teaching sewing confidence, tip by tip

Saturday 20 August 2016

Hendes Verden - Her World

mbCD Disclaimer/Disclosure: 
No payment/commission is received from @Tartankiwi for pattern testing/patterns sold, or from Hendes Verden magazine for the article published/link clicks.  This post is purely informational.

Earlier this year I was approached by Britt, representing the Danish weekly women's magazine, Hendes Verden.  Britt had seen my Mini Butterfly Cushion on my blog and wanted to include a photo of the cushion in an upcoming article on Butterflies.

I agreed and sent Britt a photo of my cushion and explained that the centre butterfly panel is made using an FPP pattern by Juliet @TheTartankiwi.  Regular readers will know that I often pattern test FPP patterns for Juliet and I'm a huge fan of her work.

Click any of the images below to go through to my post about testing that particular pattern:

I've been a few months getting hold of a copy of the article so the magazine
dates back to 2 May 2016 and here's how the magazine cover looks

and here's the 2-page article

I guess for the majority of readers you'll be wondering, just as I did, what the text actually says, thanks to Google Translate I've solved that riddle and here's the translation.

I'm delighted that the magazine took on board the info I gave them about myself and Juliet and included it in the text next to my cushion photo in their article.  I love that they also picked up on the fact that Juliet and I are working together over many miles and continents and it's even more bizarre given that we are both originally from Great Britain.

What I'd like more than anything is to meet Juliet one day, now that would be very special :D

Clicking on an image will take you to a new page of crafty goodness :)

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1 comment:

  1. It's a great cushion and I love the story of you two. xx


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Chris Dodsley

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