Sunday 11 November 2012

Pressies From Seville

Look what arrived in my post yesterday ...

Fab pressies from my eldest son who is currently living in Seville, Spain.  They're for my birthday which was four weeks ago but he wasn't expecting the parcel to take quite as long as it has to get to the US.

There's a beautiful card, a notebook, a roll of blue ribbon and 3 gorgeous quilting weight fabrics.  A note in his card says that his Spanish girlfiriend added the fabrics (she knows I quilt) and he thought, well why not, but this got me very excited as my family haven't bought fabric for me before.

I'm wondering what to make using them and I'm thinking that the colours will go great in my bedroom so a cushion could be a good call, then again maybe I'd like a case for my crochet hooks or a travel wrap for my quilting tools?  

Decisions, decisions :)

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  1. Gorgeous fabric, your son's girlfriend is onto a winner there! I keep hoping my son's wives and girlfriends might do the same, but no luck so far! Will keep hinting though :)

    1. I love your comment Fiona. I'm not sure that Jack would ever have thought to buy me fabric himself and I'm pretty certain that my other son Joe will be put out that I didn't blog about the fabulous custom made birthday card that he spent a long time making and posting to me from England and posted off to me well in time for my birthday. I'm wondering now though if my blog post may back fire and I'll be drowning under quilting fabrics from hubby and all 3 kids for every future birthday, Mother's Day and Christmas!!! Then again, can a girl ever have too much fabric? ;)

  2. What a thoughtful gift - thoughtful son!

  3. What a nice gift! Your son is so thoughtful and must know you very well. He knew exactly what you wanted!

    1. It's lovely isn't it Rosemary - though I think I've got his girlfriend, Ana, to thank for introducing him to the idea of buying me fabric again in the future! :)

  4. These gifts are exceptional taste from anyone, let alone a young man! In my experience teen and twenty-something sons do well to remember mum's birthday at all, let alone get such loveliness and then manage to get it across the pond! You have obviously brought him up well x

    1. Hi Gertie, he didn't do too badly and he sent it all in a beautiful box along with some pressies for Flicky (her 18th birthday was 2 days before mine). As the day's gone on I'm feeling quite badly for my other son Joe, who sent us both wonderful cards that he'd custom made himself but as they weren't quilt related obviously I didn't post about them. He's a regular reader of my blog and I hope he won't feel too left out - mother's guilt and all that!!! Anyway, the upshot is that I'm a very lucky Mum with great kids :)

  5. What a thoughtful son, you raised him well.

    Hope his girlfriend's a keeper, Christmas is coming soon!

    F x

  6. It must've been the girlfriend's idea, She's a keeper! :) Happy Belated Birthday, I haven't had a chance to email you, but hope you had a joyful celebration with your friends last weekend! Looking forward to seeing what project you come up with!

    1. I'll have to have a word with both my boys - Criteria for finding Girlfriends ... must be able to choose great fabrics for Mum that she'll love to work with!!! Thanks for the birthday wishes, I kept very quiet about it and hid it well behind Flicky's 18th celebrations so the belated meal out with friends on Saturday evening was a very good one :)

  7. Geat gifts! What a thoughtful son (and girlfriend). I'm Looking forward to what you make those beauties.
    Happy Birthday! I hope you had a wonderful time.

    1. I did Martha, thank you, and I'm still pondering on what to make but I'm thinking maybe I could try out some fmq like we were discussing this morning! :)


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Chris Dodsley

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