Wednesday 20 January 2016

My 5 Step Plan To Clear My UFOs/WIP

In a bid to clear my workspace of UFOs/WIP I've come up with a 5 Step Plan.

It's not a new idea, it's quite a common one lots of us have at the start of a new year, I've had it before, truth be told I had it last year and the year before that too but I've never seen it through yet.  So how can I make it different this year, put my idea into action and clear my work area?

This is my 5 Step Plan to ensure progress in 2016.  

Step 1 - Put The Plan Out There
Finish my UFOs/WIP (UnFinished Objects/Work In Progress).
I'm hoping sharing my plan here on the blog gives me the incentive I need to achieve Step 2 in the sense of accountability.

Step 2 - Complete At Least One UFO/WIP A Month
Should be doable even with all my travel and more!

Step 3 - Make A UFO/WIP List
I'm quite the list maker and the only shock is that I've not done this before so now I've created an inventory of all the fabric based UFOs/WIP currently stashed away in my workspace.  I'm not talking wool or any other media here just fabric.  

There were no hidden surprises for me in putting this list together, I remembered every single project as I lifted it out and handled it again - I do have all my projects bagged separately which makes storing them/finding them easy and all the necessary pieces, notes, pattern and fabrics, etc are in the bag too. 

The horror of creating the list came in seeing the length of it once it was written down, I've got quite a task on my hands if I want to complete everything in the next 12 months and let's not mention taking on any new projects but that's getting ahead of myself, I'll be happy to complete just the one project a month!

Step 4 - Share The List With You 
To reinforce the accountability aspect of this 5 Step Plan, I'm sharing the list.

I've added links to any UFOs/WIP that I've posted about previously, useful for me and possibly interesting for you if you're new to my blog or fancy a trip down memory lane with me.

Bear's Paw quilt - NYC Metro MOD Quilt Guild Bee Quilt - 2012
Transparency quilt - 2012
5 baby quilts - 2012
Sliced improv block quilt - NYC Metro MOD Quilt Guild Bee Quilt - 2013
Skillbuilder quilt - 2013
Giant HST quilt - NYC Metro MOD Quilt Guild Bee Quilt - 2014
Shirt quilt - 2014
Cloud 9 circles quilt - 2015
Aviatrix quilt - 2015
Quilting By The Lake quilt - 2015
Batik animal quilt - 2012-2015
Improv curves quilt - 2015
Jelly roll quilt - 2015
Sliced jelly roll quilt - 2015
3 Snugglies - 2015

Hand Sewing
Cross stitch - lilies - 2003
Coffin hexies - 2013
Hand quilted quilt - 2013
Hexie hexies - 2014

Flicky's skirt - 2014
Boxer shorts x 2 - 2015
Flicky's PJ bottoms - 2016

Textile Crafts
Pirate dolls - 1998
Flicky's book cover - 2010
Mini butterfly cushion - started December 2012
Jelly Roll block cushion - 2013
Xmas cushion - 2013
Flapped tissue case - 2013
Snail block - 2013
Fabric book - 2014
Sashiko cushions (several) - 2015
Feather cushion - 2015
Create fabric covers for 2 canisters - 2015
Tula Pink storage containers - 2015

Textile Art
Quilting By The Lake - Series 1 - 2015
Quilting By the Lake - Series 2 - 2015

Repair handles on felted bag - 2012
Replace worn blocks on Simon's quilt - 2015
Replace buttons on Button quilt - 2015
Restuff and mend teddy - 2015
Repair various clothes for family - 2015

Step 5 - Share Progress Monthly Throughout 2016
I'll post my progress monthly and update my list - again this gives accountability.

I've already started working on two of the quilts on the list - my hand quilted quilt now just needs binding and I've already started machine quilting my sliced improve block quilt so there's progress to report already.  I'm hoping the hand quilted quilt will be a finished quilt by the end of today - I think I've just set myself a deadline challenge!

To keep track of everything in one place I've created a blog page so you can click through and see this post and each of my monthly update reports; you can click through to it here.

