teaching sewing confidence, tip by tip

Saturday 28 January 2017

Playful Fabric Printing Blog Hop

Chris Dodsley of mbCD is a friend of Melanie Testa, co-author of Playful Fabric Printing. Melly provided mbCD with a selection of hand printed fabrics to make a sample quilt top for Fall Quilt Market 2016, all other materials used to make the quilt are from mbCD's personal stash. This NOT a review of Playful Fabric Printing although this post does include a giveaway of the book provided by Crafting a Life, LLC.    In all other respects, this post is for informational purposes only, all opinions are mbCD's own and no payment or commission is received on click-throughs to links shared.  

Fancy printing your own fabric?  If you do, there's a new book just released and I'm told it's perfect for first timers and also for the experienced fabric hand printer.  

What's it called?  It's Playful Fabric Printing by Carol Soderlund and Melanie Testa.
I've known co-author Melly for several years now, we met at the NYC Metro Modern Quilters Guild and worked together in May 2014 when I made a Quilt Market sample for Melly's first fabric collection, Meadowlark - my Remains of the Day quilt. 

Remains Of The Day Quilt by www.madebyChrissieD.comRemains Of The Day Quilt by www.madebyChrissieD.com

Read more about my circular quilt design, process and finish in these two blog posts:
Top Secret, Ssshhhh - Quilt Market Sneak Peek
Remains Of The Day Quilt by www.madebyChrissieD.com

I love this photo of me and Melly showing off my Remains of the Day quilt at our June 2014 Guild meeting.

Hand Printed Fabric
Back in October last year, Melly gave me a pack of her hand printed fabric rectangles to play with.  This print is a half-drop floral. 

The Colour Drop Quilt by www.madebyChrissieD.com

Melly wanted me to make a quilt top that she could take along to Fall Quilt Market.  

Following her brief, I put together a simple half rectangle quilt using coordinating solids from my stash. 

The Colour Drop Quilt by www.madebyChrissieD.com

After Quilt Market, Melly returned the top to me and I made it up into a quilt that I machine and hand quilted using Aurifil threads.

The Colour Drop Quilt by www.madebyChrissieD.com

 Here's the result, probably one of my favourite quilts ever. 

The Colour Drop Quilt by www.madebyChrissieD.com The Colour Drop Quilt by www.madebyChrissieD.com 

I've a lot to share in this post so I'm liberally scattering some finished quilt photos throughout but if you'd like to know about my process from design brief to finish, click through to my Colour Drop Quilt post where I go into more detail and share a no fuss Half Rectangle Triangle Block technique.

No Fuss Half Rectangle Triangle HRT Technique by www.madebyChrissieD.com

The Book
Although I've been privileged in working with Melly's sample fabrics, I want to be really clear here that I haven't got my hands on a copy of the book yet which means I'm not able to review it for you.  Instead, I'm sharing some images from the book publisher's website. Crafting a Life.

The Co-Authors

Facebook Community Group
Melly and Carol have also set up Playful Fabric Printing Facebook Community, a class where they'll gather fabric printers to share their work and get feedback on their processes.  
Click this link to request to join

The Colour Drop Quilt by www.madebyChrissieD.com

The Giveaway - has now ended

Win a copy of Playful Fabric Printing from Crafting a Life - open to US residents only


For a chance to win a copy of Playful Fabric Printing, leave a comment telling me your favourite motif design.

For an additional chance to win follow my blog in some way: blog reader; Bloglovin; Facebook; Instagram; or my Newsletter; and leave a comment letting me know.

NOTE: Please be sure I can access your email.  
If you're a WordPress, Google+, no-reply or anonymous commenter, or maybe you're just not sure, please add your email address to each comment.  If I can't find you I'll immediately draw another winner.

This book giveaway is open to US residents only and closes on Tuesday, 7 February at 10.00 am (EST).  A winner will be chosen from the comments using a random number generator, contacted via email and shared at the bottom of this post.  The book will be mailed to the winner directly from the publisher, Crafting a Life

Best of luck!


The winner of the Playful Fabric Printing Book Giveaway is comment #12 by Rosemarys Child.

