teaching sewing confidence, tip by tip

Thursday 20 June 2013

Sonia, You'll Never Believe It - I Just Found The Golden Ticket!!!

A couple of weeks ago I shared this post with you:

I had an incredible response from so many of you and here's just one of the comments from Sonia @fabric & flowers: 
Oh My Word!!!!!!!! I think I'd have to make a few visits just to try and take it all in!!!! 
It's a shop I'd love to visit, but am pretty sure Mr f&f is pretty pleased we don't live close to it, 
we'd be bankrupt very quickly, but very warm tucked under quilts!!!!!!!!  

I wrote back and said:
I love the idea of being 'quilt rich, cash poor' - for some reason 
it makes me think of Charlie's Grandparents all in bed together 
in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory :)

to which Sonia replied:
 Can you imagine if there was a golden ticket to the quilt shop?!

Well crikey Sonia you'll never believe it but today it actually happened, the Golden Ticket is mine, or as close to it as I can get!
 I've been to see Cathy, Dale and Nancy at The City Quilter and I'm starting work there next Tuesday, two days a week.
I can't believe it, I'm so excited and I can't wait for all of you to drop in and say 'hi' when you visit Manhattan.  

Who'd have thought less than two years ago when I first moved to the States, found The City Quilter and learnt to quilt that I'd end up working there (you can read about my first visit to the store and first quilt here)?

Wish me luck and I guess you know by now that I'll be sure to keep you posted :D

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  1. aweseome. the customers are lucky to have you

  2. Whaaaaaaat! How cool is that!

  3. Yaaaaa Hooooo! So so excited for you, its so much fun working in a quilt shop (even though the one I work in is definitely a baby in comparison!) Its a steep learning curve but you'll ace it.
    Have fun!!!

    1. I was thinking about you working in a quilt shop too only the other day, I'm thinking you'll be so right about that learning curve and I think I'll sleep very well after finishing my first few shifts until I get used to the physical change too! Very excited about it :)

  4. CONGRATULATIONS!!! You are really a lucky girl!!!

  5. That is great news!!! I am soooo excited for you, Chrissie!!! Congratulation on your new job and what will definitely be a wonderful adventure. I look forward to all your TCQ updates.

  6. They are very lucky to have you! I can just imagine walking into a shop like that, I fear I might burst out in a happy song and dance.. I am sertain you'll be very happy working there, have fun!

  7. woo hoo for you!! That's fantastic! You'll add so much to their shop, I'm sure, and you'll have fun doing it! Congrats!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  8. Brilliant! That is so exciting! Just imagine all that fabric you can stroke! Very jealous!

  9. That's awesome! If I ever get back to Manhattan you'll be my first stop!!!! I'm guessing that you'll be paid in fabric?! How will you choose..... So excited for you x

    1. I loved our 'chocolate factory' conversation and it was one of the first things I thought about as soon as I knew about the job! Downside to getting the job - as an employee I'm not able to enter the Grand Central Quilt Challenge now, but that's a small price to pay for all the fun I'm going to have!!! :)

  10. congratulations! I swear you lead my dream life!

    1. My last few years have been tough with huge life changes and heartbreaking losses but this year things are looking brighter and this is a little dream come true, something to enjoy that's just for me and a step towards my dream life, I'm very excited about it :D

  11. Congratulations! You're going to have a lot of fun, working!

  12. Wow, lucky you, what an amazing job....how much fun are you going to have?!

  13. You're lucky, yes for sure, but the shop and the customers are even luckier to have you behind the counter. Good luck and have fun!

  14. Again, I'm thrilled for you! Which days are you gonna be working? You just never know when I might stop by! :)) xoxox

    1. Two days a week, Wednesdays and either Friday or Saturday (still to be confirmed). I'll also fill in as needed when others are away so my first day will actually be on Tuesday. Can't wait to see you again for another Manhattan day out very soon :) x

  15. Congratulations! Great news! I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time.

  16. Wow, what an exciting 'move' you are making this time! Next time when I am visiting my son in NYC I will come by to say HI and shop at the same time! Cool!

    1. Absolutely Hilde, be sure to let me know next time you are in town :D

  17. Woohoo! I guess that's what you call a score! I hope you have lots of fun and good luck for tomorrow :) Look forward to hearing all about it!

  18. So happy for you! Thanks for sharing this. Proves all you have to do to succeed is believe in yourself. Can't wait to read your upcoming posts! Congrats, Chrissie!


  19. That is great news Chrissie, what a fabulous place to work. Enjoy it you deserve it!

  20. Congrats! Next time I'm in the shop, I'll look for you.

  21. Congratulations!!! I will be in NY tomorrow (well hopefully if the flight takes of this time), a shame its not next week I would have stopped by :-)

  22. I've never been to City Quilter, but have heard such amazing things! I will have to stop by on my next visit to the city!

    1. Do drop in - it's wonderful to see how all visitors to the city love the store :)

  23. Congratulations! That is a dream job and you have found the golden ticket! Have fun!


I love to hear from everyone, thank you for taking the time to read my blog and share your thoughts. Please leave a message to let me know you visited, it's a great way to get to know you all better too :)

Chris Dodsley

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