Friday 9 November 2012

Ikat and Mondrian - My November Bee Block

My NYC Mod November Bee Block fabric and instructions have arrived courtesy of Dorothy, our November Queen Bee.

What a package!

I've never worked with, or even seen, Ikat fabric before so that's something really new for me.  And then Dorothy's given us fab instructions to work along the lines of Piet Mondrian - well that set me off searching through photos I'd taken on one of my many trips to Tate Britain, London, knowing that I'd snapped a pic of one of his pieces there.

Piet Mondrian - Composition C (No.iii) with Red, Yellow and Blue 1935, Tate Britain, London, England

I've started having a think about how to put these blocks together and here's my favourite ideas so far.

I can feel another, busy, arty, sewing afternoon coming on :)


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Rachel, last night I wasn't sure how to work all the fabrics together but this morning it felt much clearer, wondering what the Ikat fabric will be like to cut and work with though! :)

  2. I was just discussing Mondrian yesterday! Seems that design idea is going to be a popular one this season. Your quilt will be beautiful!

    1. He's designs really do lend themselves to quilting don't they? :)

  3. Ooohh what an exciting challenge! Can't wait to see what you come up with xxx

    1. The Quilting Bee is the best thing ever, now I've got over my initial nerves at cutting into someone else's fabric and messing things up completely! It's so exciting to get a parcel of fabric and instructions each month, it really pushes you out of your comfort zones :)

  4. I love this post and the links within it. Can't wait to see what you come up with - your ideas are great!

    1. I'm loving being able to bring some of my art training into my quilting :)

  5. It's the fear of messing uo someone else's work that would terrify me...I mess up enough of my own!

    Amazing colours and patterns though, you'll have such fun.

    1. I know what you mean, I was so nervous when I first started but now although I still worry in case the Queen Been doesn't like my block design at least cutting into the fabric isn't such an issue for me anymore. I have made a couple of blocks in muslin first though just to be sure I knew what I was doing.

  6. What a great challenge, look forward to seeing your blocks.

  7. Why do I always think my eyes are blurry when I'm looking at those fabrics? They look fabulous btw !

    1. I know what you mean - the colours just bleed and then blend into each other don't they?! :)


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Chris Dodsley

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