Have you sworn to clear your UFOs/WIP this year?  How are you going about it?
Do share your ideas, you might just inspire someone to do the same :D

Clicking on an image will take you to a new page of crafty goodness :)

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Related Posts

Linky Parties
This post may be linked to some great Linky Parties, always a great source of inspiration too.  If you click through to my 'Fave Linky Parties'  page you can see where I like to share my work.


  1. I'm with you. I am trying to finish Bonnie Hunters mystery quilt along with my newer projects. It was exciting to see your list of projects.....kind of looks like mine, lots and lots of unfinished projects. I am going to try to finish an old one with each new one, maybe......

  2. Good for you, girl! I'm not working on UFOs, but I am trying to sew through my stash as much as possible the first half of this year, making quilts for the infusion center at my doctor's office. They have eighteen chairs, and I'm hoping to make one for each! I've certainly got enough fabric for it..... ;-)

  3. Wow - what fun to click on your list and see the projects, and then to click and see older projects too. Always an inspiration. And learning that you have unfinished projects is somehow reassuring as you do finish so many! Will be enjoying reading and seeing your progress!

    1. Thanks June, it's great to hear that owning up my UFOs is reassuring. Over the last couple of years work load has meant that my blog posts are all about finishes and not so much about the ongoing progress or my home life. I like thinking that this post showed I'm still human, lol - Chris :D

  4. Hello Chris. Happy New Year! Wow - that is some list. Good luck. I too have started a year of UFO clearing but have resisted making a list - I think the main thing will be to 'Not start anything new'!! I wonder how long I will be able to resist that. xx

  5. You can do it! My quilt guild inspired me to work on my UFOs. In April I had 60 tops (my quilts are VERY simple). I'm down to 13! I'm forcing myself to not begin any new quilt until they are done. It's VERY hard, but I'm doing it!

  6. Wow Chris, you're so brave. I wouldn't go there, good luck!

  7. I saw your badge and first successes on Instagram this morning -- I've been mentoring my students (and myself) through UFQ's (as I call them) for a decade -- your 5-step plan is very close to what I encourage though I'd never suggest anyone try to clear "all" of them in one year. Just not enough fun in that -- need some excitement, too!!

    1. Absolutely agree Mary, I finished 6 projects in 2 weeks and then this weekend started a brand new project not on the list just to keep things fresh. I've had white batting delivered today so I'll be back to my UFOs tomorrow!

  8. that's quite an undertaking, Chris! Bravo to you, and I know you'll make some serious headway in clearing those off! I think a detailed plan and accountability is definitely the key!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  9. Lovely. I've got some things to finish also. Take care, Linda

  10. Hello Chris, I've made my list and it is a long one! I just wish it didn't resemble last year's list so closely ... Maybe this year I can shorten it! Good Luck and have fun! Lynne.

  11. Wow this is impressive. (and brave) good luck!

  12. You go girl! Best of luck and we'll be watching lol. Came from the chicken chick.

  13. I love this! I just cannot get even close to making a list and trying to work down it myself. That being said, I've finished up 2 WIP's in January and have another very close. My goal is to whittle them down a bit this year and finish things up. I wish you the best of luck!

    1. I wish you so much luck too Cathy and yay for your finishes so far. I've just posted my January Progress Report and I'm pretty pleased with myself - is that allowed?!!! :D

  14. I've done a similar thing this year too! It was such a shock for me as well that I hadn't thought to make a list before because I'm the ultimate list maker. May I do as well as you this year. Good luck on whittling down those WIPs.

    1. We must be the List Making Queens - let's do this together, let me know how you're getting on. It's certainly giving me a focus knowing I'm reporting back to my readers at the start of each month, how embarrassing if I just hadn't done anything. Quite amazed how it's motivating me each day!!! - Chris :D


I love to hear from everyone, thank you for taking the time to read my blog and share your thoughts. Please leave a message to let me know you visited, it's a great way to get to know you all better too :)

Chris Dodsley

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