Sunday 15 February 2015

What Took You So Long?

A while ago I shared this crocheted blanket with you

during the making of which my pup Thatcher (Tatty to her friends) ate my bamboo crochet hooks several times

but I got there in the end and gifted the blanket to my eldest son

much to Tatty's disappointment.  

So just like any good puppy dog Mum I promised to make her her very own identical crochet blanket and set to it straight away almost finishing it in less than a week but didn't.  The blanket than sat in a knitting bag for the next year and the next year - yep that's right for just over two years - but this week I got it out and finished it.

 See it looks pretty much identical to that first blanket, exactly as promised.

In fact it looks so similar I'll forgive you for thinking I've just recycled old photos.

But there's been some changes around here over the last two years.  The eagle eyed might spot the cream fabric sofa is now cream leather and the back wall has turned a serious shade of aubergine (eggplant)

but the biggest change has to be that Tatty now has a Havanese puppy brother, Watson

who's lived with us for just over a year - proof if needed that this is indeed a different blanket to the first!

And just like the first blanket, Tatty (and Watson too) loves it, she only has one question for me 
"What Took You So Long?"!

Do you have an almost finished, promised to a loved one, project tucked away somewhere?
Share your stories in the comments and ease my guilt! :D

Clicking on a image will take you to the new page of crafty goodness :)


  1. The blanket looks wonderful. I hate those projects that I start and just can't seem to get the motivation to finish them. My Mum asked me to make her a sweater two years ago and although the body is finished I can't get to grips with the sleeves. I think it may be a psychological thing when I looked at the pattern I just thought it's for a much younger person not someone of 78. Bad of me I know. Tatty and Watson look so sweet hope there's no fighting over who gets the blanket.
    Ali xx

  2. Am I allowed only one such project? I'm afraid there are a few.... Including one or two Clothkits dressmaking projects that I'm thinking of finishing for my grandchild now that her aunties (for whom the things were started) are all grown up! Do you remember Clothkits? Lynne.

    1. I don't remember Clothkits at all - I googled them and still no bells are ringing but they look fab, I especially like the rag dolls. How are you keeping Lynne? - Chris :D

  3. "several times", it a good job she is so darn cute! I love the blanket and it looks like the pups do too x

  4. Tatty and Watson are so cute and about time you finished that blanket, lol

  5. I have so many things I've started making for people but then forget about for ages, you're not alone! Your dogs are adorable.

  6. Congrats on finishing this. It's lovely and your dogs are adorable :) Now you come to mention it, I have some curtains that still have some of the fringing pinned on because I ran out of thread - but we've using them like that for about fifteen years...Thank you for linking up with Wool on Sundays :)

  7. The new pup is adorable! So surprised it took you so long! Havs are like potato one can have just one!

  8. Your dogs are so cute and they look very happy with the 'new' blanket. A great job despite the length of time it took :)

  9. Lovely blanket cute dogs and story!

  10. Your blanket looks very snuggly and well done on getting it finished! Lol xx

  11. It's beautiful, you must be really chuffed to have it finished:) I have two knitting projects on the go, I suspect the kids have already outgrown them!!

  12. What beautiful blankets. They look so soft and snuggly. The chewed crochet hook made me laugh.

  13. Blanket look lovely but those dogs are too cute.
    Linda Bauwin - CARD-iologist
    Helping you create cars from the heart.

  14. The blankets look beautiful. Such subtle colours. If I had to have a dog I would choose one like Tatty but I don't think I'm a doggy person in reality-too much responsibility being a pet owner for me. Have a great week Chrissie.

