Monday 27 October 2014

Orderly and Liberated Flying Geese - NYC Metro Mod Quilt Guild Bee Blocks

Chris here again - still catching up on my NYC Metro Mod Quilt Guild Bee Blocks - October this time and our Queen Bee is my lovely friend Maria.

Here's the Bee Block package:

Maria's instructions:
Block 1 - Orderly Flying Geese
Create 4 Flying Geese units using the No Waste Method available here at and join the 4 units together point to base to create a 14.5" x 7.5" block.

Use the Cotton+Steel solid fabric supplied (I think mine's Gale Force but not 100% sure - it's a really deep dark grey) as the sky or the geese plus another fabric of own choice.

I used the Cotton+Steel solid as the geese and my sky is Philip Jacobs for Rowan, Cactus Dahlias Gold - I've used it previously as the backing for my Autumn's Golden Gown quilt (this link includes a tute for the quilt top :D ).

Block 2 - Liberated Flying Geese
Use the same two fabrics as Block 1 and add a third fabric of own choice.
Maria gave three sizes choices for the block and I chose  14.5" x 14.5".

This time I've used the Philip Jacobs fabric for the Geese and the solid and additional fabric for the Sky.  I have no idea what my third fabric is, I took it from my scrap stash - though I do know it came into my possession back in July 2012 for another Bee Block - Liberated Log Cabin for Binita.

I made four Flying Geese units then extended each to 14.5" wide.

Here's how it looks upside down - should Maria choose to use it this way!

And the two blocks side by side.

Almost up to date on the my Guild blocks - just one more to go before Saturday's Guild meeting - the last one's a Lotto Draw Block and guess what the theme is - yep Flying Geese - watch out for that one coming up very soon!!!

As always you can check out all the blocks that our Bee make for Maria on my Quilty - Flying Geese Pinterest Board - I'll add more pins as each person in the Bee posts photos of their finished blocks and you can see my NYC Mod Quilt Guild post here too.

Clicking on a image will take you to a new page of crafty goodness :)

For details of other fabric, yarn, trim and notion stores that I've visited around the world along with the NYC stores I love, exhibitions and events I've attended and wonderful people I've been lucky to meet click the links below or in my side bar :D




  1. These are wonderful! On my ever-growing list.

  2. Flying geese are one of my favourite blocks and I love it with these strong contrasts. I'm a sucker for Philip Jacobson (and Kaffe Fassett!)-always drawn to large scale, strong colours.

    1. Love them Catherine - some of my all time favourite fabrics - Chris :D

  3. Love the geese! I think those fabric combinations work perfectly, they are really striking together :-)

  4. Beautiful perfect blocks! These caught my eye over at Quilt Story link up because I have just done flying geese too for a swap. The quilts will be amazing : )

    1. Just had to pop over and take a look at your flying geese too! I'm loving your triple ice cream mini quilt, it's gorgeous - Chris :D

  5. Thank you, Chris!!!!! I love both blocks. Absolutely perfect. See you on Saturday!

  6. I really love the colours you have used, the greys tone down the print without taking away form its beauty.

    1. Totally agree Karen - it really gives a solid base to all that colour doesn't it - Chris :D

  7. I'm just starting to play around with geese so was very interested to read this post. Your blocks are great.

  8. They are looking great.. I love the fabric combos! And I am wondering how they all go together, so am just going to check out the pininterst board now! Linda

    1. No one else in the Bee has posted pics of their blocks yet Linda so the board is bare for now - apart from my blocks of course, which is a shame. As they start to send them to Queen Bee Maria I'll update the Pinterest board - Chris :D

  9. The bright orange caught my eye, and I always envy the NY backdrop to your pics! I've also been using orange lately, maybe it's a season thing. Love the geese!

    1. I love the view from my roof garden, perfect for taking my quilt photos and this time of year the light really makes the colours pop - Chris :D

  10. I love the colors! Gorgeous autumn and as always, beautiful against the city background!

  11. Love the geese! Your fabric choices are really striking. These blocks will stand out in the final quilt!

  12. I have been following you for years and actually smiled and said hello while visiting NYC Quilter last year (you were busy selling a machine while we were there else I would have chatted). It is a bit lengthy as to how we have a connection--but we do through a friends daughter that is a member of the NYCMQG (she recently moved from Manhattan to West New York). Funny how your post photos look so close to hers. Anyway,I enjoy ready your posts and wanted to Thank You for stopping by and linking up with “Anything Goes Monday”. I am enjoying be a guest host and meeting so many new quilty friends. However I have been stalking/following you for awhile and enjoy all the things you create!

    1. Hi Helen, how cute is that fabric, it makes the quilt?! I bought it to make storage baskets but didn't make as many as I thought which worked out just great as I was able to make the quilt and it's a keeper. Loved getting your email a week or so ago from Anything Goes (apols but I'm only now getting around to answering all my emails from the last month since I got back from Seville), I only wonder how deep into selling that machine I was when you came into the store, funny to hear that now!!! I'm not on the shop floor too much these days, I still teach there but I only help out on the floor when they're short staffed, still next time you're in the city do check out if I'm there and be sure to say hi - Chris :D

  13. Once again, great fabrics! I don't know how quilters keep from going cross eyed though. It would be hard for me to keep track of what goes where. Thanks so much for sharing at the Make it Monday Party! Hope to see you again next week.

  14. Beautiful blocks Chrissie and I always, always love seeing your quilts and the view!!

    1. I know you always comment on the view Connie and that makes my day! I did think maybe I should try some different backgrounds for my quilt photos and said as much in response to someone else's comment a while back - she came back straight away and said not to - she said to use the view as part of my brand and I thought wow, she's right so that's what I've done - I guess everyone know's it's one of my quilts now just from the photo background!!! - Chris :D

  15. Looks awesome! Love the colors!


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Chris Dodsley

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