teaching sewing confidence, tip by tip

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Have You Ever Made A Book Cover? Here's Two I Made Earlier!

At the end of last week, Flicky announced that she wanted me to make two goodbye/thank you gifts for her Y11 & Y12 Deans at Dwight.  Thinking caps on and Flicky decided book covers were the way to go so a quick trip to The City Quilter for Flicky to chose the fabrics and then to Staples to pick up some Sustainable Earth notebooks and here they are:

Melody Miller Ruby Star Sparkle 'Phones Ring A Ling' and 'Ruby Stories Ring A Ling', 
Echino 'cycling', Pink Echino Birds And Berries Cherry 

Front/Spine/Back/Inside Cover

Comma, by Brigette Heitland for Zen Chic for Moda, New York Line by Line Night - The City Quilter, Newspaper Print - Famous Headlines! for Blank Textiles

Front/Spine/Back/Inside Cover

Let's hope Mr Dale and Mrs Aquadro like them as much as we do!

This post is for informational purposes only, no payment or commission is received on click-throughs and opinions are my own.

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  1. I´ve never made one myself but I like them whereever I see some. Your´s are lovely and the fabrics you used... terrific.


  2. I made one recently for baby MiH's red book. They are so much fun to make!

    1. Oh my, the red books, I haven't thought about those for years! Are they still plastic? Flicky had a plastic red cover - one of the first - but my 2 older boys had a blue card cover on theirs - that's a great idea to cover them :)

  3. Your daughter has incredibly good taste! They look fantastic.

  4. Wow I just love these! Did you follow a tutorial or make it up as you went along? They are perfect gifts for the Deans. Oh and FAB fabrics too!

    1. I made them up as I went along Sarah, but a tutorial is a great idea, I'll add it to my list! They're very simple just 2 pieces of fabric sewn right sides together, leave a gap along one long edge for turning. Fold in the extra length to create side flaps and then top stitch the 2 long edges which closes the gap. I've made lots before (see my 1st prize winning covers from the Bernina Creative Challenge in NYC last year here) but then I joined the edges by overstiching them with a made cord. :)

  5. They are totally gorgeous.
    Such great fabrics.

  6. Oh! They are perfect! I love these! They are so pretty!

  7. They are great Chrissie I am sure their new owners will love them.

  8. I have always wanted to make some of these too, a tutorial would be great!

    1. It really wouldn't take long to put one together so I'll get one sorted :)

  9. Love these as much as the cushions. Fab fabric selection, Chrissie!

  10. Hi! I like to make note book covers and yours are fantastic! All the fabrics are really beautiful and fun, too! Great work!

  11. These are awesome! Great fabric choice.

  12. Love these! I'm especially drawn to the first one! Thank you for sharing what fabric you used.

  13. How could they not love them? They're awesome! Whoop whoop!!

  14. What a great idea for gifts. They are so pretty!

  15. I like the way those look. I wonder just how practical they are however. Do they interfere with using the notebooks as notebooks? But they would make such nice gifts and I can think of people to make them for.

    1. Great question - they don't interfere at all Stella and they can be removed when the notebook is full and put on another notebook of the same size. Most notebooks are standard sizes - for these covers I used notebooks from Staples that are 9.75" x 7.5" but if you Google this size you'll find there's lots of choices available so the recipient won't have any trouble reusing the cover in the future. There's been a great response to the book covers so I'm thinking I'll put together a tutorial in the next couple of weeks :)

  16. Love the NYC fabric, but the telephone one with the colors is absolutely gorgeous!

  17. Visiting from Monday link up

    Sue in Jersey

  18. These are fantastic! Great fabric choices :)

  19. Beautiful!!! I'm sure they will love them. I love the telephone fabric.

  20. These are terrific! My daughter and son-in-law are teachers. I have to share this with them!

    I would love for you to share and link up at my TGIF Link Party.
    The party opens Thursday night and closes on Wednesday night at midnight.

    Please, invite your friends to party too! The more the merrier!

    Hugs, Cathy

  21. Great notebook covers. Your fabric selections are awesome!

  22. Yes I've made a few of these - my girls love them! Again - fabulous fabric!!!!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  23. Thanks for adding my button to your posts! =)

    Thanks so much for sharing at A Peek Into Paradise TGIF Link Party.

    I hope you will come party with us next week and see if you were featured! http://apeekintomyparadise.blogspot.com/

    Have a great week!

    Hugs! Cathy


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Chris Dodsley

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