Thursday 10 April 2014

How To Spend A Sunday In Manhattan? Quilting With A Modern Slant Of Course!

Last Sunday I was delighted to welcome Rachel May, author of Quilting With A Modern Slant to The City Quilter.  Rachel brought with her a panel of 5 quilters featured in the book, Rayna Gillman, Victoria Findlay Wolfe, Lisa Mason, Caroline Mason and Jan Johnson and we had a room full of guests eager to hear about their quilting adventures and ask lots of questions.

Acting as the official photographer for Sunday's book event I can share the photos with you here too.

Rachel talking about her concept for the book and how she gathered all the quilters/interviews together.

Not surprisingly it was a really good turn out - The Art Quilt Gallery is full with standing room only.

Rachel May

Rayna Gillman

Rayna's Harvest quilt above, as seen in the book, was sewn during her husband's illness and completed after his death.

Victoria Findlay Wolfe

Victoria's WaveRunner II - you can find a tute for this quilt here on Victoria's blog.

Victoria's Dropping A Stone quilt - this quilt and Victoria's tute for Curvy Dresden Improv Piecing are in the Quilting With A Modern Slant book.

Lisa Mason

Lisa's Straighten Up and Fly Right quilt is featured in the book and you can see more pics of it here on her blog, The Red Headed Mermaid.

This one is Lisa's Triangles Galore Metro Mod Bee Block quilt (more details here on her blog).  The blocks are designed by Victoria and a tute is available here on her blog.  I was delighted to see this quilt, you see I'm in this Bee and that's my block bottom left with the bright blue surround - you can read more my block here.

Caroline Mason

Caroline made this quilt, which is featured in the book, for her boyfriend - we were all glad to hear that he's 'quilt worthy', don't you just love that! :D

Look how everyone's standing to take pics and getting a closer look, it was such a fun gathering.

Jan Johnson

Jan shared these detailed embroideries with us, the piece below is called The spider didn't answer

There was a great buzz in the room and when it came to book signing everyone joined in, asking more questions and discussing the quilts and book.

As everyone left I did a photo call with the girls

And, of course, I couldn't resist buying my own copy of Rachel's book and each of the panel signed their own pages.

Afterwards Rachel took a pic of me and my fellow store staffer, Janell, which I spotted on her blog and just had to have (hope that's okay Rachel!).  Rachel's also blogged about her New York weekend and there's an additional photo of  us at our NYC Metro Mod Guild meeting - if you click through you can spot me in the blue cardigan intently watching the Show & Tell with my Timorous Beasties quilt on my lap. 

To sum up this is such a fabulous book, I've only shared the 6 of the quilter's stories and there's another 64 in there along with tips, tutorials and sooooo much inspiration.  If you haven't got a copy I highly recommend it - it's not one of those flick through the pages and put it on a shelf books - you'll just want to keep dipping in and reading more.  

What I want next is to meet more of these 70 wonderful quilters and add all their signatures to my book pages, now what's the chances of that?!

For details of other fabric, yarn, trim and notion stores that I've visited around the world along with the NYC stores I love, exhibitions and events I've attended and wonderful people I've been lucky to meet click the links below or in my sidebar :D

Disclaimer: This post is for informational purposes only, no payment or commission is received on click-throughs and opinions are my own.

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  1. Wow it looks like you had such a fun day!! I wish I could have been there and met everyone and seen all the quilts first hand! I love this book and I am currently dipping in and out most evenings, it's so interesting and informative, with such wonderful quilts. It looks like the whole thing was a roaring success, and you did a great job as photographer too...another string to add to your bow, CQ photographer!!! xx

    1. I think I'll stick with being made by ChrissieD's event photographer and leave the CQ crown where it is, I've so many strings to my bow it just might snap! ;D

  2. Excellent post, thanks for sharing it with us~

  3. So great! Thank you Chrissie so much for sharing all those great pics and your wonderful write up!! Oxox

    1. I loved it when you got out the Bee Block Quilt - I just heard my voice saying very loudly - "oh that's mine!" and pointing to my block. It was a good afternoon all round :D

  4. What an exciting day! How fun to have such talented people come for a book signing.

  5. Wow that looks like one fabulous event. Thanks for sharing the highlights.

  6. So exciting that you were able to spend the day with these wonderful artists. The Bird Quilt is my favorite but they are all so very beautiful!

    Thank you for sharing your creativity with us at Show-Licious Craft & Recipe Party! We can't wait to see what you bring to us next week!

    ~ Ashley

  7. I love CQ and try to visit whenever I'm in the city. I met Rachael at a Boston MGQ meeting. Many of our members are featured! It really is a beautiful book that celebrated the community in quilting. Thanks for sharing!

    1. We're both so lucky to be involved in such inspirational and talented Guilds. Next time you visit CQ be sure to say hello. :D


I love to hear from everyone, thank you for taking the time to read my blog and share your thoughts. Please leave a message to let me know you visited, it's a great way to get to know you all better too :)

Chris Dodsley

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