Many congratulations Susan,  I've sent you an email asking for your snail mail address so be sure to check your junk folder if it isn't in your inbox. :D


Visit all the blogs on the Blog Tour
to catch the Motif Design Challenge

Motif Design Challenge
Each day on the blog tour the other participants will be sharing a vocabulary of marks, colours, images that could be used to make tools and print fabrics. A variety of media including Super Sharpies, pen and ink, acrylic paint on copy paper, china marker on toothy paper, etc along with printing examples such as  Fun foam stamps, Thermofax screens, stencils, or monoprints and printing dye or fabric paint onto cloth or paper.

Playful Fabric Printing Blog Tour Schedule:

Monday, 23 January
Tuesday, 24 January
Carol Soderlund
Wednesday, 25 January
Lisa Chin @Something About Nothing
Friday, 27 January
Judy Coates Perez 
Saturday, 28 January
Carrie Bloomston
Chris Dodsley @made by ChrissieD ⇦YOU ARE HERE 🙋

 blog hop round-up - Melly Testa
Sunday, 29 January
Lynn Krawczyk @Smudged Design Studio 
blog hop round-up - Carol Soderlund
Monday, 30 January
Leslie Tucker Jenison 
Tuesday, 31 January
Pokey Bolton

My Quilt
The Colour Drop Quilt by www.madebyChrissieD.com

Don't forget to click through to this post to read more about my process and see my full Colour Drop Quilt photoshoot.

Clicking on an image will take you to a new page of crafty goodness :)

Chris Dodsley of mbCD is a friend of Melanie Testa, co-author of Playful Fabric Printing. Melly provided mbCD with a selection of hand printed fabrics to make a sample quilt top for Fall Quilt Market 2016, all other materials used to make the quilt are from mbCD's personal stash. This NOT a review of Playful Fabric Printing although this post does include a giveaway of the book provided by Crafting a Life, LLC.    In all other respects, this post is for informational purposes only, all opinions are mbCD's own and no payment or commission is received on click-throughs to links shared. 

Uncredited reproduction of all content, text and images on this site is prohibited.
All content, text and images must be credited to Chris Dodsley @made by ChrissieD and include a link back to this site.

Protected by Copyscape

Related Posts:

Linky Parties This post may be linked to some great Linky Parties, always a great source of inspiration too. If you click through to my 'Fave Linky Parties' page you can see where I like to share my work.


  1. Beautiful fabric! I like the blue big flower print on Carol's authors page!

  2. My favourite motifs are leaves. I like to collect them from the woods at our cottage or from our yard and make stamps our of them.

  3. Circles, circles and more circles. Oh and handwriting. :-)

  4. I love nature prints, especially leaves.

  5. I love your quilt!! The prints are terrific.

  6. Hearts are my favorite motif. -- soparkaveataoldotcom

  7. Follow you on bloglovin and now on instagram (a new platform I'm trying out to see how it works for me!)

  8. My favorite motif is circles as they are easy to draw and have so many options (full circle, part circle, wonky circle, circles within circles - the list is endless).

  9. I receive you newsletter by email. -- soparkaveataoldotcom

  10. Love your colors-how great to make a color/motif that you can't find in a fabric store! Paisley has always been my favorite motif, color combinations within a paisley design is limitless! Thank you, Susan

  11. They are all pretty but I would say flowers. Thanks for the giveaway.

  12. My favorite motif is the X mark. Kevin@KevinWomackArt.com

  13. My favorite motif...that's hard I like so many! I guess in honor of Valentine's Day I'll choose 💕 hearts!

  14. My favorite motif are roses. All shapes and sizes. Modern or traditional. Thanks for a great book giveaway. grinnie1961 at gmail dot com

  15. I follow your blog on Bloglovin and your IG feed. Thanks grinnie1961 at gmail dot com

  16. Circle variations are my favorite motif, simple and with a sense of movement...

  17. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of the fab book! My favorite motif is the peace sign.

  18. My favourite motif is the butterfly. Love your blog.

  19. I am only good at simple flowers but maybe I need your book and I will try again. Beautiful fabric.

  20. I follow on BL. Jmikebalou at aol dot com

  21. My favorite motif - hmmm, it's a toss up between leaves and circles I guess. I love so many motifs! Thank you guys for the opportunity to win one of these informative and well laid out books.

