Thursday 30 October 2014

Her First Quilt

When I teach classes I create detailed pattern notes for the students full of hints and tips as well as step by step sewing instructions including how to set up the sewing machine at each stage.  Sometimes it's difficult to create these instructions as I already know well how to do each stage and process and it would be easy to leave out something that to me is obvious but isn't to a less experienced sewer.

If my daughter, Flicky, is home from St Andrews then I get her to trial my patterns - I've already shared with you her fab Hidden Zippered Cushions

During her summer visit she added the final binding to a quilt she trialled for me back in March ready for my QAYG Wholecloth Strippy Quilt classes 

and for her first ever quilt she chose Critter Patch Organic by Penguin & Fish for Clothworks.

She couldn't fit the finished quilt in her case as she headed back to Scotland for the new uni year so after she left I took the opportunity to give her first quilt its very own photo shoot.

I saw Flicky for a few days when I visited Seville this month, she flew in to meet Oliver and we celebrated both our birthdays which only have a day between.

I took her finished quilt with me to Seville and it's now on Flicky's sofa in St Andrews along with her cushions - she'll need it to keep warm on cold Scottish nights!!!

Oh and the best news yet, Flicky now loves sewing so much she asked for her own machine for her birthday.  You know I'm crazy about Bernina but while she's away at Uni and travelling we thought a lighter weight Bernette London 7 would be more practical.  I phoned David Drummond Sewing Machines in Edinburgh and can't say enough good things about their customer service and how wonderful it was to work with them.  They delivered her machine a couple of days before her birthday and Flicky sent me this video of her opening her new best friend.

I wonder what she'll make next?!!!

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  1. Well done Flicky and a great post Chris. xx

  2. What a beautiful quilt. Great gift, too, a Bernina. I love the fabrics she chose for the quilt as well :)

  3. What a sweet video memory. She can hardly contain her excitement. It is nice to see all her lovely projects are where she can enjoy them. Thanks for sharing. I have two boys so it takes a motor and a couple of tires to create a memory like this in my home. Actually, the tires are more important than the motor for one son. Blessings!

    1. I love this video Gayle and that she thought to get a housemate to film it so she could send it to us. She's my youngest and only daughter - my older two are boys so I know exactly where you're coming from - Chris :D

  4. A great quilt and a beautiful photo of the three of you. What an awesome birthday present.

  5. that is the best video ever! I think that she'll put it to good use. I'm impressed with her work. Love the pic of you, Oliver and Flicky. Beautiful women for sure.

    1. Don't you just love that video Vicki? Thanks so much for you lovely comment too, I'm so proud of Flicky - Chris :D

  6. ohh, you must be so proud. She chose wonderful fabrics and her first quilt turned out so well. I love your photos so much. The sun seems so soft, you must have a gorgeous fall in NYC!

    1. We have fabulous light though I don't feel like we have the four equal seasons that I was used to in England. Spring and Fall only seem to last a few weeks and we seem to have verylong bitterly cold Winters and endless unbearably hot Summers. Fall and Spring are beautiful, the best times of the year here such a shame they are so short lived! - Chris :D

  7. Yes...she has great taste in fabrics and is off to a wonderful start as her first quilt is AWESOME!!! Love the pic of you too!!!

  8. So fun to see Flicky so happy with her machine. Maybe I only need to wait for a few years for my own daughter to enjoy sewing! Is she working on poor Oliver's quilt now? She owes him!

    1. Lol, you remembered!!! Can't wait to see you at the next Guild meeting x

  9. It's so wonderful to see quilty interests pass to the next generation! Great first quilt!

  10. Terrific photo - with Oliver. And what a thrill it must be indeed to have a daughter finish her first quilt! A milestone! I hope Kaela will find a way to take a class with you at City Quilter!!

    1. Do your girls not quilt yet Cynthia? I'm surprised to realise I don't know so we mustn't have discussed it before - I'd love to have Kaela in one of my classes, that would be so special - Chris :D x

  11. I'm still smiling. =) Loved watching the vid. So excited for her!

  12. She did a great job and now that she has her own machine I'm betting that she'll be sewing up a storm. Watch out....your stash is going to be getting a lot smaller. :)

    1. I wanted to get some fabric to her quickly Michele so I ordered some online in England so she'd have it within 2 days - I sent her a fq bundle of the Gramercy collection by Leah Duncan for Art Gallery Fabrics and an fat 1/8th bundle of Framework by Kokka - the price was very off putting though compared to here, I'll have to send her back well stocked when she leaves after Christmas! Looking forward to seeing what she does with it though - Chris :D

  13. Such a lovely quilt!! Cute fabrics! I'm pinning it! Thanks for sharing at Submarine Sunday! Now, I want to go make a quilt!

  14. Adorable!! Love all the fabrics :)

  15. What adorable fabric! Strip quilts are my fav. Thanks so much for sharing at the Make it Monday Party! Hope to see you again next week.

  16. And another one is born! Good job Chrissie you have done well in bringing another Fiberholic into this world!

  17. Adorable fabric! I too, have used my kidos as my testers.

  18. Your quilts are so pretty and colorful. Beautiful work! Thank you for sharing with the Clever Chicks Blog Hop! I hope you’ll join us again next week!

    Kathy Shea Mormino
    The Chicken Chick

  19. Your daughter has far better fabric sense than I did when making my first quilt. Those prints are lovely! As is the location you chose for the quilty photoshoot. Fine work all around!

    1. Thanks Jenn, I'm love the view from my apartment and it's a perfect backdrop for my quilt photos - Chris :D

  20. I am totally touched by this post, thanks for sharing this on Fabulous Friday Party, going to feature this friday, tell you daughter congrats on her first quilt and for this feature too! Hugs Maria:)


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Chris Dodsley

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