Wednesday 2 July 2014

Previously On This Week: 2 July

This week it seems appropriate to start this post with a huge thank you to everyone who responded so positively to a post I wrote last Wednesday, What Type Of Follower Are You?.  I won't repeat it all again here, if you'd like to read the post and comments here's the link.  I wrote the post not for one moment suggesting people should follow me, rather I was curious to know just what it is about this 'Previously On...' weekly post that evidently turns some people off.

Your replies amazed me, there were responses from people who I had no idea were ever following me and it was heartening to read every comment, thank you to everyone for your support it is very much appreciated.

One reader gave me a really good insight into how my posts look via other devices, which I promptly checked out and was horrified to discover she was right (do you know Feedly removes all formatting from posts, left justifies everything, sets it all on a white background, can't manage size and layout of icon links and removes all links to Bloglovin'? - a whole other topic in itself but very interesting though I have discovered there are other ways to view via Feedly and I've responded with info on the original post).

So, without further digression, here is this week's 'Previously On...' post.

A few links back to posts from the same week in previous years that are still relevant or might be fun to revisit.

Just click on an image to take you to the original post:

Friday, 29 June 2012

Tutorial: The Dreaded Comment 'Word Verification' And How To Remove It

Monday, 2 July 2012

My Very First Ever Quilt

Sunday, 7 July 2013

Shattered Chevrons & Broken Arrow Blocks

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  1. Love your quilts! Yes, that dreaded 'word verification'. So glad that your post helped me get rid of mine.

  2. I actually prefer to read blogs in Feedly *because* they strip out all the styling. It's way easier to read left-aligned black text on a white background than pretty much any other combination of text/background/alignment!

    Also I'd encourage you to not look at your follower count so often, there's no point in making yourself feel badly about a <1% drop in followers that's probably going to be repaired in a day or two! I think that checking in weekly should be plenty often to keep tabs on what's happening...

    <3 you!


I love to hear from everyone, thank you for taking the time to read my blog and share your thoughts. Please leave a message to let me know you visited, it's a great way to get to know you all better too :)

Chris Dodsley

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.