Wednesday 31 October 2012

Hurricane Sandy - The Aftermath

 Hi everyone, well we survived and didn't come off badly in the process and judging by what we've seen on the news we've got a whole heap to be grateful for.  

The night passed well, the building swayed a bit but nothing too bad at all.  We lost the internet around 7.55 pm Monday night and got it back late Tuesday afternoon and the electricity went around 8.50 pm but the apartment's generators kicked in immediately which is brilliant and hopefully they'll last through till we get full power again. Tonight out of my window I can see that Hoboken, New Jersey is still without power as is Chelsea, Manhattan.

Our lifts aren't working though so Simon and Flicky have been down to the ground a couple of times
to see what's happening but I'm not doing it - I know I could make it down but I'm not sure I fancy the climb up 23 storeys to get back.

It's a real mess out there but we can see people working really hard to clean everywhere up and get everything working again. We're told our subway to Manhattan won't be working again for 7 to 10 days so I guess Flicky's on the ferry to school in Upper West Side, Manhattan once it opens again.  I know we got off very lightly, playing boardgames and drinking wine and I think it was possibly more worrying for all of our loved ones especially once we lost contact.

Thanks for all your lovely messages, they have been so heartwarming throughout. I'd like to send the same good wishes out to everyone who continues to be affected.  Big hugs to everyone xxx


  1. So glad to hear you are OK. It is so heartbreaking to see all the devastation. Stay safe. Best wishes.

    1. Hi Martha, I think we are so relieved it has passed and now the real work is here to return things to normal and that will take a whole lot longer. Your wishes mean so much :)

  2. I've been wondering how you fared! What a blessing that your building has a generator. A week without the subway, wow, that's a long time for a New Yorker... but I'm sure that's just the tip of the iceberg in terms of inconveniences and cleanup. The images on CNN were unbelievable and our hearts go out to the people who lost property, not to mention loved ones.

    1. Absolutely Cynthia, we've been so lucky we've nothing at all to complain about things are very much worse for so many others. :)

  3. Thanks Ann Michelle, we've been incredibly lucky given where we live and we're so grateful for that. It's very much time to think about others far less fortunate now :)

  4. I am glad you are ok! I have been watching your governor and senator on TV and they seem to be doing handling the situation well and appear organized. So that is good.

    1. I agree, I don't know that much about US politics yet so I've been watching them from a pretty unbiased viewpoint and it seems to me too that they're doing a pretty good job in a terrible situation :)

  5. Best wishes to all of you from Germany!


    1. Thanks Nana, we have been incredibly lucky suffering no damage and by now our only inconvenience is that our subway train into Manhattan still isn't working so we have to use the ferry. We have much to be grateful for when others around us have lost everything.

  6. It's amazing how powerful nature is. I hope all gets better as quickly as possible

    1. Thanks :) A limited PATH subway service into Manhattan has opened up today so we are almost back to normal shop/utility/service wise, though the cleanup still continues. Still thinking about all those who are so much worse affected than we were :(

  7. I am so glad you and your family are doing well and made it through the storm ok. Man that generator is a life saver. It is so wonderful that your apartment has one and it works. The pictures and the stories on the news are so terrible and sad. Hang in there and be safe.

    1. Hi Candace, we've been so very lucky - the elevators were working again by Wednesday afternoon and all back to normal. I looovve my apartment building. I've got a new criteria list when looking for an apartment, previously my two main priorities were a gas stove top and my own washer/dryer now I'll be asking 'what wind speed are your windows tested to?' and 'do you have a generator and how long will it last if power fails?'! :)


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Chris Dodsley

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