Wednesday 25 June 2014

What Type Of Follower Are You?

This post isn't about quilting or craftiness and doesn't contain beautiful photos - there's a possibility what I'm about to write will have some of my 'followers' heading for their 'unfollow' button but that's fine by me.  

I like to think I manage my blog with integrity.  I watch other blogs grow based on asking for follows in return for giveaway and linky party entries and other similar methods - I'm not saying they're wrong (so please don't come after me with knives!) but it's just not for me, that's the choice I've made.  I have only held two giveaways on my blog in over two years and there has been no such condition of entry for either.  Interestingly, although I had plenty entries, there was no increase in followers evident from either giveaway.  

Yep, it's disappointing to discover when people have the option to follow or not to follow on a giveaway they choose not to but I prefer to think each and every one of my followers follows for no other reason than because they want to and they like what I write.

Another strange phenomenon takes place each and every Wednesday on my blog. My weekly post 'Previously On ... ' is a great way to revisit old posts; what a shame to put all that work and effort into a blog post for it to gather dust in the back of the archives and, as my blog continues to grow, it's a smashing way to introduce new readers to great projects they've missed.  This policy of revisiting old posts is also considered part of good blogging practice - that is, it seems, in all blogging interest areas other than quilting! 

Now this may just be a coincidence but for over a year now every Wednesday, after the 'Previously On ... ' post goes out I lose followers.  Maybe these followers find another way to follow? - I don't think so!  The conclusion I draw from this is maybe some people don't appreciate this post, are sick of seeing my old work or don't feel I've anything new or of value to offer to them the reader, so they hit 'unfollow'.  This isn't some strange imagining on my part, the fact is I rarely lose followers on any other day of the week and as I post at least twice a week how come this doesn't happen when I post new projects?

Today the 'Previously On ...' post went out, then I lost 3 Bloglovin' followers within minutes of each other.  I found myself actually considering ending this post series but I've decided to continue.  I believe I'm holding on to my integrity, I make whatever I want, however I want, with whatever I want - I share my work and write posts the way I want to.  

If you choose to read what I write then I thank you, in a blogland of many quilting blogs I truly appreciate you being here.  If you choose to follow then that's the most positive reinforcement I can receive, for that I doubly thank you, and if you choose to hit the 'unfollow' button, sorry to see you go, but that's okay too and thank you for helping keep my blog true :D


Follow on Bloglovin



  1. You should absolutely blog whatever you like! People unfollow and follow all the time and who knows what their reasons are. Sadly I don't always have time to comment but I am reading (when I can!!). I always offer giveaways for everyone and my followers get another chance - if people chose to unfollow later then that's their choice. I think a lot of people don't have time for blog reading, I've certainly noticed a drop in the number of comments on my blog. Instagram and other social media offer quick glimpses, though I much prefer reading in detail about what people are doing. It's a tricky balance for us all!

  2. I actually appreciate and love your "previously posted" link backs. I am a new quilter and so I'm also new at the whole blog world. I have missed tons of previous posts from everyone so I love that you bring them back! I also love that you are sticking true to yourself and YOUR blog! It is in fact YOURS!!! Keep up the good work. Your a great inspiration to me

  3. Ha! I did the same thing. I had a giveaway but there was no way I was going to 'make' anyone follow me just because of it. Bribery? Perhaps, but if they only hit the follow button because of the giveaway, then will they hit the 'unfollow' button once it's over? I had one fellow blogger complain because some of her followers found that she didn't post often enough. I told her it was her blog and she could do what she wanted. Just as you appear to be doing. You win some, you lose some. I follow you and I will keep following you.
    I don't always read what all the bloggers that I choose to follow write but that's my prerogative. I have unfollowed some bloggers who haven't blogged in more than 6-12 months. I figure they have lost interest. I do,however, think a lot as to whether or not I want to wait a while longer for them to come back to life.

  4. Your Blog is just that- your blog. You are free to do what you like. I don't follow blogs for the giveaways. I follow for ideas, tutorials and friendly advice. It takes a lot for me to unfollow anyone, maybe I'm undiscerning but I like to think everyone is entitled to an off day or two when blogging as in life.
    Sometimes I just skim read, sometimes I read in depth, it depends how much time I have and how interesting the post is. (tell you a secret, I read in bed when my husband brings me a cup of tea in the morning) I only fave a few posts.
    Keep it up. Us Northern girls stick together!

