Sunday 7 October 2012

Another Week In Manhattan

Thursday - morning coffee with Christopher Columbus at his apartment on Columbus Circle.  If you're around NYC anytime through to 18 November be sure to visit this free exhibition - the artist Tatzu Nishi has built a temporary apartment around the Christopher Columbus statue on Columbus Circle and you can go up into the apartment and stay for half an hour.  Christopher is standing on his own coffee table!  For free timed tickets here's the link.

Me and my good friend W enjoying the view from Christopher Columbus' living room!

Saturday -
First meeting of the year for NYC Metro Modern Quilt Guild.  Good to finally put faces to people I've been chatting to via the blog and to meet everyone.  I took along my Dad's Memory Quilt to share in 'Show and Tell' and the group were so encouraging when they saw it.  You can see my quilt and all the other great quilts by following the link below (Mum - if you're reading this do just don't follow the link x).

 'NYC Metro Mod Guild 'Show and Tell' quilts - October 2012 
There's more photos also on Victoria's blog  Bumble Beans Inc (Guild President) - I'm sat on the floor on the right wearing a blue and grey stripped t-shirt and chatting to Maren from The Agitprop Quilter.

If you followed the link did you spot Lisa's 'Triangles Galore' quilt which includes my July Bee Block?  Well Lisa has finished her quilt now and you can read all about it here on her blog The Red Headed Mermaid.  I love that I can see my block in so many of the photos - the yellow star with a sky blue surround!!!

While I'm on the subject of my Bee Blocks - another Bee Block quilt has been completed incorporating my two June Bee Blocks - check it out here it's Kimberley's New York Beauty quilt.

Look what I won in the door raffle  

and here's are challenge for our December meeting - it's 1/30th of a Kandinsky painting and I can reproduce it in any media - paint/paper/fabric/etc and it doesn't have to be washable.

 Other News:  Here's a peep at an applique block I've made for a very special quilt - I'll tell you more about it another time :)

For details of other fabric, yarn, trim and notion stores that I've visited around the world along with the NYC stores I love, exhibitions and events I've attended and wonderful people I've been lucky to meet click the links below or in my side bar :D

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  1. The Christopher Columbus apartment is a riot! I might have to go check that out. So glad you liked seeing your block in my quilt, and thanks so much for doing such a great job on the block!

    1. Head over there Lisa if you have a chance, with the timed tickets there wasn't a queue and you only need 5 minutes in there really but it's good fun to get up close to CC :)

  2. Hmm I'm tryign to figure out what the appliquée is - and I can't decided between a devilish cow and a hippo. But appart from my indecition it's really cute - I love all the details eyes, nose ... I will be patient and wait for the post about it to learn more ...


I love to hear from everyone, thank you for taking the time to read my blog and share your thoughts. Please leave a message to let me know you visited, it's a great way to get to know you all better too :)

Chris Dodsley

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