teaching sewing confidence, tip by tip

Wednesday, 2 May 2018

Sofa Sampler Cushion

Sofa Sampler Cushion by www.madebyChrissieD.com

Do you have fabric samples lying around?  I sure do, including samples from a sofa company that have been taking up cupboard space for several years now.  During a recent tidy out, I decided it was time to put them to good use.

Sofa Sampler Cushion

The process was super simple, I sorted the samples by colour family and stitched them together in rows - cools through neutrals to warms.

Sofa Sampler Cushion by www.madebyChrissieD.com

I added a zipper to the two ends and sewed up the sides - exactly the same way you do when you're making a pencil case.

Sofa Sampler Cushion by www.madebyChrissieD.comSofa Sampler Cushion by www.madebyChrissieD.com

The cover isn't a standard pillow cushion size so instead of using a cushion insert, I bought the cheapest bed pillow I could find, $2.79 at Target, cut it open and used some of its filling to stuff the cushion.  There's plenty filling left to make at least one more cushion and maybe more.

Here is the finished cushion, looking much better than when it was a pile of fabric samples in a cupboard.

Sofa Sampler Cushion by www.madebyChrissieD.com

Best of all, I love that you can completely change the feel of the room just by flipping the cushion over.

Sofa Sampler Cushion by www.madebyChrissieD.com

Materials + Tools
My fave sewing and quilting tools, notions and books, along with some of the items I've used in this tute and more are detailed here on my Amazon Influencer Page.
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Are you stashing fabric samples that you could put to better use?
Making this cushion inspired me to get started on a fabric sample quilt top too - I'll keep you posted on that one!

Featured On:
Sofa Sampler Cushion

Sofa Sampler Cushion by www.madebyChrissieD.com

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  1. Lovely cushion Chris, a great use of those sample swatches!

    1. Thanks F, I'm happy to have used up those swatches and even more happy with how the cushion looks :D

  2. Great use of the samples Chris. xx

    1. Thanks Lin, it was a fast, spare of the moment make and I'm pretty pleased with the finish :D

  3. Great idea! I've had some samples lying around for years and couldn't think of what to do with them.

    1. Go for it, I had it made in a hour or two and I'm rid of a bit of clutter and have a great cushion on the sofa :D

  4. Lovely cushions. My sofa cushions were also made from samples of fabric.

  5. A wonderful and practical idea to bust those stash sample fabrics.

    1. Thanks Caroline, it's easy to get over-run with samples, I'm happy to have cleared the pile just a little and made something useful :D

  6. oh lovely idea! and those cushions are so pretty!!

  7. Una idea genial, me encanta la combinaciĂłn de colores.

  8. Great idea. I hate letting good fabric go to waste!

  9. Ha ha, in answer to your first question - yes!!!
    These are beautiful, such a lovely modern way to use those scraps. We have a couple of these long thin cushions that are calling out for new covers, I love this idea for them.

    1. Hi Chris, just to let you know your cushion covers are one of the features at this weeks Handmade Monday ^_^

  10. How clever! These came out so well. <3 Thanks for linking up with TGIFF!

  11. That is so clever and such a great use of samples! I never would have thought about using a cheap pillow for stuffing...cleverness all around! Well done!

    1. Always looking for a cheap option and with a Target on my doorstep, it's quicker and easier than a trip to the craft store too! :D

  12. Great use for those samples. I need new cushions for my sofa, maybe I should try to do something similar with leftover fabrics.
    Thank you for sharing at The Really Crafty Link Party. Pinned.

    1. Let me know if you do Teresa, I'd love to see what you make :D

  13. This reminds me of my grandmother's quilts. Thanks for sharing at #HomeMattersParty

  14. I love that; now we buy all our fabrics for each project but they had the right idea making do and mending :D


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Chris Dodsley

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