Wednesday 3 September 2014

Adventures, Explorations and Nursery Baskets

The moon is the first milestone on the road to the stars - Arthur C Clarke

With my Grandson, Oliver, due next week, I need to get some project finishes under my belt ready to take out with me when I go to Seville to meet him.

Oliver's space theme nursery was originally inspired by these fab Rocket Age fabrics by October Afternoon for Riley Blake (Rocket Main Blue/Rocket Captain Blue/Rocket Stars Orange) and Ana asked for storage baskets to finish off the room and after seeing Flicky's Knitter's Dream Basket she specifically requested a larger version of Noodlehead's divided basket pattern for nappies.

I've increased the measurements to 14" (L) x 8" (D) x 9" (H) and moved the central divider offsetting it to allow more room for larger size nappies.  I've divided the front pocket into 5 sections too.

Next, I've made 3 stacking baskets.

Want to make your own?  
  • You need a square base with rounded corners whatever size you wish.
  • Cut a rectangle of fabric for the basket side that's the same width as the four sides of the base added together plus an extra 1/2" for seams (you can just use a circle base if you prefer and then measure your side to equal the circumference of the circle plus an extra 1/2" for seams). The height of the basket is up to you - just add 3/4" for seams to your height measurement.   
  • Add a layer of Pellon 809 Decor Bond or 808 Craft Fuse interface to the basket side and base.
  • Sew the basket side and base together using a 1/4" seam - start sewing with the first 1/4" of the basket side not attached (this is your excess that will become your basket side seam) and when you get to the end the final 1/4" should also be excess and unattached.
  • Now sew the two excess open sides of the basket together again using a 1/4" seam.  
  • Create the same for the lining (you can use Decor Bond again on the base to make it firmer but you don't need it again on the side). 
  • Press the top edge of the outside and lining down by 1/2" to the wrong side of the fabric.  
  • Put the lining inside of the outside with the wrong sides together.  
  • Line up the top edges (adjust turnings if necessary so the heights are the same) and topstitch at 1/8" then repeat at 3/8".

You can turn the top edge of the containers down to whatever height you like.  You can see here where I've previously had the top turned down to - that happens when you use Decor Bond though you can iron it out again to some extent though probably not fully.

I've added tabs to the top of one of the containers before topstitching.

Having 3 fabrics I've alternated each for the outside, inside and base

and, of course, I've added my labels.

And how do those baskets look in use?

There're 54 x 16-28 lb nappies in that basket, perfect!

And the final line-up?




 Full Of Goodies

I can't wait to hand deliver these and making them reminded me that two years ago I shared my eldest son Jack's graduation quilt with you - I mentioned then that he'd always been my little adventurer and explorer, I wonder if he'll pass those aspirations on to his own son Oliver?  

So back to that Arthur C Clarke quote at the top of the post and I hope my Grandson finds the moon when he travels his own road to the stars.

Click the images below to read more about other Divided Baskets I've made.


Clicking on an image will take you through to the new page of crafty goodness :)

Disclaimer: This post is for informational purposes only, no payment or commission is received on click-throughs and opinions are my own.


  1. Great makes Chris - they are going to useful and loved. Thanks for the link to the noodlehead pattern, it looks like a must have. Hope all goes well for Oliver and Ana. xx

    1. Thanks Lin and the Noodlehead pattern is a good buy, there's so many uses for it and it makes a great gift :D

  2. So extremely sweet! How exciting to be anticipating such a wonderful delivery. Our Charlotte is 1 yr old tomorrow. She is healthy and chunky and healthy. Keep us informed as to how things go, please!

    1. Can't believe Charlotte's about to turn one Vicki and what a turn around from this time last year. I'll be sure to post when Oliver arrives - I'll be shouting it from the rooftops! :D

  3. That is one very lucky baby! The baskets are beyond adorable!

  4. Wonderful makes Chrissie. Those baskets will be perfect for Oliver for a long time, I have that fabric too and my 24 year old son wants something made in it :)

    1. I chose this fabric because the little boy on it is the spitting image of Jack, Oliver's Dad, when he was a little boy - it's really uncanny and felt very appropriate :D

  5. You must be so excited waiting for Oliver's arrival. Your space baskets are fantastic and will be used for years I'm sure.

