Monday 29 September 2014

Pillows Or Cushions, Zippers Or Zips - Whatever, It Was A Great Class!

Yesterday I finished teaching my Hidden Zipper Quilted Pillow class at The City Quilter in Manhattan (oh dear, do you have any idea how hard it is for me to type that? It's a cushion and a zip and always will be for me, you can take the girl out of England and all that!!!).

It was a two session class - the first class we quilted the cushion front and second class we created the zip backing and completed the cushion.

Loved every minute, such a great group of ladies and here's a round up of the pics



I got Erica to lift the flap so you can see the zip.

Jo (who doesn't like having her pic taken ;D)



Everyone adapted the pattern to suit themselves - the direction and width of the quilting, fabrics and thread used and Trudy very successfully added piping to her cushion as well as using the most difficult fabric and thread!  With more fabrics already chosen, cut out and even quilted I know there'll be plenty more cushions from these ladies very, very soon - Andrea actually finished two cushions in class but I forgot to snap a pic of her second one.

And here's the obligatory line up of all our work, including my What's Your Hobby? class sample, You're all stars and I'm super proud, hope you enjoyed yourselves as much as I did :D

Can't finish without saying thanks to Jo for supplying Whole Foods Chocolate Chip cookies at each session - I really wish she wouldn't because then I have to eat them ;D and also to Linda who bought this pressie for my new Grandson Oliver to the second session and made me fill up with happy tears.

If you'd like to see more pics from the class click through to the store's Facebook photo album for the class and you can click through on the icon below to find out about more of my upcoming and past classes :D

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  1. Wow! If you do this again, I'm signing up.

    1. Email and ask her if it's possible to include it in the next schedule Ruth - if a couple of people ask for it then they'll rerun it, I'd love to have you in the class - Chris :D

  2. Great fabrics the ladies chose for their pillows.

  3. It's always a cushion and a zip for me too! A pillow goes on the bed to rest your head on! Looks like everyone had a great time and they produced some gorgeous cushions.

  4. They're cushions to me, too, Chrissie. A pillow is what I put my head on when I go to sleep. Both zip and zipper are OK though. The girls have done a great job with their cushions!

  5. You all have done a great job, i love all the cushions. I can see it was a fun class! Thanks for sharing
    Love from Amsterdam

  6. Looks like a fun class. I liked seeing all your students pillows. Thanks for sharing. :)

  7. Nice that you took your students all the way to the end of the project so they didn't go home with a UFO!

    1. It was such a fun class and a great group of ladies - I do a lot of classes with take home finished pieces, it gives beginners confidence and a great sense of achievement - Chris :D

  8. WOW that looks like a fun class and what great cushions the ladies have made. In New Zealand it is cushions and zips and I find it hard to call them pillows.

  9. All those cushions are gorgeous! Those ladies chose beautiful fabrics and seem to had a great time. For me, they are "coussins" and even though we speak French where I live we say "zipper". ;-)

  10. Hello Chrissie,

    What a horrible typing experience for you. Definitely cushions with zips. They are all beautiful, especially Erica's.

    Love, Muv

  11. Love them all. Been wanting to try this hidden zipper technique. Appreciate the tutorial.

  12. It's a cushion and a zip for me too, although I do find myself calling them other names for my American readers. Lots of smiles from your students, and finished cushions too so it must have been a huge success.

  13. I love that style of zipper - I hope to learn it soon!

  14. Beautiful CUSHIONS, lovely COLOURS in the fabrics chosen, with such nicely put in ZIPS! I can't choose a FAVOURITE. (Oh I do love a little across the pond "separated by the same language" sometimes!) Seriously though, such beautiful finishing, they all look great.

  15. Great Cushions! The zip works for me, easy to wash and not having to hand stitch the gap back up again.

    1. Totally agree and after you've done one zip back and realise they're so easy there's no reason to have a sewn or envelope back ever again!!! - Chris :D


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Chris Dodsley

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