Thursday 9 February 2017

Tokyo Sunrise + Twilight Cushion [Zipper + Pointy Corner Removal Tutes]

Tokyo Sunrise + Twilight Cushion with tutes

My sofas have been bare of cushions for 5 years now.  That's really hard for me to admit.  I love a good cushion, I write tutes for cushions, and I used to have my own interior design company.

So how come I don't have cushions piled high on every sofa, chair and bed in my apartment?

The culprits?

Havanese dogs - photo belongs to

Yes, there are two of them.  

I have one ball of fluff who doesn't want cushions on the sofas and, displaying similar behaviour to three toddlers I lived with many years ago, she throws them on the floor faster than I can pick them up.  My second ball of fluff likes to chew through fabric, any fabric, to retrieve stuffing and create stuffing clouds and mountains - well, how is a little man expected to know the difference between tearing apart his latest cuddly toy to enjoy the stuffing snack buried deep within, and the mighty feast in store when he opens up a cushion?!!! 

I've finally had enough - I'm going to risk making a few cushions and using them.


I raided my fabric stash from my 2015 trips to Japan and also to Seattle.

Exploring Japan
Nippori Textile Town / Kyoto's Handmade Needle Man / Tokyo's Blue & White
Exploring Japan - Tokyo Nippori Textile Town by Exploring Japan - Kyoto Needle Man by Exploring Japan - Tokyo Blue and White Store by
Additional posts about Tokyo Shopping, Kurashiki and more coming soon!

Exploring Seattle WA series:
Undercover Quilts / Dry Goods Design

Exploring Seattle - Undercover Quilts by Exploring Seattle - Dry Goods Design by 

Trialling my fabric choices on my design wall, I'm hoping these cotton linens will withstand the rough and tumble of daily life with the pups.

Tokyo Sunrise + Twilight Cushion with tutes

left - selvedge reads Project by Cotton
right upper - selvedge reads Project by Cotton
right lower - Monochrome by ellen baker for Kokka

Tokyo Sunrise + Twilight Cushion with tutes

I've done a small amount of hand quilting

Tokyo Sunrise + Twilight Cushion with tutes

and some french knots on the cushion front.

Tokyo Sunrise + Twilight Cushion with tutes
Tokyo Sunrise + Twilight Cushion with tutes

Tokyo Sunrise + Twilight Cushion with tutes

cream embroidery thread - Presencia Finca #8 colour #4000 Dark Ecru 
variation thread red/orange/pink - DMC Perle Cotton #5 colour #4200 Wild Fire

Tokyo Sunrise + Twilight Cushion with tutes

As always, I've added my label to the side seam.

Tokyo Sunrise + Twilight Cushion with tutes

I'm looking to the pop of colour from the red zipper to provide a link and pull together the back and the front so I've left it visible on the back instead of hiding it under a flap.

Tokyo Sunrise + Twilight Cushion with tutes

The visible zipper technique is exactly the same as I describe in my Updated & Even Easier Hidden Zipper Tute.  As I said, I've just left the flap off and I've also removed the pointy corners using my No More Empty Corners (aka Bunny Ears) tute.

Hidden Zipper Tute by No More Empty Corners (aka Bunny Ears) Tute by

Attaching the zipper is so easy and NO PINS!!!  Try my tute and see for yourself!
Tokyo Sunrise + Twilight Cushion with tutes
Tokyo Sunrise + Twilight Cushion with tutes

Tokyo Sunrise + Twilight Cushion with tutes Tokyo Sunrise + Twilight Cushion with tutes

Tokyo Sunrise + Twilight Cushion with tutes

Everything's looking good right now...

Tokyo Sunrise + Twilight Cushion with tutes

...but possibly not for long!

Tokyo Sunrise + Twilight Cushion with tutes

Do you have furry friends, toddlers or teenagers who sabotage your home decor?
Share your stories in the comments :D

Tokyo Sunrise + Twilight Cushion with tutes


Tokyo Sunrise + Twilight Cushion with tutes

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Linky Parties This post may be linked to some great Linky Parties, always a great source of inspiration too. If you click through to my 'Fave Linky Parties' page you can see where I like to share my work.


  1. Love that triangles print, so vibrant. I like canvas for pillows that end up on the floor (especially big ones). I finished a pillow this week too, would you like to come join my TGIFF linkup?

  2. Love the pillows. I have a fur baby (cat) who does the same thing. Not with pillows but with her toys. She hates things on your catpost so we pick them up and she knocks them down.

    1. Ha, you've reminded me of one of our cats back in England - Monroe. She slept in my son's room and in the mornings she tried various methods of waking him, building her way up to biting his face and, if that didn't work, she'd then knock all items off shelves and window ledges. I haven't thought about her in a while, thanks for bringing back fun memories :D

  3. Love that pillow!! I hope the culprits don't go after it but, if I had to choose, I'd choose the pups! :-)

  4. You are so not alone living in a home where the dogs rule! It would take me less time to list the things that one of the dogs hasn't chewed over the years. If you can catch them BEFORE the rug is a pile of strings or the cushion fluff is all over the room I use Grannicks bitter apple spray on everything. It has never stained anything I have used it on which includes an antique Persian rug and nearly every cushion I have ever made for the couch. It doesn't smell to us but the dogs do not like the smell/taste at all and I don't have to worry about my blood-pressure going through the roof. I get it on here on Amazon

    1. We've used the spray and it sadly it didn't work - well, it was a deterrent for a couple of days and then the desire to chew must have been more overwhelming than the dislike of the smell and taste. Threatening them with a trip to the sausage factory hasn't worked either ;D it's a good job we love them so much :D

  5. Love your cushion - your furry ones are cute too :)

    1. Thanks Lesley, good to hear from you, hope you're well. Biased I know, but I think they're cute too!!! :D

  6. Such a pretty cushion. I really like the hand-quilting for extra texture.

    1. Can't get enough of hand quilting these days Caroline, I too love the texture :D

  7. Love the cushions and those 2 sweeties, well butter wouldn't melt. I have a cushion hater as well, he has even had the main sofa cushions off before, so naughty.

  8. I love the hand quilting detail, it adds so much:)

    1. Totally into handwork these days Vicky, if it stands still and I can get a needle in it...!

  9. This fabric is beautiful. At first I thought it might be patchwork, but a print is even better! I'm having a bit of a cushion cover making phase at the moment, I love the hand stitch detail, that's an idea I might well steal/borrow/be inspired by! Thanks for sharing at #HandmadeMonday

    1. Go for it Julia, warning - it's so addictive! Loving the cushions you've been making too :D

  10. Fabulous pillows! I love the fabrics, and that bit of hand stitching puts them over the top!

    1. Hi Paula, I'm on a cushion mission at the moment and combining that with my craze for handwork. How are you doing? It's great to hear from you, hope you're enjoying QuiltCon - I had to cancel due to a business trip that's now been postponed until March :'( enjoying it vicariously through IG x

  11. Oh I love the colors. Thanks for linking to the #homemattersparty

  12. I'm so glad you found your way to my blog Suzie, and thanks for your lovely comment. Go for it, get your sewing machine out and I hope you'll visit again and stay in touch :D - Chris

  13. The cushions are pretty but your fluff balls just stole the show. So cute!!!

  14. Love how that zipper closure works as a design element! And the hand quilting is such a nice extra. Beautiful, Chris!


I love to hear from everyone, thank you for taking the time to read my blog and share your thoughts. Please leave a message to let me know you visited, it's a great way to get to know you all better too :)

Chris Dodsley

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