  5. I agree with you and all the previous comments. A personal blog.. is just that.. at the wishes and preogative of the writer. Now wouldn't it be boring if all blogs were the same??.. that is what makes them so interesting!!!! Different ideas, different approaches.. different styles, etc. I write my blog for me and what I think quilters would be interested in seeing. Not for additional followers, etc. Keep up the good work... I love seeing what you are up to! P.S. I will now make a point of visiting on Wednesdays for Previously On... :-)

  6. just a thought- often when I click on a bloglovin post I get a note that the blog cannot be displayed on this page and I have to click another spot to get to the content (it happened today to this post!). I will be the first to admit that sometimes I get frustrated when it is not easy to jump to the blog post. I have no idea who's fault it is- the blog (not likely), bloglovin (?) or windows 8 (ugh). Perhaps the technology is causing the desertion...
    I do not get a chance to read your blog daily but I do like to catch up and these posts are an advantage for that! Thank you for your wonderful blog, talent and time and most of all, inspiration.

  7. Interesting post and I say keep your integrity, this is for you.

  8. I've obviously found your previous posts really useful, as I know very little about quilting. I have to agree with you, you have to blog your own way. It wouldn't be your own blog otherwise.
    Ali xx

  9. I don't use blogloving but I see your posts through
    Since I think blogging is a personal log of our lives and quilting adventures, I say do what makes you happy.

  10. What type of follower am I? Dedicated! I may not comment on all post but I do try to read(skim) the hundreds that I follow. It would take a lot for me to unfollow anyone. (maybe a class D felony) I've seen a couple bloggers post about how to do just that, and my thought at the time was what could a blogger do or say to make someone unfollow? Integrity and commitment is hard for some folks...Looks like you're not lacking in that area. Kudo's to you for your honesty.

  11. I could care less about giveaways. I read your blog because it's well-written, informative, and I love your projects. And I am very happy about your Wed posts. That's how I learned about the Shape-cut ruler, and it's totally changed how I cut. So, piffle upon those silly fools who have unfollowed you.

  12. You're right Chrissie: do your own thing. I, for one, enjoy reading the "old" posts, and it looks like there are more of us, too.

  13. I don't follow just to be able to win a giveaway...I only follow blogs that I enjoy reading...I too have noticed that I am losing followers when I post things other than quilting and like you, I feel that is ok as well...after all they are our blogs and we should be posting what makes us happy without worrying about losing followers or not...I don't always comment, but I love reading your posts...and I have enjoyed your past series of posts...keep up the good work and enjoy your blog...

  14. I follow your blog because you're an awesome quilter, and make such wonderful things. I even like your Wednesday posts, because I haven't been following you for over a year, so they're all new. I think people just don't know something good when they see it. If I had a blog, I would hope I could do as you are, posting what I wanted to. I wouldn't want to rely on giveaways to attract followers, and when I enter giveaways, and one of the things is to follow the blog, I follow, but if their content isn't good, I unfollow soon thereafter.

  15. Blog what you want when you want. That is what I do.

  16. It's your blog, you can do whatever you want!!! I am just doing a giveaway right now, and I do have them leave me a comment based on whatever question I'm asking of them, but for an additional giveaway, I ask they tell me how they follow. I will admit I get sucked into the numbers game, but all in all, my main goal is to just gain more quilty friends and see what everyone is making for eye-candy and inspiration. I will admit tho, I am annoyed when people only follow me for a giveaway, then unfollow when it's over. :( That makes me sad. Haha...but love this post!

  17. Chrissie, I am following you through feedspot, so I don't even know if I count :) I love your previously on... posts as for example today I saw a post I missed last year. So please keep posting the way you want your blog to be, don't worry about the people who just couldn't care less... The ones that are here are here for you!

  18. Argh!!! Just wrote you a long comment and it disappeared!!!

    It's your blog, Chrissie, run it as you want to. Readers / commenters will come and go. It's the nature of blogging. I follow via Vienna, so you won't see me as a number on Bloglovin. Sometimes I come over from Facebook, as I did today.

