teaching sewing confidence, tip by tip

Sunday 23 December 2012

In Memory of Dad

Last night my Mum and I were chatting on Skype and she asked me if I'd mind very much if she opened her Christmas present from me early.  I understood immediately why she'd want to do this - you see she knows that her present, which arrived safely and has been sitting under her Christmas tree now for last the last two weeks, is a Memory Quilt that I have made for her using my Dad's shirts.

 Mum knew that seeing the quilt would be quite emotional for her (and for me too) and so we decided that she'd open her present right then, just the two of us together over Skype.

It was a very special time for both of us and I can tell you that Mum loves the quilt and we had a lovely two hours chatting with her wrapped in her Memory Quilt in England and me wrapped in my Juicebox Sofa Quilt in America.
I am thrilled to now be able to share photos of the quilt with you here on my blog.

For My Dad
18 August 1925 - 5 May 2012

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In Memory of Dad

This post is for informational purposes only, no payment or commission is received on click-throughs and opinions are my own.

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  1. What a beautiful quilt and a beautiful thing to do in memory of you dad!

  2. Chrissie, this is quite lovely. And I'm so glad you had the opportunity to 'be there' as your mom opened it. Very sweet and I know she will cherish it. Merry Christmas to you! :)

  3. What a lovely gift for your mom! What a wonderful thing for you to do! I'm sure your dad is so proud of you! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  4. What a beautiful post and quilt. Full of the
    Christmas spirit and memories of a beloved.
    Thank you for sharing!

  5. Oh the tears! That is the most beautiful and meaningful quilt. It speaks through the pictures - what a lovely gift. Merry Christmas!

  6. A beautiful beautiful quilt Chrissie, well done. So wonderful that you and your Mum were able to share some special time on skype when she opened it.

  7. A beautiful quilt and every stitch full of love. A very special gift for your Mum - thanks for sharing it with us.

    Skype certainly makes separations over long distances easier to bear. The days of long waits for letter are gone. I'm sure that younger people will soon take this for granted - but it still amazes me!

  8. This is a wonderful quilt... it´s male, it´s modern and you´re a good daughter. Your Dad would love it too.


  9. Your quilt is really lovely Chrissie and how great that you were able to share the unwrapping even although you are so far apart. What a great tribute to your Dad.

  10. What a beautiful quilt. When making a quilt in memory of my father there was a incrediable sense of healing. Between crying, laughing, remembering, missing and loving the quilt left me with such warmth. Looking at you lovely quilt one can feel the Love from it.

  11. That quilt is just wonderful and I'm sure she loves it a ton. Thank you for sharing it.

  12. Chrissie, this is beautiful in every way!

  13. A beautiful quilt with a beautiful story to match!

  14. What a very special gift! It's lovely.

  15. Thank you for sharing with us, you made me cry!
    Merry Christmas!

  16. Beautiful quilt. A lovely way to share those special memories.

  17. It really came out gorgeous. Congratulations on finishing it and I'm so happy to hear your mom loved it! Merry Christmas!

  18. Very beautiful! I'm glad your mom loved it. My mom and I have discussed doing something like this with some of my dad's old things, but she still doesn't want to cut into them, which is fine, of course! Holidays can be hard without loved ones, especially since it appears that your loss was very recent. I'm glad that technology allowed you and your mom to have some special time together.

  19. That quilt is wonderful. So fantastic memory to your dad.
    Liebe Grüße Grit

    Sorry for my english

  20. Oh Chrissie, what a wonderful quilt. Not only is it beautiful, but it is emotional and so very special too.

  21. OMG the quilt is so beautiful. Love the fact that you and your Mom could share it together "across the pond". I am in love with the photo of you and your Dad...fantastic memories. Thanks for sharing the story and the love.

    Hope to see you and Simon soon...

  22. Oh Chrissie it is so gorgeous and meaningful! How wonderful that despite the distance you and your mom were able to share the moment when she opened her present.

  23. This is such a special quilt Chrissie ... it must mean the world to the Mum. Hope you had a fab Christmas in NYC! x

  24. What a beautiful quilt! Lovely design and colors, and great quilting. Quite a tribute to your dad. I'm sure it makes your mother feel wrapped in his and your love. Whoop whoop!!

  25. What a striking, beautiful quilt.... And a special moment of giving and sharing with your Mum.

  26. What a tender moment to share with your mum. I am sorry for your loss, but it is good to see the encouragement you are to your mum in keeping his memory with her even with his physical self no longer of this world. Thank you for sharing your beautiful quilt. I really like the pattern.

  27. A lovely, thoughtful thing to do Chrissie, handled so sensitively too.

    I'm so glad that it arrived safely.

    F x

  28. Thank you all so much for your wonderful comments, your words have really touched me and my Mum. The quilt does indeed have much love and emotion wrapped up in it and Christmas is such a tricky time of year with many memories that bring happiness tinged with sadness. The quilt gave me a tremendous sense of purpose after Dad died and now brings warmth and comfort for Mum, thank you again for making it even more special, Chrissie :)

  29. What a beautiful quilt, such a wonderful way to remember your dad and a beautiful way to comfort your mum. Elisabeth x

    1. Thanks so much Elisabeth, Mum does love the quilt - it never ceases to amaze me the comfort and depth of feeling a quilt can hold :)


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Chris Dodsley

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