Friday 7 November 2014

The Curious Case Of Unnecessary Burp Cloths

 When there's a baby on the way everyone know's you're going to need burp cloths ...

and bibs ...

 and wash cloths.

So obviously I got stuck in a made a pile of necessaries ready for my grandson Oliver's birth.

Left to right those fabrics are:
Bears in Woods - Get Together! by David Walker Studios for Free Spirit, Westminster Fibers
Giraffes Special Delivery in White/Tangerine by Quilting Treasures 
Lions - Safari Soiree in Teal by Dan Stiles for Birch Fabrics
The Very Hungry Caterpillar Flannel by Eric Carle under license to Andover Fabrics
Squirrels and Nuts - Get Together! by David Walker Studios for Free Spirit, Westminster Fibers

Quite curiously Oliver has never 'possied' as my Dad would have said.

 I wondered about this phrase as I've never heard anyone else use it and I've discovered posset is an old English word for semi digested milk brought up by babies after a feed - as well as being a medieval word for a British hot drink of spiced milk curdled with wine or ale.  These days posset usually refers to a type of milky dessert.

Before Oliver I've never known a baby not to posset, how fortunate are Jack and Ana and I'm sure Ana can find other uses for this unnecessary pile of burp cloths?!!! 

The bibs will no doubt come into their own once Oliver starts on solids

Goldfish in white by Hoodie for Timeless Treasures
Goldfish Bowls by Caleb Gray for Robert Kaufman 

Foxes and Scribble from Ed Emberley's Picture Pie collection for Cloud9 Fabrics (left over from making my Foxy Circle Quilt)

and there's always a use for a wash cloth.

Find The Narwhal - Out To Sea Collection by Sarah Jane for Michael Miller Fabrics

Here we are winding after a feed - note the 'like new' burp cloth on my shoulder!

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  1. What a great collection of boy fabrics. At least they are pretty, even if not quite necessary... Yet!

  2. I love all the fabrics you chose. Sometimes it's nice to see them whole, rather than cut into patchwork pieces. Clearly, baby knows how special they are, hence his refusal to posset!

  3. Wow! Love the fabrics and how you put them together. Nice collection.

  4. I'd rather have unused burp cloths than the opposite scenario :) cute grandson :) many congrats to you all. They will be very pleases with all the thoughtful handmade gifts :) :)

  5. Great collection of cloths and bibs. Super fabrics, as always. xx

  6. My nan used to make lemon posset and also call baby sick posseting, I never connect the two! You really do learn something new everyday.
    My kids all posseted big time so I could really have done with a pile of lovely cloths like this. sigh!

    1. My favourite restaurant next to our home in England served an amazing lemon posset - it was my 'go to' dessert but I never made the connection back then either. My three all made good use of their bibs too and I just resigned myself to wearing posset as a fashionable accessory!!! - Chris :D

  7. Oh my! What a great collection of baby necessities! I have a few baby showers in the future. Thanks for the inspiration!

  8. Ah bless what a lovely photo of you with your grandson! Precious times! Great burp cloths to make burp time more exciting x

  9. I make sets like this all the time for charity auctions! So easy and such a joy to make. I've started including hooded baby towels as well. When I want to put together a bigger package, I add a small swaddle quilt and a diaper clutch. Parents really seem to like the stuff! I love the two fabric bibs! I never thought to do that!

  10. Really? A baby that never spits up? That's amazing! Your fabric selections for the burp cloths & bibs are lovely... he'll be such a stylish little one... especially if he continues to never spit up! :)

    1. Oh Jenn, I spoke too soon, unfortunately I seem to have wished the need to use them on my dil as she tells me they are now very much necessary! - Chris :D

  11. Absolutely loving the cute fabrics on the bibs, burp cloths and washclothes. What do you use for the backing on everything. We make baby things for our guild, but we have a plethora of very young children, or not yet born, in our families and these would be nice to tuck into the baby quilt. Crazy Little Projects has the cutest little hooded towels on her site and they're so easy to make! You might want to check them out for Christmas next year when he'll be bigger and baby towels won't quite do it. cdahlgren at live dot com

    1. I bought the cheapest, softest, plain white washcloths and hand towels I could find and just cut away - I got 4 burp cloths out of a hand towel - I guess if I'd wanted to make more it might have been cheaper to buy a bath sheet. Don't know what price towelling is to buy by the yard but for me this was the quickest way of getting my hands on the fabric I needed on the day.

