Thursday 31 December 2015

10 Top Blog Posts Of 2015 Countdown

As we say goodbye to 2015 I've put together a countdown of my top 10 viewed posts of 2015 - did you see them all? Here's your chance to catch any you missed.

I thought I'd jazz things up by including this youtube vid that you can play as a musical accompaniment - British readers of a certain age might remember the BBC Pick of the Pops theme tune

10 Top Blog Posts Of 2015 Countdown:
Let's get things started and at #10 it's a tie, two posts with the exact same number of views. The first is What's A Selvedge? and who could blame you for loving my two fluffy friends Tatty and Watson in What Took You So Long?.

You really loved following my Yuma QAL progress and there was such a great response from you all for my fabric choices and the tips I published along the way, thanks everyone for your support :D

As an extra to my day on the Benartex Burlap Brights Block Hop, I showed you how to turn a block into a pillow cushion cover - my hidden zipper cushion tute is one of your most favourite of my tutes too, not too surprising to see this one in the top 10.

When I joined in Selvage Along 2015 I really wasn't prepared for just how popular my selvedge fabric and zippy pouch tutes were going to be, wow don't you love them!!!

Whenever I make a Noodlehead Divided Basket I know you'll all love seeing pics - it doesn't matter what I've put in these baskets: knitting goodies (twice); toiletries; and baby essentials; you've loved them all equally.  One of these days I'll make a basket and keep it for myself!

Some of you have already brought pillowcases you've made using this technique post along to my Friday night classes to show me; how that makes my day :D  When I create posts I never know how the tutes will work for others and it's always wonderful to get feedback and to see your creations too.

I had a fabulous time in Japan and can report back that my student Aya loved the hand tied snuggly gift for her son Yu.  One of these days I'll get around to sharing my Japan fabric shopping adventures with you.  

Seems like a great many people, quilters, sewists and many more all want to know how to clean their cutting mats - back in May I shared my tips here:

Runner up to the #1 spot is my knitted tray tute.  Hugely popular and there was I thinking only quilters read my blog - def not the case ;D

Drum roll please for my blog post that takes the top spot in my 10 Top Blog Posts Of 2015 Countdown:

Who'd have thought a dish towel tute would be my most popular post of 2015?!!!  You loved it, no you went CRAZY for it making it not only my #1 post of 2015 but one of my most popular posts of all time.  Did you make any dish towels yet?  I did, I made lots and gave them away and made more, kept them and use them every day - and that's the best endorsement I can give them.  

I hope you've enjoyed my 10 Top Blog Posts Of 2015 Countdown and thanks for taking the time to follow and read my posts, I really appreciate it.  Time to wish you all a Happy New Year and I'll see you in 2016 - Chris :D

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Linky Parties
This post may be linked to some great Linky Parties, always a great source of inspiration too.  If you click through to my 'Fave Linky Parties'  page you can see where I like to share my work.

1 comment:

  1. What a great year! I am definitely going to make the selvage zippy!


I love to hear from everyone, thank you for taking the time to read my blog and share your thoughts. Please leave a message to let me know you visited, it's a great way to get to know you all better too :)

Chris Dodsley

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