teaching sewing confidence, tip by tip

Saturday 1 December 2012

A Bit Different - Mine's an 11-22-11-22

I've been tagged in a fun blogging game - in fact I've been tagged twice!!!  

Just over a week ago Cynthia at A Quilter by Night tagged me to play along with the 11-11-11-11 blogging game that's doing the rounds.  That was great but then it was Thanksgiving and I took my time getting my act together to answer Cynthia's questions during which time I was also tagged by Lisa at Hilltop House Creative Works.  Well the game sounds like fun so I've decided to give it a go but I'll be answering the 22 questions that the girls have asked me and tagging 22 blogs which makes mine more of an 11-22-11-22 but I like being a bit different.

Here are the rules:
- every tagged person has to tell 11 things about themselves
- the person who tagged you asked 11 questions, answer them
- ask 11 questions of the 11 blogs you're going to tag (the people you tag should have less than 200 followers)
- mention the blog that tagged you but don't tag them back

    Let's get started -11 things about me:
    1.  Born in St Helens, England.
    2.  I'm an eldest child.
    3.  I have 3 children, 2 sons aged 23 and 22 and 1 daughter who is 18.
    4.  I have lived in 7 houses in 4 locations.
    5.  I used to be an interior designer.
    6.  I trained as a hairdresser as my Saturday job when I was at school.
    7.  My first career was as a secretary and I use shorthand every day to write notes for myself.
    8.  In the 80s I sold Avon, Tupperware, Betterware and Amway as well as having my day job.
    9.  My first car was a red mini
    10.  Chrissie is my quilting/blogging name
    11.  I've lost 42 lbs in weight since last Christmas and a total of 80 lbs so far by not eating sugar.

      Now here are the 11 questions I was asked by Cynthia:

      1.  What was the first quilt you ever made?  
      My first quilt was a sampler quilt that I made for my daughter, Flicky.

      2.  Who taught you how to quilt?  
      The wonderful Christine Janove at my LQS in Manhattan.

      3.  Do you label your quilts?  
      I'm a member of the Quilt Alliance so we're very keen for quilters to SOS 'Save Our Stories' so that future generations can know more about where, why and when quilts were created.  I always hand write labels for my personal quilts using Archival Ink pens such as Pigma Micron.  I include the quilt name, date, my name, where I made the quilt, who I made it for, why I made it and the fabric details and care instructions.  The quilts that I am currently making to sell in my future Etsy store (I'm sure one day my green card will actually arrive!!!) aren't labelled in such a detailed personal way - they have a printed label with my company logo and care instructions.

      4.  What is your favourite city?  
      Of everywhere I've ever visited there were only 2 places that I knew I wanted to return to one day - the first was Iceland and the second was New York.  Years later my dream came true but soooo much bigger than I could ever have imagined and I still can't believe that I now live here.  Nothing's changed, it's still my favourite city in the world.

      View from my roof garden
       5.  Do you have a favourite museum?  
      The Victoria and Albert Museum, London - you can lose yourself in there for days with something for everyone.  My favourite section is the floor dedicated to Ceramics, oh I'm drooling just thinking about it!

      6.  What was/is your favourite subject in high school/college?  
      At secondary school (for the Brits reading this)/high school (for Americans reading this)/big school (for English Northeners reading this) my favourite subject was always English, especially when I got to write a story - I don't need asking twice to be able to pour words out onto paper and in this modern age on to a blog!

      7.  What is one of your favouite easy dinners to make?  
      Lamb Chops and Pea Puree with Crispy Pancetta by Ainsley Harriott - takes 10 minutes max and is restaurant quality.  If you're interested in the recipe post me a comment and I'll email it to you.

      8.  What was your first celebrity crush?  
      I want to say Donny Osmond but I wouldn't be telling the truth - my crush was on his older brother Merrill, who isn't looking as good for his age these days as Donny is!  Did anyone else have the Osmond's album 'The Plan' - I still have it, though it is so worn out from playing over and over with the arm back on the record player to make it repeat.

      9.  What are three things you are thankful for?  
      Besides the obvious answer of 'my kids' I'm thankful: 
      that I got back to England in time to spend a few hours with my Dad before he died earlier this year;
      that my dog, Tatty is so laid back, friendly and doesn't bite - those who have known me for a number of years will understand exactly why this is something for me to be thankful for!; and
      that I found quilting and blogging otherwise I don't know how I would have got through this last year. 