  12. My niece also never spit up. She was nursed and I was convinced that had something to do with it. I LOVE that Eric Caral fabric. And it's FLANNEL?????? Love.

    1. Oh and it's such a soft, soft flannel too, it's gorgeous - Chris :D

  13. Our son never spit up, either. We never had pretty burp clothes like those, but the ones we did have, we used for general clean up as he got older.

  14. These are beautiful! My baby took a good couple of weeks before she started 'posseting' though she's quite efficient in the art now! How lucky to have a baby who doesn't! Even though it does mean those gorgeous burp cloths aren't being put to their intended use.

    1. Eight weeks on Vicki and Oliver too has started 'posseting', I think I spoke too soon!!! - Chris :D

  15. So adorable! I'm sure they'll find a use for everything. It's all far too cute not to use. Thanks so much for joining the Make it Monday Party! Hope to see you again next week.

  16. Lovely projects! Awesome fabrics! Thanks for sharing!
    Hope you have a wonderful week!
    Hugs from Portugal,
    Ana Love Craft

  17. Love all your fabric choices. And Oliver is just precious! They are indeed lucky that he doesn't posset.

  18. All the accessories are so gorgeous! Such fab fabric combinations. As always :-) Perhaps Oliver thought they were too lovely to 'posset' on!!

  19. He is gorgeous! I'm sure your Ana will find a friend to gift the unused burp cloths too...I could sure use them, my 14 week old doesn't stop vomiting ;P

  20. What a well-trained baby (and cute!). Those cloths will be useful for hands and face once he's on solids, and general wiping up, of which there'll be plenty one way or another! (We are still using old ones to wipe hands after meals and my guys are 4 now).

  21. So sweet and cute....nothing better than baby love.

  22. Oh the burb clothes are so so so so cute... it's a pity my children are 27 and 16.... but then... oh yes!!! I'm now waiting for some grandchildren to sew such cute stuff!!!! Kind regards from Germany, Annett

    1. As we entered 2014 I had no idea I'd be a Grandma before the end of the year - you just never know what each year will bring! - Chris :D

  23. I love all the fabrics you used. I'm sure the unused burp clothes will get re-purposed. Congratulations your grandson is adorable.

  24. They are too cute not to be used ... I'm sure they'll work something out! What a gorgeous little grandson you have, cluck, cluck :)

  25. Everything is just so cute! I'm sure Mom & Dad can find a use for them :)

    ~ Jess ~
    Everything Is Coming Up Rosie

  26. These are so adorable! Cute store that babe didn't need the burp clothes! Of my 5 kiddos, I had one who never needed one either! Congratulations on the addition to your family!

  27. These are so precious! I sure could have used them when my kids were babies!

  28. SO adorable, Chrissie! I'll bet they come in handy at some point. During teething when there is drool going on all the time, maybe!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  29. oh he is so adorable...brings back the days when my little grand ( 5 yrs old now ) was a baby. Though HE never had such gorgeous little bibs and cloths as yours ! :):)

  30. Absolutely gorgeous,such wonderful fabrics. Your little Grandson is such a cutie.

    I found your blog through the Show Of Saturday linky party.

    Michelle :o)

  31. I can't get over how cute these are. I want all the prints you used so I can make bibs too!

  32. Aw, such cute baby items and an adorable baby too?! Lucky you!

  33. Thank you for graciously labeling all the fabrics. Often I see a fabric and have no idea what it is, and, of course, it's one I really like. Great projects and Baby Oliver is wonderful.

    1. Thanks for mentioning the fabric labelling Suze - it adds a bit of time to creating a post so it's nice to know it's appreciated - Chris :D

  34. What wonderful projects Chrissie and wow, how neat that Oliver doesn't need the burp cloths. What cute fabrics!

  35. Chrissie,

    I love the fabrics you used for your baby projects. Oliver will love them when he's old enough to learn the animals names! I like your definition and explanation of pousset...didn't know that. Thanx for sharing your grandson and projects with us!


  36. Those burp cloths/bibs really showcase the fab fabrics. A new mum can never have enough. Visiting via New to Me in 2014.

  37. Popping over from Celtic Thistle Stitches New to Me linky party - your link title caught my eye so I came over to see what it meant, lol! Your fabrics are gorgeous - so perfect for a gorgeous little boy - but what kind of magic has been spun that he doesn't "make cheese"??!?!?! I've never heard of such a thing - how lucky for the parents, LOL!!!!


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Chris Dodsley

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