Grass Green
Michael Miller Solids in
Bella Solid Moda - Pink

First pieces underway
I got so involved in piecing the butterfly that I completely forgot to take any more photos until I was finished!

So tell me, what do you think of this beauty?

Trialling the butterfly against my chosen cushion and piping fabric

Not sure when I'll get round to making the cushion itself, there're a few more projects to work on first but I'll share my progress with you when it happens.

Nervous about trying paper piecing?  Don't be!  Just watch my favourite Paper Piecing Made Easy YouTube video by The Crafty Gemini.  I found her video when I first attempted paper piecing for my New York Beauty Bee Blocks and she really explains everything very simply.

If you don't already have one, I highly recommend you invest in an Add A Quarter ruler by CM Designs - it's the best tool out there for all your FPP work (affiliate link).

And while I was busy paper piecing Tatty was also busy taking a very well deserved nap.

Juliet's patterns are available now via her Etsy store and also her Payhip store.  

Disclaimer: I do not receive payment from Juliet @TheTartankiwi for testing her patterns, nor do I receive a commission on any patterns sold via her Etsy store or any other sales method.  This post is purely informational and of no direct benefit, monetary or otherwise, to me.

Here's a look back at the patterns I've previously tested for Juliet.
Click any of the images below to go through to my post about testing that particular pattern:

The Tartankiwi FPP Pattern Testing by www.madebyChrissieD.com The Tartankiwi FPP Pattern Testing by www.madebyChrissieD.com The Tartankiwi FPP Pattern Testing by www.madebyChrissieD.com
The Tartankiwi FPP Pattern Testing by www.madebyChrissieD.comThe Tartankiwi FPP Pattern Testing by www.madebyChrissieD.com The Tartankiwi FPP Pattern Testing by www.madebyChrissieD.com
The Tartankiwi FPP Pattern Testing by www.madebyChrissieD.comThe Tartankiwi FPP Pattern Testing by www.madebyChrissieD.com The Tartankiwi FPP Pattern Testing by www.madebyChrissieD.com The Tartankiwi FPP Pattern Testing by www.madebyChrissieD.com

Clicking on an image will take you to a new page of crafty goodness :)

This post contains Amazon and Craftsy affiliate links for which I am paid commission on click-through purchases (at no additional cost to you). Otherwise, no payment or commission is received for click-throughs to shared links; the post is for informational purposes only and all opinions are my own. 

Uncredited reproduction of all content, text and images on this site is prohibited.
All content, text and images must be credited to Chris Dodsley @made by ChrissieD and include a link back to this site.

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Linky Parties This post may be linked to some great Linky Parties, always a great source of inspiration too. If you click through to my 'Fave Linky Parties' page you can see where I like to share my work.

Online Quilting Class


  1. This butterfly is fabulous Chrissie! Beautiful colours and your piecing is razor-sharp! Lovely jubbly x

    1. Thanks Gertie, razor sharp points thanks to the wonder that is paper piecing, don't you just love it? Couldn't dream of points like that quilting normally! :)

  2. It looks really pretty! I think I misunderstood because I though the KF fabric will be for the background. It's nicely framing the whole block tho! You did a great job! Don't we love our helpers when they nap? :)))

    1. Ah, I see where you misunderstood - that could have looked good too! Our napping helpers, marginally better than my furry helper who determined to eat my wooden crochet hook and run off with my wool and yesterday achieved her goal!!! :)

  3. Gorgeous! It really is a beautiful design and you did a great job with the piecing and the color selection. I can't wait to see the cushion.
    Oh that Tatty is one silly dog!

    1. Thank you and I'll be working on it shortly! And you are so right about Tatty, she's the best dog I've ever owned [whispers] but I'm not sure there's much of a brain in there!!!

  4. Wow, this butterfly is absolutely wonderful.


  5. I saw this on your facebook and I love it even more with the Kaffe Fassett background :-) It's going to be a beautiful cushion. xxx

    1. Thanks Sarah, I want to get on with it quickly but I have other projects I really must do first, which is always such a shame :( Flicky took one look, told me how much she loved it and then (and this is an all time first) said "please tell me it's not for my room Mum, I can't fit anything else in my room"!!! Secretly I'm terribly pleased because I want to keep this one for myself :)

  6. Oh my gosh ... how gorgeous this is!! :)

    1. I'm so glad you think so Denise, I'm in love with it myself :)

  7. Pretty. Love the solid colors.

    1. Thank you, Juliet made the Butterfly using prints and I think it looks amazing but I thought it would be fun to test the patter using solids to show other ways it can be made up and I think it turned out great :)

  8. It's beautiful! Love the solid combo and can't wait to see the finished cushion!

  9. Your butterfly is stunning. Love the colors. Thanks for the link.

    1. Thanks, glad you like it and that you're popping over to Juliet's blog :)

  10. Really lovely colours. And who doesn't love a butterfly? It almost makes me want to try paper peicing... Almost.

    1. Go for it Erin, give it a go. Maybe start with a simpler 4 or 5 section piece as a first go but having said that my intro to paper piecing was the New York Beauty sent to me by my June Queen Bee so I just had to jump straight in there! Seriously, paper piecing is really fun and soooooo accurate :)

  11. Absolutely adorable! I love paper piecing!

  12. That is a really fabulous block...wonderful colour choice too.

    Well played that girl!

    Off to Juliet's blog right now.

    1. Thanks F, an easier task by far than the narrow section of applique that you're working on! I see that you're following Juliet now, she's got some good stuff on there :)

  13. What a great butterfly Chrissie, it will make a lovely cushion.

    1. Thanks, it's quite a beauty, Juliet's done a great job designing it. I hope unpacking all your removals boxes is going well! :)

  14. I am going to have to give the paper piecing a try that looks fantastic.


  15. That really is a beautiful butterfly!

    1. Thank you, I'm so thrilled I had the chance to test it for Juliet :)

  16. Beautiful butterfly...love the colors...thanks for sharing :o)

    1. Thanks Terry for you lovely comment - I love the colours, they're really zingy :)

  17. Oh Chrissie, it's beautiful!

    1. Thanks Wendy, I feel so bad that while I was enjoying myself paper piecing, you were having all those problems with your car! I really hope you coming week is so much better :)

  18. I loved Juliet's butterfly block when I saw it on her blog and you've reminded me to look out for it when it's been tested. Yours looks fabulous with the colours you have chosen!!!

    1. Oh, that's made my day Pam! Juliet's original is great isn't it, I couldn't resist testing it for her :)

  19. I love the colors that you chose! It's beautiful!

    1. Thanks Amanda, glad you like it and thanks for the follow too :)

  20. That is GORGEOUS. Great job all around!

  21. Wow - look at all these comments! Not surprising though - this is beautiful!

    1. Thanks Beth - I think Juliet might have quite a queue of people wanting her pattern when it's available! :)

  22. So beautiful - gorgeous block and you made it up beautifully.

    1. Thank you, the end result belies just how easy it is to make :)


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Chris Dodsley

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