      10.  What are your views on Downton Abbey? 
      I love it and have just cried my way through the third series.  Unfortunately I think it's moving very quickly now and I can't help feeling that Julian Fellowes is forcing the writing for filming deadlines and around actors who chose to leave the show and somehow it's losing something there but I can't quite put my finger on it.  I think that for an ITV production it's excellent, they've pulled all the stops out and who doesn't love watching Dame Maggie Smith though I don't think you can ever beat a BBC period costume drama.

      11.  How would you describe your quilting style in three words?
      Colourful, Fun and Contemporary.

        Next are the 11 questions I was asked by Lisa:

        1.  What is the most memorable book you have read?
        Birdsong by Sebastian Faulks - both of my grandfathers fought in and survived WWI and this book helped me to understand something about that time, what they went through and the longer term effect it has had on my family.

        2.  What are you reading right now?  Would you recommend it?  
        Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn  I'm not sure yet if I'd recommend it - I was really enjoying it and I'm now about two thirds of the way through but I've just been disappointed to discover that very early on I saw right through the plot.  I'm hoping there'll be another twist (that I don't guess) before the end or it's all been a bit too predictable for me.

        3.  If you could have any job in the world it would be ...?  
        I'd like to be a Mum with my 3 grown children small once more so I could do it all over again, maybe changing a few bits here and there but enjoying it all a lot more without worrying so much.

        4.  The song/group playing in your music player (ipod, car cd player, itunes, etc) right now is?  
        Katy Perry radio on Pandora on my TV.

        5.  Favourite animal and why?
        Dogs - for their faithfulness, unconditional love and friendship and all the pleasure they bring.

        How could you not love Tatty?

        6.  Why do you like to quilt?  
        It occupies my hands and my head at the same time - and that takes quite some doing.  It has helped me through a very difficult year.  A huge bonus is all those projects that I'm then able to pass on to family and the pleasure this gives them and me.  Not to mention all the friends I've made along the way through my LQS shop/courses, the NYC Metro Quilt Guild and the Quilternet.

        7.  Favourite meal to cook and for whom?
        Full English Breakfast for my family - who doesn't love a full English?!!!

        8.  What was the last thing you learned?  
        How to use my new phone - the Samsung Galaxy Note II - I only got it on Thursday this week and it's a total revelation to me as my previous phone could only make calls and send texts, it didn't even have a camera in it.  My head's spinning as I'm on the steepest learning curve ever but I think I might be a little bit in love with it!

        9.  What was the last thing you taught someone? 
        Does toilet training my dog, Tatty, count?!

        10. Your favourite colour is ... ?  
        I think that will have to be lime green - I love to use it in small amounts alongside other colour combinations - it really makes colours sing.

        11.  Tell us about your best trip/vacation ever or one that you would like to go on.  
        Visiting my 2 sons wherever they are living in the world are the best trips for me.  You can't go wrong when they're living in beautiful destinations such as San Diego and Paris and now I might get to see Seville too.

          Now here are my questions for the blogs I'm tagging:
          1. Are you in a Quilt Guild, if you are then tell us about it?
          2. What's the longest you've lived somewhere and where was it?
          3. What's your favourite item that you've ever made and why?
          4. What books do you have by your bed?
          5. What do your friends and family think about you quilting?
          6. Where are you spending Christmas Day this year and who with?
          7. When did you buy your first sewing machine?
          8. Why did you start blogging?
          9. Who is your favourite actor/actress and what's the best role you've seen them in?
          10. How/where do you store your fabric?
          11. What's the best hair style you've ever had and why?

          And finally, here are the blogs I'm tagging:

          I'm not going to contact the people I've tagged - if they see the post and want to join in that's up to them, I don't want to turn it into a chain letter type of thing. I also took advantage of being tagged twice and picked 2 x 11 blogs to tag and maybe not everyone will join in anyway.  So here's a list of some of the bloggers that follow my blog, who have been actively blogging in November and who I don't think have already been tagged.

          1. Celebrate Quilts and More 
          2. Crafternoon Delight
          3. Dancing Moon
          4. Fabric Engineer
          5. Foster Reviews It
          6. Handmade by Farah Lin
          7. HelenNoBlog
          8. Kati's Quilting and Sewing
          9. Kinda Quilty
          10. Knotted Cotton 
          11. Little Bunny Quilts 
          12. My Life in Binding
          13. Quilt Candy
          14. Quilter in the Closet
          15. Quilting for England
          16. red raspberry
          17. St Victor Quilts
          18. The Agitprop Quilter
          19. The Knitting Quilter
          20. The Red Headed Mermaid
          21. Ullhrvan
          22. Weekend Doings

          I hope you've enjoyed finding out more about me.

