Friday 18 July 2014

The Thrill Of Coming Home

"The thrill of coming home has never changed."
Guy Pearce

For just over two weeks I've been in England and it has been wonderful to wake to this view from my hotel room window every morning.

As I pack to fly back to the States this evening, here's a handful of pics.

English Paper Piecing on the plane.

Knitting on the plane.

My hotel room view by night.

Two fat quarter bundles from John Lewis.

 Four lots of three metre lengths of Liberty fabric from Shaukat on Old Brompton Road (the best place to buy Liberty!).

Some more small pieces of Liberty from Shaukat.

Oh and I squeezed in a visit to this wonderful city too - doesn't everyone love Paris?

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  1. I agree Shaukat is the best - so much choice. And that hotel looks wonderful! Great view of Tower Bridge and the Shard.

  2. Oh, what a fantastic hotel view!

  3. Oh, you're like me! I travel with at least two handwork projects...something to knit and something small to sew or embroider on. I carry small hexi projects around in an antique butter dish

    1. I can't sit still Nita, I always have a sewing project, a knit/crochet project and my sketching materials with me - my bag always weighs me down!!! :D

  4. Did you take an extra suitcase? Be safe traveling home!

    1. Lol Vicki, actually we did, we took two roll ons - empty on the way there and very, very full on the way back with fabric and new clothes :D

  5. I hope you had a great time visiting London and your family up north.

  6. OMG London Bridge looks fantastic! How nice to have a gorgeous view like that! I was literally drooling while looking at your new purchases... the fabrics are beautiful, Chrissie! Glad you had a great time!

  7. Gorgeous views but I'm sure you are happy to be back home.

  8. I hope you had a lovely time back in the UK. I can't believe you managed to squeeze in a trip to Paris too. It made me smile to see you had some crafting for the plane.
    Ali xx

    1. We had the best time Ali, with family and friends in the north and south, the Paris trip with my middle son and his partner was the icing on the cake and I even took a couple of little projects on the plane with me there too! :D

  9. Beautiful views and beautiful fabrics !


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