Wednesday 6 August 2014

QAYG Wholecloth Strippy Quilt Class In Manhattan

Last Saturday I taught a class to a fab group of ladies at The City Quilter in Manhattan based on my QAYG Wholecloth Strippy Quilt (pictured above).  With their permission I can share with you some pics from the day.

Design Planning:

Working with different width strips based on a bug theme Terry made a charity quilt for a young person.

Wendy had a jelly roll at home that she wanted to make use of and she paired it perfectly with La Femme Essex Linen designed for Kaufman by Melissa Crawley - you may remember I used the same fabric last year to make this quilt for my daughter Flicky

Dena makes super use of jungle coloured batik strips with this beautiful jewelled wholecloth.

Alice shares my love of bright colour using stunning limes through purple batiks to back her lilac wholecloth.

This is just the cutest Thanksgiving themed wholecloth, the print is darling and Nuala had lots of fun randomly pulling from her jelly roll strips to create her 'lucky dip' quilt back.

Trudi's wholecloth is really special - she's had the fabric printed by Spoonflower from a picture her son painted for her many years ago when he was nine and I'm so impressed with the quality and how it looks.  She's raided her stash to do a scrappy backing. 

Anita is using a wholecloth fabric and also a Stonehenge jelly roll from her stash.  Removing the very darkest strips from her design was a great move and using a wool batting gave the quilt an extra snuggly quality.

Everyone made great progress and at the end of the afternoon several quilts were ready to be squared up and bound and the rest were well on their way to being finished - not bad for 6 hours work.

A fun day with a smashing group of girls, thanks everyone - Chris :D

If you live in the greater New York area or are making a quick visit to the Big Apple, why not join in one of my classes?  You can find details of all Spring 2015 classes I'm teaching via the 'My Classes' link in the side bar or by clicking the link button below.


Clicking on a image will take you to through to the new page of crafty goodness :)


  1. Looks like everyone had a fantastic time! I love seeing what every chooses, we are all so different.

  2. Those are really fun and great technique to make a quilt!

  3. Isn't it wonderful how they are all totally different while being the same, and none of them copies of yours?

    1. I love how different this quilt can look given the fabrics used. My daughter has made a soft toned baby version which is so different again to any of these, it's so versatile, easy and quick - Chris :D

  4. WOW a whole host of beautiful quilts being made. What a wonderful day!

  5. All the quilts are beautiful and such variety. Looks like a day very well spent. X

  6. Lots of great stuff here - and I love your quilt that was the starting point.

  7. Looks like a wonderful time was had by all - such big smiles! What a great idea for the quilt as you go method!

    1. I love this method Lorna - so quick and none of the usual strip joining of blocks that you associate with QAYG - Chris :D

  8. A QAYG strip quilt...what a GREAT idea! I have some Halloween fabric that has been sitting around for a couple of years that I could use this with. :)

    1. It's a smashing stash buster and fast and easy too. If you do make one send me a pic, I'd love to see it - Chris :D

  9. What lovely quilts your ladies made - a great day. xx

  10. All those designs are so great, I don't think I could pick just one I liked! Now I want to make this! Maybe for my next project!

  11. Sometimes it's the simple designs that look the best. They all look great.

  12. Wonderful quilts! Congrats ladies! Thanks for sharing this great idea!
    Hope you have a fabulous weekend!
    Hugs from Portugal,
    Ana Love Craft

  13. Sounds like a wonderful day, Chrissie. Great projects!

  14. Always a bonus to have a finish or close to it by end of class. Congratulations on a great class and wonderful idea.

  15. So neat to see several examples of class quilts - each unique. I can just imagine what a thoughtful and fun teacher you are!

  16. What a simple, fun way to make a quilt. Such a fun post!! Thanks for all just made me smile and wish I was there!!

  17. Looks like everyone was enjoying themselves and that's what it's all about!

  18. This looks like a fun project. Lots of happy faces in this group! Pinned to my quilt tutorial board. Thank you.

  19. It is always so much fun to see the variety in fabrics in a class like this! So many lovely backs!

  20. Beautiful quilts and what a neat design wall that everyone could use!

  21. These are all great! I feel inspired, that jelly roll I've had for a couple of years may find a use...

  22. What a great idea for a quilt. Your students look like they had a great time!

  23. You sure a making lasting memories with your beautiful quilts. Thank you for sharing with the Clever Chicks Blog Hop! I hope you’ll join us again next week!

    Kathy Shea Mormino
    The Chicken Chick

  24. In my 20 years of quilting, I have never sone a QAYG project. I think it is time to try one!


I love to hear from everyone, thank you for taking the time to read my blog and share your thoughts. Please leave a message to let me know you visited, it's a great way to get to know you all better too :)

Chris Dodsley

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