Saturday 26 April 2014

Pattern Available Now


A quick post to let you know the FPP Panda I tested for Juliet @The Tartankiwi is now available here on Craftsy and for a short time it's free.  Hurry over and download a copy.

Enjoy your weekend :D

Updated 9.30 pm, 26 April 2014

Juliet has posted about my block along with her own and third version by Suz @All The Good Ones Are Taken.

Updated 9.18 am, 29 April 2014

The Panda pattern is no longer free - but it's still very reasonably priced at $2.95.

Updated 12.41 pm, 2 May 2014

I do not receive payment from Juliet @Tartankiwi for testing her patterns, nor do I receive commission on any patterns sold via her Craftsy page or any other sales method.  This post is purely informational and of no direct benefit, monetary or otherwise, to me.

Updated 5.39 pm, 14 February 2015

Anyone with questions about Juliet's patterns should contact her directly via her blog.

Updated 11.56 pm, 14 July 2015

Juliet's patterns are currently available here on Etsy and also here on Payhip.

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  1. Thank you for the heads-up. Our zoo has a couple of pandas visiting right now.

  2. Thanks,It`s just fantastic!!

  3. I can't tell you how excited I am about you sharing this block. One of my best friends is Amanda and we call her panda all the time. Cheers and thanks again!

    Terri (came from the Anything Goes Monday)

  4. Your panda is beautiful. It must have been fun selecting the fabric to make it. You chose a beautiful combination of motifs and I find the panda striking with its blue eyes!

  5. Thanks for the link Chrissie, your panda is so darn cute!! Thanks for sharing.
    Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday

  6. Darn, I missed it, not free anymore :(

    1. I'm so sorry you missed out Connie, thanks for the heads up I've updated my post now :D

  7. Wonderful. Perfect colors.

  8. Great fabric choices! You did a very nice job on this

  9. Each of those pandas is absolutely adorable. But I must say... Your fabric choices are my fave! Great job, ChrissieD!

  10. So many great fabric possibilities and options to use with this delightful pattern. This one is a keeper. My daughter loves Pandas. Take care and have a good week. I found you via Freemotion by the river link up. :)

  11. too cute, Chrissie! Each one has its own personality!

    Thank you so much for partying at Needle and Thread Thursday!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  12. What's the deal -- deliberately posting a 'for sale' pattern today and saying it's free, just to get everyone to this site. I'm not impressed!

    1. I apologise Kat if you feel you were mislead by my blog post, I can assure you I in no way deliberately posted it today saying the pattern was free only to get people to my site in fact, as you can see from the top of the post itself I wrote it last Saturday, 26 April. The pattern is not mine and I do not receive any commission on sales of the pattern, I merely tested it for the pattern creator. At the point when I wrote the post, as my post title clearly states, the pattern was indeed for a short time free, I reiterated this also in the body of the post itself. I was not notified by the pattern creator when this position changed on Craftsy and when another reader told me on Tuesday that there was now a $2.95 fee for the pattern I updated the post quite clearly stating this, even including a date and time.

      When I have included the post in any linky parties since Tuesday I have been sure to put a linky title that states that the pattern is available but I have not said in the linky title that the pattern is free.

      Again, I apologise for any disappointment caused, it was not intentional and I'm sorry that you feel in some way that it was.

      Wishing you a good weekend

  13. I'm new at this. Where do I purchase the pattern? Any help is greatly appreciated. Kristine

    1. Hi Kristine, Juliet's patterns are currently available here on Etsy and also here on Payhip. I've just taken a look and the panda pattern is currently priced differently on each site so be sure to pick the one that works best for you. If you have any further questions about Juliet's patterns contact her directly via her blog, I know she'll be happy to help you - Chris :D


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Chris Dodsley

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