          Follow on Bloglovin


          1. What an awesome post! I love your answer to my question #3 - it has really made me stop and think. Your most meaningful read has hit a chord with me also - I think I will have to find myself a copy of that book. Thanks for sharing and playing along!

          2. Your roof garden must be heaven!

            Wish i was there.


            1. Love it Fiona, though it was a bit of a mess out there after the hurricane but nothing that can't be fixed/replaced so nothing to complain about :)

          3. Oh that's really silly of me, I never thought to write that!

            Eggs (we have them fried and sunny side up), bacon (our bacon rashers are cut from the loin instead of the belly so there's hardly any fat in it) and sausages (we like plain pork ones best).

            Then you can add options such as baked beans (only Heinz will do), fried mushrooms, grilled tomatoes, fried bread, toast, bread and butter and black pudding (pearl barley, onion, pork back fat, pig's blood, herbs and spices).

            I could soooo eat it now :)

          4. Such a wounderful post. It is great learning more about. Sorry to hear about your Dad. We share the same experience on how we got into quilting and blogging.
            I always enjoy your pictures of NY, that is my dream city to vist... hopefully soon.

            1. Thanks Martha, quilting, blogging, dream cities and dogs! I know we'd get on if we met :)

          5. Thanks for tagging me, but I was tagged..http://fabricengineer.blogspot.com/2012/11/blog-tag.html

            It was fun reading about you though!

            1. Hi Amanda, I thought I was doing a good job with keeping with reading all the blogs on my reading list but this post passed me by! I've been back and caught up now though - Reeces' Peanut Butter Cups - one of my favourites too! :)

          6. Got so excited by the fact that you had tagged me and rushed off to do my own post that I forgot to tell you how much I enjoyed reading your post! it is a great way to get to know people and thank you for tagging me.

            1. Lin, I so enjoyed reading your post too - I'm particularly loving your white wholecloth Sashiko quilt! The questions are fun aren't they? Thanks for popping back :)

          7. It was such fun reading more about you - totally with you on the breakfast (except it's a full Scottish one here, of course;-) Thank you for tagging me, I got tagged back in November! http://www.knottedcotton.com/2012/11/tag.html

          8. Another fun post, Chrissie - love getting to know more about you, thanks for sharing and thanks for tagging me as well!

            Have a great week!

            1. No problem Farah, hope your holiday prep is well underway! :)

          9. Chrissie, so fun getting to know you better - what a great post. :).

          10. Great interview! I always wanted to know about the Full English ever since I heard of it from Hyacinth. Sounds wonderful...maybe not the pudding, tho. I do want your recipe for peas and pancetta, please.

            1. Hi Helen, I don't eat black pudding myself but my Mum and husband love the stuff! I'll scan the recipe tomorrow and email it to you. :)

          11. Thanks for the tag - and you thought we wouldn't notice?

            Nice blog post, learned alot more about you. I better get to answering some questions :)

            1. Well you never know who's actually reading your posts really do you unless, of course, they leave a comment. Didn't like to make any assumptions but fun that quite a few of you that were tagged actually did see it!!! :)

          12. Toilet training the dog definitely counts as teaching.

          13. I love Tatty asleep in the bed, so cute.
            Thanks for sharing

          14. Thanks for the tag. Have been tagged by Lisa @ Hilltop House but haven't posted yet so may just have to do what you have done too! It is so lovely to learn a bit more about each other. Definitely love an English Breakfast too ( is there any other kind?! ) but without the black pudding. ;)

            1. How funny that you've been tagged twice too - the game is really moving around quickly! Oh and I can't do black pudding either!!! :)

          15. Haha, I just read your post! What? Yes, 19 days later, I know... I'm glad I've got to it tho because I had no idea about a lot of things... I'll write up a blogpost after the Christmas craze is done and I can finally breath :)

            1. Lol, there's no hurry Kati and don't do it if you're pushed for time - get better real soon too :)

          16. I really enjoyed reading this post and learning more about you Chrissie! You sound like me at school, I loved English with a passion, as you say, perhaps that's why we love blogging!


          I love to hear from everyone, thank you for taking the time to read my blog and share your thoughts. Please leave a message to let me know you visited, it's a great way to get to know you all better too :)

          Chris Dodsley

          Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.