teaching sewing confidence, tip by tip

Friday 15 June 2012

Tute: Using A Bloc-Loc To Cut Half-Square Triangle (HST) Squares

17 April 2014:

I've recently learnt how to 'slide' a too large Bloc-Loc along a diagonal seam to cut a smaller square - knowing this technique means if you buy the largest 12.5" Bloc-Loc, then you can use it for any size HST you ever need and don't need to buy lots of different Bloc-Loc sizes.  You can see how it's done here in my HST X Block Tute.

NB: If you're a 'press your seams open' girl, then the Bloc-Loc won't work for you; if you still want to use this great tool, maybe you could consider side pressing just for this part of your quilting?

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  1. Very neat tool! I've never seen this before. Looks like something I should have around!!

    1. The tutors at The City Quilter are really good at telling us about the tools that really work - I also have one by the same company that you slot over a flying geese block to square it up - that is also fab.

  2. Me gustarĂ­a mucho poder tener esos materiales!

  3. I'd have hated to square up all 108 blocks without it! I think it's a must have if you make HSTs :)

  4. I have one of these. It's awesome. As long as you don't press seams open. I learned that the hard way :) I got mine at a quilt show in New Jersey. The owners had a booth. Now I have to get one of those rotating mats!!!!

    1. Some of these gadgets are really great aren't they - the ones that you use time and time again and then there's those that are such a waste of money! I know we all have our own ways but my first quilting tutor advised me to press all seams to one side to reduce stress on the stitches - the only exception was when joining binding strips and then press open to reduce bulk, I've stuck with it so I've never thought that the Bloc-Loc wouldn't work if you didn't it that way - good tip, thanks :)

  5. How in the world did I miss this one?! What an excellent tool, I've never seen it or heard of it before. Thanks for the tute Chrissie!

    1. Fab isn't it :) Did you ever see my tutorial for the June Tailor Shape Cut Ruler - if not then that's even better than the Bloc-Locs. The tutorial is called Tutorial: Charm Squares - An Easy Way To Cut Multiples Quickly

  6. I know who to come to for advice when I make my second quilt, Chrissie. I'm aiming to do one this year.

  7. Love your blog!

    Thanks so much for sharing at A Peek Into Paradise TGIF Link Party.

    I hope you will come party with us next week and see if you were featured! http://apeekintomyparadise.blogspot.com/

    Have a great week!

    Hugs! Cathy

  8. These look so useful - don't suppose that you know of any UK sellers please?

    1. Hi Sarah, I haven't found anywhere in the UK online that's selling these rulers (if anyone out there knows how to get hold of them please let me know!) but the Bloc-Loc website will ship internationally and I checked and United Kingdom is an option on the 'deliver to' list when you place an order. Hope this helps :)

  9. That bloc-loc looks like a really handy gadget and I love the way your mat has the circle and angles marked on.

    1. I love that mat - I don't use it all the time and it's not that cheap to purchase but when it comes to squaring up you can't beat the fact that it rotates! :)

  10. I love this ruler!! Best one out there for making perfect HST. =)


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Chris Dodsley

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