Friday 5 February 2016

Mini Butterfly Pillow Cushion

Working through my UFO/WIPs for January and it seemed like time to finish this project I started back in December 2012!  Way back then I pattern tested an FPP butterfly 6" block for Juliet @The Tartankiwi and said I'd make it into a cushion to sell alongside a matching baby quilt in my soon-to-be Etsy shop.  The quilt was already made but the cushion and the Etsy shop have never materialised, until now!!!

Here's what I've finally done with that FPP Butterfly block.

First I trimmed it down so the distance from the bottom of the wing to the bottom edge of the block was the same as at the top of the block, this balance it better as you can see in the 3 pics below.

Next I added borders

and brought the block up to a 16" square.  Here's a link to my tute on how to sash a quilt block.

On to the back - I joined strips of fabric until I had more than enough to make a 16" square back then I added a zip using my hidden zipper tute and using the same tute joined the 2 blocks to make a cushion cover.  I trimmed the 4 empty corners to avoid those pesky 'bunny ears' using my brand new tute called not surprisingly 'Tute: No More Empty Corners (aka Bunny Ears)'!

The end result - a 16" Mini Butterfly Pillow Cushion

Simple 1/8" from the ditch quilting.

Hidden zipper detail - don't forget my tute so you can try this yourself.

I guess progress now would be to actually open my Etsy shop, maybe this will be the year I actually do it?!!!

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Linky Parties This post may be linked to some great Linky Parties, always a great source of inspiration too.  If you click through to my 'Fave Linky Parties'  page you can see where I like to share my work.


  1. Lovely fabric choices to get that paper pieced butterfly to match the butterfly fabric so closely. Nice finish :)

  2. Your paper pieced butterfly made a lovely cushion!

  3. What fantastic paper pieced pillow! The colors and fabrics are so fun.

  4. I love how you've managed to find a backing fabric so similar. It really draws in the eyes to look more as to whether they are all pieced! Love it.

    1. I wasn't that lucky Linda, I actually chose the fabrics the other around which was much easier! I'd already made a baby quilt using the butterfly and dot fabric and bound it with the royal blue solid though I will take credit for choosing those three fabrics to work together initially. I made the FPP butterfly after I'd made the quilt and chose the fabrics to co-ordinate. I love strong colours and how they play against each other - Chris :D

  5. I feel much less bad about my Wip's that hang around for years now. your work is SO neat. I'm going to check out the tutorial now.

    1. And I thought I was the only one with a hoard of WIPs from previous decades!!! Thanks Julia for your lovely comment about my work, I told my Mum I was nervous about opening my Etsy store in case people didn't think my work was good - she nearly choked on her cup of tea and told me how ridiculous I was being as my work is so stitch perfect. I'm my own worst critic, cripplingly so. Thank you for the confidence boost - Chris :D

  6. What a wonderful cushion. I would love to be able to do that type of quilting. On my to do list.

  7. Such a beautiful cushion. You're so clever!

  8. A most interesting color combination, and a great set. Good luck on the Etsy shop. I keep putting off starting one too.

    1. Currently researching my packaging Claire - I've been researching it for 2 to 3 years now and can't find the perfect answer to how I want to mail my work. I need to put this perfectionist to bed I think and just open the store. What's holding you back - I'm calling it packaging research but really it's nothing other than myself! - Chris :D

  9. What a pretty cushion! It looks good from all angles. Thanks for the zipper tutorial.

  10. What fun fabrics you found - they are prefect for the butterfly you PP on the front!

  11. This is a super cute cushion! I love the butterfly! So unique!

    Navy Wifey Peters @ The Submarine Sunday Link Party

  12. Very pretty. I like the colors you used.

  13. Such beautiful fabrics. Love your butterfly pillow.

  14. That's gorgeous, I love the colours.

  15. Oh, what perfect backing for this sweet little butterfly! I've done a couple PP butterflies, and I just love them... such a nice addition! Congrats on your finish! I'm working on a few myself and am coming close to the finish line!

    Greetings from Germany!

    1. Good luck with you list too, hope the end is in sight for you now! - Chris :D

  16. So pretty! Lovely pattern and colors :)

  17. Love reading your blog, seeing your creations and seeing the amazing backdrop you use in your photos, a view I would never tire of! Where do you get your 'Made by Chrissie D' labels from please?
    Sam x

  18. Beautiful job! The fabrics coordinate so well together. I love the green in background of the butterfly block which looks like Kona pickle, but I don't think it has been around that long? Wishing you the best on your etsy shop!

    1. It's Kona Peapod Paige, my Kona colour card is old - April 2012, it doesn't even have Kona Pickle on it but Peapod was brand new to that colour card - Chris :D

  19. Oh I love this it's darling!! I'd love to invite you to my blog where you can submit your tutorials for a dedicated post! I pin to many pinterest boards and share on social media!

  20. I LOVE your color choice for this. And they butterfly is perfect!

  21. The butterfly fabric is beautiful, and I love the butterfly in the middle.

  22. lovely cushion. I love how the butterfly mimics the backing fabric. And good luck with your Etsy shop!! That is exciting news. I know you will be opening soon with fabulous items!

    Thanks for linking up to Building Blocks Tuesday. It is always nice to see your creations.

  23. I like very much your pillow – thank you!

    have a great weekend!


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Chris Dodsley

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