teaching sewing confidence, tip by tip

Wednesday 19 December 2012

It's Here - It's Available !!!

Lots of bits and pieces to share so did a bit of a debate as to whether it was best to do one long post or a few short ones.  I've settled for one long one but I'll try to do mainly pictures and not talk too much!

Firstly, great news for anyone who saw and fell in love with the paper pieced butterfly that I tested for Juliet of Tartankiwi - the pattern is available now on her blog and for the time being it's free to download.     Update on 14 February 2015, please contact Juliet directly via her blog for information about the purchasing the pattern.

If you do have a go at your own butterfly be sure to let me know how you go on, I'd love to see :)

Updated 12.41 pm, 2 May 2014

I do not receive payment from Juliet @Tartankiwi for testing her patterns, nor do I receive commission on any patterns sold via her Craftsy page or any other sales method.  This post is purely informational and of no direct benefit, monetary or otherwise, to me.

I've been busy buying lots of fabric and here's a quick peep at what I'll be working with over the next few months.

Remember a few weeks ago I was busy making place mats to take along to a 'finished edges' course at The City Quilter?  Well I finally finished the place mats and they're already being well used at our dinner table, thought to snap these photos today while they're still looking fairly new and lovely!!!

It was my first time sewing binding on completely by machine and I can now see the attraction - it's soooooo fast.  I still prefer hand stitching binding on my quilts but there's a lot to be said for whipping around a binding in minutes rather than hours!!!

In the same class, we also covered the 'no-bind' binding technique that I shared with you in my 'no-bind' pram/stroller tutorial.  This time, I made a small Christmas themed pot holder and it's already on its way to a new home just in time for Christmas.

Unfortunately, I was ill and couldn't make the second class but my friend, W and I are meeting up with our tutor, Christine Janove, over Christmas for a seasonal drink and to catch up on the bits we missed.


 A few weeks ago I told you about a throw I was attempting to crochet but I was having a bit of trouble as Tatty had eaten my bamboo crochet hook - well in the end she ate two of them and, given half a chance, she'd see her way through a full set.  Now my friend, V, who runs Tatty's Doggie Daycare at Fuzzybutz, Hoboken has told me that she's having a bamboo floor laid in her apartment - as Tatty goes to stay at V's when we go away I suggested this might not be a good idea!!!

Anyway back to the crocheted throw - well it's finished and it too has gone to a new home for Christmas.

Tatty loved it so much that I had to promise that I'll make her another one!

Disclaimer: This post is for informational purposes only, no payment or commission is received on click-throughs and opinions are my own.

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  1. Chrissie, your things look fantastic! I totally agree with the binding. When I'm in a rush I do it by machine, but still prefer sewing it by hand! The fabrics made me drool, literally! I'm looking forward to your future blog reports :) The crocheted throw looks so soft and fluffy. Just like Tatty :)))

    1. Loving the throw Kati - I got started on one for Tatty on the plane to Puerto Rico, so it's coming on really well! Haven't worked with a mohair/acrylic blend before but to be honest I couldn't tell there was acrylic in it, it was sooo soft. And all the fabrics - oh what to make next???!!! :)

  2. the placemats and coasters are lovely, but that throw is gorgeous!! What fabulous colours.

    1. Thanks Wendy, I'm loving the colours too - it's a variegated yarn and such a great colour blend :)

  3. I LOVE your version of Juliet's butterfly!!!

    1. Thanks Pam - can't wait to see what Juliet creates next :)

  4. Lovely fabrics, I'm looking forward to what you make with them. All of your projects are beautiful. The throw came out so pretty no wonder Tatty wanted one of her own:)

    1. She's laid claim to the second throw already Martha - she has very good taste! ;)

  5. I love those place mats and the throw looks fabulous.

    1. Thanks Lisa, I didn't think I was a quilted place mat girl but I think I've been converted! :)

  6. Thanks for all your support Chrissie and for being an excellent pattern tester

  7. Thanks Ann, crochet's so portable isn't it?! :)

  8. Too true Ann - twice I've asked a question on the blog of someone I chat with via email too and they've come back to me saying they've already told me about it previously. At those moments I feel like I'm spreading myself too thin! :)


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Chris Dodsley

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