Sunday 27 April 2014


I am a Twitterer (a person who send tweets on the Twitter service) but I really don't have a clue how to use it properly.  I do know enough, however, to realise I had a Twitter-ific (a slang term used to describe something terrific you find on Twitter) experience last Wednesday. ICYMI (short for "in case you missed it", the abbreviation may appear in a tweet that is a repost from the same person, just in case their followers missed it the first time it was tweeted) I've done a screenshot for you.

How thrilled am I?!!!

Closely followed on Saturday with this Facebook feature by Aurifil

My goodness Tatty's been a very popular dog all round this week with features all over the place.  Catch my original post here.

And me, well I'm beaming from ear to ear.

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  1. Wow...I knew you when! You are famous. I'm sooooo happy for you.

    1. I'm doing what I can to keep my feet on the ground Vicki ;D

  2. That's some awesome Twitter-love right there! I wish my dog didn't have such a chewing fetish because I'd be all over a cute dog bed like yours.

    1. Oh Tatt's is quite the digger dog and she's encouraged her new young brother to be the same. The bed doesn't look quite so pretty any more and has been restuffed and resewn many times - as is the way with any dog bed/stuffed toy that risks its life in our apartment! :D

  3. Don't you feel like you have rubbed elbows with the rich and famous!! =D Good for you!!

  4. Is that fun or what!

  5. Woo! That's awesome. What a cute pic :) One time AMH herself commented on my flickr pic and I almost fell over!

  6. wow I would be so thrilled and excited. Well done

  7. What a fantastic compliment!! You deserved it!! I would be totally stoked too.

  8. Wonderful. Delighted for you! I'd be hopping around the kitchen after reading those.

  9. So fun! Congrats on the shout outs. I haven't joined the Twitter group yet but probably will at some point. Instagram neither.

    1. Thanks Michele. I'm not in love with Twitter but I'm crazy about Instagram - exactly what it says, instant, and the quilting community is so supportive on there. To be honest I think it's stopped quite a few people blogging as much as they did, they prefer the immediate interaction available there and not having to say much, guess I'll be blogging for quite some time then because I always have a heck of a lot to say!!! ;D

  10. Fun! I love it when someone like that (famous) acknowledges your work!


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Chris Dodsley

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