Tuesday 6 November 2012

Back To Some Serious Quilting

After all the exciting and scary stuff that's happened over the last week or so, yesterday I was glad to get back to my quilting 'To Do' list.  Admittedly I wasn't totally idle last week, taking the opportunity to hand bind several quilts but it was good to get the cutting mat out and be a bit more creative yesterday.

Siggy Block
First up I made a siggy block using a great tutorial by Rachel Griffith of ps i quilt.  It's part of a project that Liz of Dandelion Daydreams is putting together as a thank you to Beth at Plum & June for hosting the 'Let's Get Acquainted!' Blog Hop which is coming to an end next week.

Philip Jacobs for Rowan.  Westminster Fibers #PWPJ42 'Primula' and Kona 'Azure'

Kandinsky Challenge
Secondly, I set about my NYC Metro Mod Guild challenge to take along to our December meeting.  I posted about the challenge here a few weeks ago but just to recap we each took a square image cut from a Kandinsky painting - it's 1/30th of the painting.  We've been asked to reproduce the image to 6" on a 6.5" fabric square using any media - paint/paper/fabric/etc and it doesn't have to be washable.

The original image and instructions

On the left: Neocolour image on fabric square and on the right: Finished textile art square
 I created a background colour image on cotton fabric using Caran D'ache Neocolor II - water-soluble wax pastels, wet the colour through with a paintbrush and set it with a hairdryer.  Then I added some tissue and handmade papers, then a small amount of sheer and netted fabric and free motion stitched over these areas. 

Another job done and ready to take along to our next Guild meeting :)
Once the blocks are all pieced together at the Guild I'll see if I can share a photo of the finished art quilt with you. 

Bear's Paw Block
Finally, in December it's my turn to be Queen Bee for the NYC Metro Mod Bee so I wanted to trial my chosen Bear's Paw block.  There's a lot of history to the Bear's Paw block and rather than write it all again here anyone interested can read this Quilt Patterns Through Time piece on Womenfolk.com.  It's larger than the normal 12.5" block measuring up around 16" untrimmed and, although there's lots of pieces, it's very fast and easy to make using a chain piecing method.

Here's my finished block - my chosen fabrics are a print from Tula Pink's The Birds and The Bees called Swallow Skies in Storm and a solid Kona Cotton Sage

front and back views of my trial Bear's Paw block
Need to crack on now with writing up my instructions for making the block, cutting the fabric and packing it ready to post out to my December Bees!

And you can click this link to see all of my NYC Mod Quilt Guild Bee Blocks and Challenge Blocks/Quilts.

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  1. You've been busy - great blocks, Chrissie and so glad to know that you're safe and well from the storm!

  2. You have been very busy! So glad to see you back. Are thing getting back to normal in NJ?

    1. We're doing great Martha, we've been so lucky. Our apartment building was all back to normal by Wednesday late afternoon and our supermarket opened again on Saturday morning. Our only problem was that our PATH subway to Manhattan wasn't working so we taxied Flicky to stay with friends so she could get to school. PATH started a very limited subway service yesterday so she's coming home tonight, can't wait to see her :)

  3. Glad you are all ok in the aftermath of the Hurricane. And good to see you are back to your sewing! I love that Kandinsky textile block - what a good idea to chop it up and get everyone to do a square. I hope everyone does a textile so that you can sew them all together!

    Also thanks for the shout out to my blog hop! x

    1. Excited myself to see what everyone does for the Kandinsky block and no problem Gertie about the shout out, glad to do it - was so surprised to discover that you've only started blogging a few months ago! :)

  4. Great news that you are back to being creative again, and I just love that Kandinsky block. I would love to see them all put together, it's going to look fabulous. That must be the great thing about being in a guild. Your bears paws look good too. I have made one as part of my article for the magazine. I shall take a look at that link, as I am also writing a little bit of history behind differnt blocks too. Speak soon :-) x

    1. Hi Sarah, love being in the guild it really pushes me to try so many different things. Can you believe we've both done a Bear's Paw?! I suppose we should just accept by now that we were separated at birth!!! :)

  5. The Kandinsky block is super cool. Thank you for reminding me to do my signature block. Oops.

    1. I'm so glad you mentioned forgetting the siggy block as that's now reminded me to let Kati of Kati's Quilting have Liz's address for posting! :)

  6. I love all your blocks. Your siggy one will look nicely next to mine (I used a print with some aqua in it too).

    1. Thanks Jen. I'm so excited to see what Liz makes up with the blocks, love that she came up with the idea to do this :)

  7. I love the colours in the Bear's paw block, elegant and very classy.


    1. Thanks, I'll be sashing in the greyer colour that's also in the Tula Pink print and it'll be my 'winter' quilt for my bed.

      I just popped over to your blog and spent a while there reading every post you've written. I promise I'm not really a stalker, I just couldn't stop laughing. You've got a great writing voice, full of English humour (which I miss terribly) and your projects are beautiful. Really good to meet you :)

  8. Hi Crissie. So glad all is well with you up there. We had quite a bout with Sandy on the Outer Banks of NC, but all is well here, too. Don't you just LOVE neocolors. I wanted to share one of my many little neocolor pieces with you http://clevelandgirlie.blogspot.com/2010/01/painting-stitching-dyeing-duck.html
    this piece was my first experience with them, I they quickly became my favorite art supply.
    Oh and bear paw - my favorite of the traditional blocks. So much fun to make.

    1. Love Neocolors II Cathie, so glad I finally pulled them out of their packing box from our move! Took a look at your link, you do some fab stuff, you're very inspiring :)

  9. Chrissie! Your Kadinsksy block is tremendous! I have to get cracking on that one. Looking forward to your bee block too.
    See you soon,
    Lisa ox

    1. Hi Lisa, thank you and your comment made me think that I should post the Kandinsky block to the Guild blog, I'll have to get on to that! Nervous that the Bee block is a big ask given it's size - it's almost like 4 blocks sashed together but it was really quick to make when I chain pieced it so hopefully everyone won't mind. Looking forward to saying a proper "hi" to you at the next meeting :)

  10. I can tell you have an art degree. Your colored block looks fantastic! Your signature block fabrics are gorgeous :) I just love your bear paw, it looks so pretty with the aqua fabric!

    1. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you Kati, that's one for each lovely comment ;)

  11. Chrissie, these are a beautiful combination! What a pretty quilt this will make! :)

    1. Ah, my Bear's Paw ... I think they'll look pretty smart but I do WOW at how you're looking at putting Bear's Paw together, I love all those colours and particularly the dark ones - they set all the other colours off perfectly :)


I love to hear from everyone, thank you for taking the time to read my blog and share your thoughts. Please leave a message to let me know you visited, it's a great way to get to know you all better too :)

Chris Dodsley

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