  19. I read you in Feedly. Even though I have one of those "Follow Me on Bloglovin'" links, I rarely read blogs in Bloglovin because its interface annoys me. I jumped on the bandwagon to "claim" my blog in Bloglovin, like so many did when Google Reader went away, but I found a better reader in the meantime. Maybe others are dropping Bloglovin but following in other readers. I wouldn't worry about it, in any event. I like your blog and enjoy the previous posts. Rock on!

  20. Your blog - your way.... Stay true to yourself!

  21. Blogs are so personal and should be about your likes and interests and hobbies … whatever you're willing to share with the world. I follow you on Bloglovin and Facebook. Since there are never enough hours in a day to do everything I'd like to, I may not take the time to comment often on blogs, but I read and enjoy every word and picture. Don't let 'em get you down. Thanks for sharing!
    Jane @ Handiworking

  22. Hi Chrissie! I am a VERY happy follower. Thank you for staying strong and being YOU!!

  23. Hi Chris, I am really sorry to hear that people do such mean things. Actually, I recently started following you through a friends blog I believe. Once, I follow someone. I just stay on.
    I hope you continue to keep posting your old "Previously on", I like the idea of a new follower going through your old blog entries. I have seen other people show a list of old posts which are related. But I haven't figured that out myself.
    Like they say in theater the "Show must go on".
    Happy Blogging!

  24. Great post Chrissie! My blog has been a very slow burner in growth terms too - I'm probably not aggressive enough in asking for likes and everything.....I'm going for 'organic' growth!!!!!! I think people's blog reading has changed a lot - I read blogs nearly everyday but don't always comment as it's normally on the iPad and the Bloglovin app doesn't make it easy to do so, and when I 'see' people on IG I normally end up commenting there instead. Well done for being you :)

  25. Good on you for sticking to what you believe in!! I love your blog and as I am a recent follower, I love seeing what a have done in the past ! I can only hope that my blog can hold as much integrity as yours !

  26. mmm.. very interesting, well I am a new follower, so I love seeing older projects finished. Keep with your integrity! I write what I like to write on my blog, mostly cause my husband doesn't care for my sewing so I hope that like minded people will :) I did recently have a giveaway and "requested" that it be for followers only cause I just sent out the packages and the shipping alone cost me $60. So a kind word or two on my blog makes all that money worth it!

  27. I agree with you. I want people to visit my blog because of its content not because of the stuff I am giving away for free. I have never hosted a giveaway to just increase the number of followers. I don't know if I am losing out but it just doesn't feel right to me.

  28. I like your previously posted since I am a recent follower of your gives me some past highlights!
    I love reading your blog...keep on doing what you are doing!!

  29. Blog what you want, not what you think others want. I only have 18 followers on Bloglovin', I get very few blog comments, and I don't really care. I just want to be able to share what I make with the world. If others don't like it, they don't have to read it. I'm glad to find someone else who feels the same way.

  30. I follow your blog and others because I like what you do and that's all there is to it! I do unfollow blogs that no longer appeal as there are only so many hours in the day and I want to spend the short time that I have to read blogs reading ones that interest and inspire me. That's why I read yours :)

  31. If they have unfollowed you then they are missing a lot - your blogs are interesting and very informative. A blog is a personal 'diary' and what you put in your diary is up to you - not for anyone else to challenge. When I did my first giveaway a little while ago it was meant as a thank you to everyone who had followed me over my first two years as a blogger - not as a method of increasing my followers. I was also extremely pleased that Mr RNG chose one of my most faithful commenters! xx

  32. Interesting! Who knows why people do what they do. I enjoy your blog and, little secret here, I rarely post a comment when someone is having a giveaway - even if I'm already a follower. :D

  33. I do agree with you on the giveaways bringing more followers and after that they never put another comment on your blog. I don't think these people are real followers, that's why I love my little group of followers and don't aspire to 1000's, but would be happy to have this many. I love reading old posts and it saves me scrolling back all the time. Keep it going.

  34. what an interesting phenomenon. I don;t read your previously on... post as i have been following for so long that I have seen them before. But it does not mean I will unfollow - on bloglovin it is so easy just not to click the post for the day. Blogging is weird. Lately I have seen people do really negative comments to. WHat is with that???? If you don't like it then unfollow, or don't comment. People forget that this is just what we do for the love of it. I say just ignore it all and do what you want!! After being worried for years about not getting enough hits or if someone unfollows, now I dont care, I do my thing! Love your blog. Cheers Karen

  35. I so agree with you about avoiding big giveaways. I participated in one once and noticed I was reading only the giveaway blog entry, not browsing the blog and getting to know the writer. I figured others were doing the same to mine, since like you I didn't gain followers.

