teaching sewing confidence, tip by tip

Sunday 17 March 2013

Laminated Zipper Pouch

Sorting through photos on my laptop I found some that I haven't shared with you before.  Last April I did a course at The City Quilter, Manhattan, taught by my friend Andrea Deal 'Laminated Zipper Pouch' and here're the results:

Laminated Echino (Japanese Imported) - Owl/Deer patchwork with red flowers and Echino Dots - Pink. Linen/Cotton designed by Etsuko Furuya for Kokka (Japanese Import)

I love this toiletries bag and have used it over and over - regularly throwing it into my oversized handbags to keep all those girly bits and bobs together in one easy to grab place.

I promised myself that I was going to make more, lots more, you know as you do when you attend a course and I even bought several laminated fabrics ready to make them but I've never got around to it.  Something else on my 'to do' list.  Well, maybe when I get back from Scotland? ...

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  1. Hi Chrissie! It´s a lovely, cutie, and professional pouch! Have a good trip!

  2. Oh wow this is gorgeous, love it. So handy, beautiful and practical too :-)

    Have a wonderful trip xx

    1. Thanks Sarah, I love how bright and cheerful it is and it's soooo useful. I wasn't sure about the size at first - made it with Flicky in mind, she didn't want it so I kept it for myself. Guess what, she's more than wanted it when she's seen me using it over the last year! Maybe I'll have to make her one?!!! :)

  3. I've never worked with laminates. Did you have any problems or any tips to share?

    1. Hi Angela, I did a post a while back about making Mug Rugs using laminated fabric which you may find interesting - here's the link, but my main tip is to add a layer of baking parchment or tissue paper between the laminated fabric and the sewing plate to help it slide and you can tear it off your sewing afterwards. :)

  4. That's lovely...I have not tried sewing laminate yet, but that makes me want to give it a go. I actually picked up some stuff to make my own laminate fabric...it's just not getting used. =)

    I love that fabric in your pouch...so cheerful. Have a great day!

  5. Your bag looks so bright and fun! Your photography is awesome too. I'm needing to "up" my photo skills and I'm researching new cameras. Any suggestions? Maybe it's not so much the camera but the operator that needs improving (for me)!

    1. Thanks Julie, I have 4 cameras that I alternate between - one being on my Samsung Galaxy Note II phone, but I only use it for Instagram not for my blog.

      My carry around camera is a Canon PowerShot G11 - I love it because its a great point & shoot to carry in your handbag but I can override all the automatic features and use it manually too and I couldn't live without a tilting/twisting screen. I've had it quite a few years now so I think they have more up-to-date models but it's pretty incredible. It's particularly good in museums and art galleries as it takes excellent indoor shots without flash - no blurring, this might not be something that matters to you but as an Art & Design student this was a 'must have' for me.

      My third camera is a Nikon D200 Digital SLR - I use this to take all my 'finished quilt' photos when I want the best quality photos possible but I don't enjoy carrying it around with me, far too big and heavy. Finally I have my manual Canon EOS500 'film' SLR but I don't use this for my blogging and quilting, just for darkroom work.

      Long and short of it I'd happily recommend the Canon PowerShot G11 to anyone, hope that helps some? :)

  6. Pretty, practical, bright, cheery and beautifully made - what more can I say!!

  7. Such a bright, fun pouch, Chrissie and totally practical, too. I have yet to sew with laminated fabrics, but I imagine it's much the same as leather.

    1. Haven't sewn with leather Pam so don't know - interesting one though. I've got the teflon foot now and that really makes a huge difference. :D

  8. fabulous pouch!

    1. Thanks, it's my all time favourite and used over and over :D


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Chris Dodsley

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