Tuesday 13 November 2012

Starting The Week With A Big Goodbye

Yes this week is the last week on Plum & June's 'Let's Get Acquainted!' Blog Hop

The blog has been so much fun; Beth has done a marvellous job hosting the event and I think all of us that have participated have shared and learnt and grown in both our quilting and blogging over the 26 weeks.  I've made some great new blogging friends and one or two have also become firm friends now outside my blogging/quilting life so I've lots to thank Beth for.

To round up the series here's the final burst of blogs and tutorials for you to have a wander around:

Handling Shashiko Thread tutorial from Cynthia at A Quilter by Night
Phone Pillow tutorial and Tissue Cover tutorial from Diane at From Blank Pages
Party Monster T-Shirt tutorial  from Laura at Waffle Kisses
How To Share Photos From Flickr Onto Your Blog from Alyce at Blossom Heart Quilts
Christmas Yo-yo tutorial from Lynne at Bouts Choisis
Lasagna Quilt tutorial from Stacey at The Tilted Quilt


  1. I've had such a lovely wonder around those sites, and have book marked the complete list,
    I'm going to learn a lot.
    Merci beaucoup.

    1. Here's the full 26 week list of blogs that took part and here's a link to my day on the Blog Hop. It was such a great way for me to get to know more about quilting and blogging quickly, I'd recommend joining in with a hop if you can :)

  2. I've enjoyed the blog hops - discovering new blogs and getting lots of great blogging tips along the way. I couldn't agree with you more on Beth's fantastic job in hosting the event - i'm hoping to join in the fun if and when there is a next one.

    1. Absolutely - it'll be fun to get together again on another! :)


I love to hear from everyone, thank you for taking the time to read my blog and share your thoughts. Please leave a message to let me know you visited, it's a great way to get to know you all better too :)

Chris Dodsley

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