  6. Not long to wait now! How exciting. The baskets look perfect. A lovely gift.

  7. All gorgeous! Useful and beautiful gifts :) What an exciting time!

  8. It is great !!!Can I borrow this tuto?My daughter will have baby-girl this November :-))))

    1. Absolutely you can Mirka and good luck to you and your family too for the safe arrival of your little one :D

  9. These look great, never mind Oliver reaching the stars, your daughter in law will be over the moon with such gorgeous and useful storage. And it's perfect timing for me, I'm looking round for basket/storage ideas for some Christmas present making, thank you!

    1. So pleased they're going to be a useful idea for you and you're right Ana is over the moon with them though she has to wait a few weeks yet till I travel over with them, it'll be fun to put the finishing touches to Oliver's room together :D

  10. My favorite fabrics this summer.
    What a fabulous gift!

  11. what a gorgeous set, they'll look so much nicer in the baby's room than plastic packs of nappies (yay for not calling them diapers!) and plastic storage tubs

    1. So true Wendy and I've bought Oliver some dummies too - there's no way I could ever call them pacifiers! ;D

  12. Wonderful set. You still seem too young to me to have a grandson.

    1. Perhaps it is because you are one cool chic.

    2. You made me giggle Jen. Simon and I do feel young to be grandparents - maybe we both look younger than we are or just don't act our age!!!? Unfortunately the maths confirms we are more than old enough to be Oliver's grandparents :( lol :D

  13. Love, love these storage baskets. Thanks for the tut!

  14. Very nice. I love this fabric line. And I have seen so many divided baskets -- very handy. Good job.

  15. These are fantastic, and those fabrics work perfectly! What a lucky grandson you have!

  16. Oh these baskets are awesome! just think you could make a set for every room of the house and they would make great gifts. Thanks for sharing the DIY with us :)

  17. Great gifts - practical, personal, and cheerful as can be. I love that larger divided basket. Good luck as you travel to Seville!

  18. Super super cute!! I'm going buy that pattern! Love it!!

  19. Lovely and practical; what more could any new mother want. You are going to be going back to NY with an empty suitcase!

    1. Thanks Marly - we're going to take everything over in a giant holdall that'll fit inside one of our other cases on the way home, that's the plan anyway - I've posted masses of clothes over to them already but I've bought more since and I've got toys, books and baby accessories not to mention everything I've made. Fortunately we travel so much we've got airline status so we can take extra bags in the plane hold for free!!! I have to limit how many times I go into a shop selling anything for babies, it's soooo long since I shopped for any of these type of things and I've gone a bit crazy - that plus the fact everything's around 1/3 of the price here in the states to what they have to pay in Seville. Can't wait to meet him in October :D

  20. What cute baskets - I love the handles!

  21. Ooh, a new grandson. What fun! I really like the baskets--and they're washable for those little nursery accidents that can happen at changing time, especially with little boys. Have a good time with your new little one and his family. I'm sure they'll appreciate such a sweet gift.

  22. These are SOOOO cute! I bought the Noodlehead pattern ages ago, but I just printed it out this week. I'm excited to make one of my own. :)

  23. Those are wonderful, Chrissie!! Useful, thoughtful, and sure to be well-loved!! Whoop whoop!!

  24. Oh they are so adorable and such a different theme for a baby boy. I'm sure you are waiting with breath held until you can hold that new bundle of joy.

  25. The fabric baskets are gorgeous, love the fabric too.

  26. Beautiful baskets and a wonderful gift !

  27. Great looking baskets and cool fabrics! I especially like the light blue fabric. I guess I need to make something like this for my baby boy's nursery! Thanks for sharing at Submarine Sunday!!

  28. Those baskets are so fun! I'm absolutely in love with that fabric too! Every time I see it at my LQS I have to force myself not to buy it. And you aren't helping! ;) Perhaps I'll just get a small bit and make myself some stuff for the kitchen.

  29. What an adorable set of baskets, Chrissie! Each one unique and so suited to a boy! Congratulations Gramma.... Hope you enjoy your upcoming visit!

  30. These are awesome! Congrats on the new grandbaby!

  31. Love these! I just made some similar ones for my babies' nursery... though I think I like yours better. The fold down makes them more fun!

  32. What a adorable baskets Chrissie and love the fabrics! Congrats on the new grandbaby too!

  33. Beautiful baskets, Chrissie and the start of a new adventure for you. Being a grandparent is just the best - all the fun without the hard work.


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Chris Dodsley

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