    As to previous posts--I am more likely to read them if a current post refers back to a relevant post.

    Why do I follow? It is a question I ask myself somedays when no post in my in box interests me. One day, though, there was a post about a type quilt, a design concept, or something else that intrigued me enough to read more. Sometimes it seems that one post is the only one that interested me--the next dozen are on something else. I don't unfollow very often because there just might be another like the one that caught my attention the first time.

    How do I find blogs to follow? Often through linky parties. Other times because someone has mentioned a blog or posted a link to a blog entry that I have followed then browsed and gotten I try to link to other peoples' blogs occasionally.

    Sometimes I think it would be better to spend time quilting instead of reading about quilting, but for now it is a good pastime.

  36. I will echo what has been said, that this is your blog and you should post what you want. The numbers used to upset me a bit, but then I just realized that I am going to be me and do what I want with my little blog. I don't enter giveaways that require you to be a follower.

    I am a happy follower. I love to hear about your life in NY.

    I don't access your blog through Bloglovin though

  37. I use Feedly to follow your blog. It did feel that for awhile you didn't have much new content. Also, at the end of each of your posts the links/graphics to other sites takes 7 pages to scroll through. Now I don't know why this shows up when reading through Feedly (it doesn't show up when I click on the post). The 7 pages of ads is at the bottom of EVERY single post when reading through Feedly. It's very tedious and irritating. I do like your blog (and I'm not into the giveaways or posts sponsored by companies). But, as it is your blog, I concur, do what you want with it!

    1. Hi Dianneo, you make some really interesting observations in your comment which I appreciate as when people give feedback that’s information I can use to make changes should I choose to.
      One observation I wasn’t aware of previously is how my blog looks when viewed via Feedly. So I’ve downloaded the Feedly app on my phone to take a look. Yes, indeed, there are lots of images at the end of my post though they are not ads, they are the links to linky parties I have listed that particular post on which all have to be displayed as a requirement of joining in any linky party. When I don’t link to a party you won’t see the images such as on my ‘Previously On’ posts. When you view my posts via the internet on a computer or phone these linky party images are small, equally sized and lined up perfectly – they remain the same when I view them on my mobile app too.

      This evening having checked my posts via the Feedly and Bloglovin’ phone apps I see these linky images are no longer of uniform size, they are large and unevenly scattered around the screen. Worse still if you view my blog via Feedly on a computer these images are even larger and additionally Feedly removes all formatting from my blogged text putting a left justify on everything instead of centring it, they’ve even removed my ‘follow me on Bloglovin’’ button.

      Oh dear, I can’t tell you how distressing this is for someone as orderly as I am. Unfortunately and frustratingly, though it makes me very unhappy to see my work looking as poorly displayed as it is via Feedly, there is absolutely nothing I can do to change it which makes me sad as I go to so much trouble with my presentation and you’re not getting to see my work as it was intended.

      Going back to the phone app, I’m assuming you’re viewing via this as you say you had scroll through 7 pages of ads, if you don’t mind me saying so it would appear you got off very lightly as, down to the way Feedly formatted it, there were 18 pages to scroll through on my phone! I did continue to scroll to the bottom of the images to see if there’s a reason for you to do this instead of back screening off my blog back to the previous page and there’s nothing else there. These images are at the absolute bottom of the post each time so may I suggest in future when you reach the end of my writing you simply back screen and save yourself the tedium and irritation you’ve been experiencing previously.

      Occasionally I don’t create a new content blog post each week, sometimes there’s nothing I want to blog about and sometimes life gets in the way, still when I do post next I don’t feel it’s necessary to explain my absence to anyone. An advantage of my scheduled ‘Previously On’ posts is that in my absence they keep my blog live and ticking over as it were.