  22. I hope we BOTH get our hands on a copy of this book--soon! It looks fabulous. I am always using leaves or trees as my motif-of-choice and am looking forward to learning even more ways to make them. Your blog is also a new one to me and I will be following...it looks fabulous!

  23. Circles and hearts are my two favorite motifs...I couldn't pick just one. :)
    Thanks for the chance to win a copy of this book.
    jlpfeffer at gmail dot com

  24. Right now, leaves are my favorite motif.

  25. I love large statement leaf prints most. Like tropical leaves!
    heatheranne99 at gmail dot com

  26. My favorite motif is sort of a spiral: a hybrid paisley-leaf-spiral that i constantly doodle, sometimes it morphs into a tulip-spiral. I use it for carving blocks and on journal pages and made some thermofax screens with it.

  27. I like circles and spirals, and leaves.

  28. Motif: put a bird on it! My favourite!

  29. Your quilt is gorgeous! My favorite motif is dragonflies.

  30. Flowers are the motif I like the best, your quilt is beautiful Chrissie and this book sure looks like fun, I'd love to win it!

  31. I follow by bloglovin, email and get your newsletter!

  32. Leaves are so lovely and work for many settings. jarvenpa1ne at gmail dot com

  33. What a colorful quilt! I like hearts as a motif!

  34. Follow you on facebook: Nicole Sender.

  35. The book looks like a winner! I don't really have a go-to motif. I really like very bold graphic symbols of all kinds. Since I've been asked that question several times lately, I'm thinking maybe I should pick one.

  36. I always go back to wiggly lines, especially in my doodling. They can become anything. TY

  37. I love to use circles in many forms!

  38. Love the circle motif. Anxious to get a book and try some of these techniques. Very exciting!

  39. My favorite motifs are spirals and leaves. Thanks for the opportunity to win this inspiring book!

  40. I just love tortoises and turtles, they are adorable and remind me of our pet tortoises =D

  41. I follow you on Bloglovin and Instagram. =)

  42. I love geometric shapes. Thanks for a chance to win the book. It looks yummy! bkisrael@gmail.com

  43. I love leaves as a motif! Loved your quilt! mumbird3(at)gmail(dot)com

  44. I follow you on Instagram as mumbird 3 😉😉😉 mumbird3(at)gmail(dot)com

  45. My favorite motif are flowers, large & small. Thank you!

  46. I also follow you via your newsletter! Thanks!

  47. I am a newsletter follower via email.

  48. I enjoy paisley prints. In another life of home decor, I painted a wall with lattice roller and free handed vines and flowers. It was the only wall in the house that didn't get painted by the new owners. cadillacrunnels(at)aol(dot)com

  49. I'm a leaf and swirl gal. Collect leaves and photo copy them before they dry out.

  50. I follow you on Bloglovin and your newsletter.

  51. My favorite motif is a pumpkin.

  52. I don't really have a favorite motif but I do like circles and geometric elements. This book looks so great. I love printing but haven't done much on fabric. Looking forward to trying.

  53. My favorite motif is a flower

  54. Love that the book gives you ideas about setting up your work space. I am trying to get my work space organized. If I don't win, I need to buy!!!!

  55. I like the nature images--leaves, flowers, vines.

  56. I follow you on Bloglovin.

  57. Although I tend to actually use more geometric images/motifs in quilts, my own personal favorites are florals (with other naturals, like leaves and vines)...
    I'm excited about this book coming out! I have wanted to learn how to print my own fabrics for a while now!!
    Pat T.
    Pajtr (at)Mac (dot)Com

  58. I enjoy following you on Instagram (Pajtr), and by your newsletter!
    Pat T.
    Pajtr (at)Mac (dot)Com

  59. My favorite motif is Stars as I like patriotic quilts. rozz01 at cox dot net

  60. I receive your newsletter and follow on Facebook. rozz01 at cox dot net

  61. This book looks fabulous! I really love flowers, and stars both.

  62. What a great giveaway! My favorite motif is the flowers and I would love to learn more about this technique. I follow you on IG and Facebook. Thanks! Lisa H. lisastuf at gmail dot com

  63. Oops! Just realized I was supposed to leave a separate comment for following...I follow you on Facebook and Instagram. Thanks! Lisa H. lisastuf at gmail dot com

  64. Circles and swirls.