  15. Those blankets are absolutely stunning.....but even they aren't as beautiful as your dogs. They are so lovely I cannot stop admiring them. I would love a dog. I have three cats and cats are my favourite animals, but I love dogs too x

  16. Beautiful blankets, well worth making twice! :)

  17. Hehehe. That's 14 years in a dog's life but I'm sure all is forgiven.

  18. Cute post : ) I hope Tatty is very appreciative of all your hard work.

  19. I love the blankets. The colours in them are gorgious. Glad Tatty and Watson like it too. Somewhere in the loft is a tapestry that I started in 1985 but never quite got finished. I'm forever hopeful that I'd complete it one day.... xx

  20. Those blankets are lovely and your dogs are very cute! I have a habit of not finishing anything so I tend to stick with quick projects that stand more chance of getting finished :)

  21. Beautiful blankets! Awesome colors combination! Lovely dogs too!
    Have a fabulous week!
    Hugs and love from Portugal,
    Ana Love Craft

  22. Both blankets are beautiful. Oh the things we do for our sweet fur babies. It may have taken you a while. But it looks like it is very appreciated. Hugs!

  23. I'd like to curl up with that blanket AND Tatty and Watson, too!

  24. The blankets look so snuggley and the doggies look so cute. I have lots of jobs 'on the go' I may even finish some of them in a year or two :)
    Jan x

  25. What a beautiful afghan and Tattie and Watson are always so cute!

  26. Hi Chrissie! I'm happy you finally finished this beautiful blanket for your puppies! They look so cute and surely enjoy this gorgeus crochet blanket. Thank you for giving inspiration for an other kind of shawl; often our mind stuck to something - mine to grannie squares and bright colours. Have a lovely day! x Teje

  27. Gorgeous photo of the two together - they are really cute. I owe my mum a purple applique bed quilt as well as a Christmas table runner. She did borrow (as in never giving back!) some cushions I made and I did make her a big red/black/cream & grey bed quilt while I get to the purple one!

  28. What beautiful blankets and such cute doggy models!

  29. Such adorable puppies........I just got one myself for my birthday. So much unconditional love they bring to everyone. Thank you for sharing with the Clever Chicks Blog Hop! I hope you’ll join us again next week!

    Kathy Shea Mormino
    The Chicken Chick

  30. Your two blankets are lovely and very cozy. I wish I knew how to crochet. I can knit but have not stayed at it long enough to ever make a blanket. Your pups are too cute. Thanks for linking up to this week's TGIFF.

  31. I love your crocheted blankets; well worth waiting for, that's what Tatty's saying!
    I don't have such a project any more but my first ever quilt took five years to finish! Unfortunately it was a crib size for my granddaughter! Aged 5 she received a very badly machine pieced and hand quilted crib quilt, from which she refused to be parted! She even took it to school!

  32. That is a lovely blanket - it looks very warm and snuggly, and just what I would have liked to be working on this week! I don't have so many unfinished (and already promised to someone) projects sitting around, except the quilt for my adopted grandson's bed - the fabric just came in last week, and since he's still in China for at least the next month or two, I've got a bit of time to work on that. Oh, and backing an antique crazy quilt top for a photographer friend of mine. Gotta get to that one soon! Whoop whoop for your lovely finish, and stay warm!

  33. That is a great blanket! Tatty and Watson have no idea the luxury they have with the new snuggly blanket. My dog, Carson, thinks that all quilts are for him. Like he has to test drive them for their owners. Beautiful work on the blankets! Watson and Tatty are pretty cute too!

  34. So pretty and such cute doggies ! Thank you for linking up at the Home Matters Linky Party this week!

  35. oooo I just want to squeeze those cheeks! My poodle Cole has been on a weird eating kick too. Bamboo is similar to his stick eating. LeeAnna at not afraid of color

  36. Tatty and Watson are so cute! Sure they deserved the blanket! :D I wish mine would ask for something like that, but I have an Irish Wolhound... Maybe only double denim would survive her love and attention. I have plenty UFOs but they are somehov, deliberate. DH has promised me an long arm, so right now I make tops only and fold them neatly without any quilt - they will be quilted when I will get the longarm. See - easy! Just find a good reason for the UFOs corner! :D

  37. Darling pups showing off your knitted works! They are so cute you can hardly get upset after chewing on a bamboo needle.


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Chris Dodsley

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