Saturday 10 November 2012

What's For Breakfast? Mondrian and Ikat Of Course

Instead of eating breakfast this morning all I wanted to do was make my November Bee Blocks - remember I shared the fabric and instructions with you yesterday?

So that's exactly what I did and here's the results

the block on the left is 16.5" x 16.5" and the block on the right is 15.25" x 13.5"
In the end I changed my design for the right hand block so I could make a larger block and use more of the fabric I'd been sent.

While I was busy sewing, Simon picked up some pain au chocolat for us and Flicky's house guests - which were far more scrummy than the healthy breakfast option I'd have made for myself.  While all this was going on Tatty busily wrapped herself up in my Juicebox Sofa Quilt - I just love my dog xxx

Related Posts:
Ikat and Mondrian - My November Bee Block 

And you can click this link to see all of my NYC Mod Quilt Guild Bee Blocks and Challenge Blocks/Quilts.

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  1. They have turned out lovely Chrissie, your Queen Bee will be delighted I am sure.

    1. They're not too bad are they, I was nervous when I first saw the fabrics and wondered how I could incorporate them in a Mondrian design but I think it worked okay. I love them now and, as you say, hopefully Queen Been Dorothy will too. :)

  2. Oh how I would love to sew in stead of having breakfast! No such luck with the little mouths to feed in my house :-| The best time of day to sew by far, and what a lovely job you have done too. (Of course).

    1. I know Sarah, the advantages of my little ones being grown up and all but one gone - but oh how I'd love to have them little again to climb up on my knee one more time with jammy fingers, that would be better than sewing for breakfast though I didn't think so at the time! :)

  3. You did a lovely job with your Bee blocks. Your dog is adorable; my dogs like to do the same thing.

    1. Thanks Martha. I have a dog gate to keep Tatty out of my work area, much to her disgust and disappoint, or she'd be rolling in all the quilts I'm making ready to sell and I don't want her near them! She's quilt crazy!!! :)

  4. Ooooh, Tatty has such a good taste! :) Lovely blocks Chrissie!

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks Connie and yes, Tatty certainly knows how to make herself comfy! :)


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Chris Dodsley

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