      I appreciate that you took the time to comment, I've had to write my response here as you are a no-reply blogger and you don’t appear to be a blogger yourself as you don’t have a blog or website assigned to your Google profile that I could attempt to contact you through. I hope my suggestion about back screening out of my posts will be helpful should you wish to continue to follow me. Thanks again for your visit today – Chris :D

    2. Hi again, this whole Feedly layout was bothering me so I've investigated it some more. Do you know from a phone if you click on the initial title of a blog post it takes you to a different view of that post that is laid out as it is on a computer and you can comment on a blog post from this screen too? Additionally, and this is the really interesting bit, there is an option at the top that looks like an icon of an eraser - if you select this it says "removing clutter" and then you see the post's images and text without any of the linky icons, etc. I thought these two versions of reading posts through Feedly may be just what you're looking for - Chris :D

  38. I think your blog is full of wonderful creativity, and well written posts. Good for you for sticking to what you know is right for you! I enjoy reading, even though I don't always get time to comment!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  39. What kind of follower? I'm a faithful one and continue to follow your blog and to enjoy reading it.I must admit I don't always read your retrospective posts because I remember reading them the first time but I think they are a good idea.
    I think the comment from dianneo is very interesting and shows that,sadly, we do not have as much control over our blogs as we might like. I have no idea what my blog looks like from a modern phone as I don't have anything other than a basic mobile. I meet French readers face to face at sales who tell me that because they use other blog hosts (and not blogger) they are unable to comment or follow my blog. This obviously affects the numbers of followers showing which is irritating as I would be happy to have them on board and would love to read their thoughts. I just have to be content with knowing that they are there! Constant changes from blogger don't help either. I am not very happy with "Bloglovin'" and because of this I'm not sure I want to add "Feedly." Bloggers appear to be expressing anxiety about the potential demise of blogs because of Instagram etc and I think we live in interesting times for the blog! I am waiting to see! Keep up the good work!

  40. Like so may others have said, write about what you want to and don't worry about those that unfollow. It happens to all of us. I too don't always have time to write comments but I'm trying, when life isn't insane that is. Don't let anyone convince you that you should be someone than who you truly are.

  41. I have bloglovin' on my smart phone. I don't prefer looking at other blogs via this format as my android phone changes the formatting.
    I much prefer going to my blog and clicking through from my sidebar of frequently read favorites. I get the full format more often.
    If I want the full format always, I need to be on my laptop.
    I sell online and have done since eBay started and have had to adjust tremendously to buyers reading on smart phones. The mobile version is truncated. Buyers push "BUY" w/o reading anything.
    I see the appeal of instagram where its usually a single photo.
    People have busy lives and save it by not reading lengthy posts or researching properly.
    That said, its good to re-visit your blog every year to refine what you are trying to do.
    I use mine as a journal of what I've made, a place for flower photos that don't need to be in an album, & rambling.
    I'm never gonna make it big in blogland but my followers are very loyal and like what i do. I like what I do.

  42. Today, I looked thru the site, "what are quilters blogging about?" And saw this article. I have never seen your blog, but added it to my bloglovin and looking forward to following. I have never won a giveaway after many attempts... I am not a blogger so I figure that is why.... so I have stopped being lured by that trick. I have learned so much via bloggers and very grateful to all of you for sharing!

  43. Chris, what an interesting post. I'm glad you have concluded that you should retain integrity on your blog. As a previous quilter also commented, I have followed you for so long that I have seen most of your "previously on" posts. I go in waves with blogging, both with following/reading blogs, and in posting to my own. So sometimes, like right now, I find myself in a "catching up" mode.

  44. I know I'm rather late with this response, but I'm glad that you explained your reasoning behind it. I had actually thought about not following you because it kind of seemed like you were just trying to find material to make more posts. Now that you explained it though, I think it's a good idea. (The only thing that I might add would be a little more commentary...maybe saying that you really liked this quilt or that quilt.)

  45. Late to the party again! I love reading your blog, and find the Previously posts interesting - sometimes there's an item that I missed (probably from when I got overwhelmed and clicked "mark all as read"), or a great idea that I'd forgotten about, or sometimes I just skim - but that's not a problem for me.
    I'm using feedly and having real problems with it at the minute as the in-app comments aren't working, but rest assured, I love your work!

  46. I am a happy follower. I would recommend not worrying so much about un-followers. I recently listened to a podcast about email newsletter followers and how when someone unsubscribes, you can't get any useful information from that action. They are gone, some for reasons that have nothing to do with you. So don't stress over it.


I love to hear from everyone, thank you for taking the time to read my blog and share your thoughts. Please leave a message to let me know you visited, it's a great way to get to know you all better too :)

Chris Dodsley

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.