teaching sewing confidence, tip by tip

Friday 3 March 2017

Worth The Wait? Boxer Shorts

Worth The Wait? Boxer Shorts

This post contains a Craftsy affiliate banner for which I am paid commission on click-through purchases. Otherwise, no payment or commission is received for click-throughs to shared links; the post is for informational purposes only and all opinions are my own.

When my son, Joe, came over for Christmas 2014, we bought some Alexander Henry, Hurry Down The Chimney fabric and I promised to make him some boxer shorts.

front of shorts

Christmas 2015, I realised I still hadn't made them but I needed to get his pressies in the post to him so sent the package off without making the boxers.

front of shorts with fly and label detail

Christmas 2016, he came over for Christmas again and on the last day of his visit I remembered the boxer shorts.

There was no way I was letting him leave without them, so while he was packing I made them.

back of the shorts

He was able to try them on for me just before his Uber came to take him to the airport.

Another WIP/UFO crossed off the list!!!

I've used The Essential Boxer Shorts pattern by Fishsticks (pdf pattern no longer available) twice before and I've also made PJ bottoms.  I shared the details in these four posts - click the images to read more.

Have you had UFOs hanging around for ages and then pulled off a finish in a jiffy?  
Share your stories in the comments, we'd all love to hear them 😊

Worth The Wait? Boxer Shorts

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This post contains a Craftsy affiliate banner for which I am paid commission on click-through purchases. Otherwise, no payment or commission is received for click-throughs to shared links; the post is for informational purposes only and all opinions are my own.

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Linky Parties This post may be linked to some great Linky Parties, always a great source of inspiration too. If you click through to my 'Fave Linky Parties' page you can see where I like to share my work.

Online Quilting Class


  1. Haha! These are great Chris and what a trooper Joe is to model them on his way out the door :)

  2. Either he had a ton of stuff to pack or these boxers were amazingly easy to make. I have tons of odd things just sitting around waiting for action... but hopefully none that would be so quick to finish. And, kudos to the son who let you take and post that picture!

  3. It is always great to see other people have so many plans and not follow through. that is me 100%, The projects I have around my house are crazy

  4. Love them! I will have to look for the pattern.

  5. Very fun! Sad to see that the pattern was taken down, I wonder if I can find something similar?

  6. Love the fabric. I have used this pattern for my DH it is fantastic and so easy

  7. Cute, I love that fabric! Thank you for sharing at The Really Crafty Link Party. Pinned!

  8. Very festive indeed! #RealCraftyLinkParty

  9. I think these were definitely worth the wait! What a great pair of boxers. Thanks for linking up to TGIFF this week!

  10. I totally had years old UFO-s, I finished 5 of them in the first 5 days of the year :) not big things, just like a tote, bikini bags, etc...

  11. I'm so pleased I'm not the only one who can take years to finally finish things. Definitely worth the wait!

  12. I bet he loves the boxers! Great fabric for Christmas.


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Chris Dodsley

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