Sunday 1 June 2014

Meeting, Chatting, Knitting and Stitching

Made time this week to knit something for my Grandson-to-be, Oliver, excited to finally get to use some of the wool I bought on my visit to Atelier Yarns in San Francisco.

Here's the pics of my progress along the way as seen on Instagram

Had it finished within 3 hours on Memorial Day - haven't knitted baby clothes for 20 years and I'd forgotten what a quick make they are.  Working on a matching sweater now but it'll take a little longer as life's kicked into 'super busy' mode again with deadlines, teaching and travel plans but we'll get there - a plane journey is just what I need to sit a while and knit :D

I have a handful of other pics to share too of people I've had the pleasure to meet over the last few weeks:

Sarah of Quilt Candy came to visit NYC

and look who's dropped in at work:
Novelist, Marie Bostwick (check out her latest book 'Apart At The Seams' - there's even a trip to The City Quilter, my LQS, in it) and Meg Cox, Quilt Alliance President (so looking forward to Quilter's Take Manhattan in September);

 Mary Fons of Papergirl and Quilty, QNNtv (Mary's just moved to NYC so hopefully we'll be seeing more of her in store and her new book Make + Love Quilts is beautiful);

and Kathy Doughty of Material Obsession (it's the second time I've met Kathy when she's been teaching at The City Quilter and one of these days I'll get to join in one of her fabulous classes myself - we fast realised that both trying to press the button while taking a selfie plays havoc with maintaining your photo smile and keeping the phone steady!).

For details of other fabric, yarn, trim and notion stores that I've visited around the world along with the NYC stores I love, exhibitions and events I've attended and wonderful people I've been lucky to meet click the links below or in my sidebar :D

Disclaimer: This post is for informational purposes only, no payment or commission is received on click-throughs and opinions are my own.

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  1. The baby hat is gorgeous and seeing all the people you met, lovely quilt book :)

  2. Lovely hat for a little boy, and he'll need it if your next winter is anything like the last. Looking at the "in progress" photos, I'm wondering why you abandoned the circular needle in favour of four pins.

    1. Hi Marly, Oliver is lucky in that he'll live in beautiful Seville so, unless he's paying me a visit, he'll hopefully never have weather as cold as we do but I do have to careful to knit things that will fit him when the weather will be cool enough to actually wear them. Well spotted on the needles, though I didn't swap during the knitting - it was the cast off row so I used 2 needles to hold the live stitches at opposite sides that you then work to make the tied 'ears' and the other 2 needles were there ready for me to do a 3 needle cast off. I didn't want to move off my chair to get some holding pins and I had double pointed needles by me so I made use of those. :D

  3. Very cute hat!! I'm off to check out those books :)

  4. Love that hat.....'tis very, very cute!!

  5. Cute hat Chrissie - love the yarn colors. How neat that you got to meet all those people. I have read one or two Mary Bostwick books in the past.

  6. That hat is a hoot! You have had a busy couple of weeks. Love your box pouch.

  7. I love your baby hat! Thanks for sharing! Lovely pics!
    Have a fabulous week!
    Hugs from Portugal,
    Ana Love Craft

  8. how cute is that hat! You're going to have the best dressed grandson around!

  9. Love the wool and the hat, of course. Thanks for linking up

  10. Brings back memories of sock knitting; lovely colours in the wool, your grandson will love his hat!

  11. Love the little knitted hat, Chrissie. You are a whirlwind! Wish I could come to your class for the boxy pouch!

  12. What a great hat. I love the vibrant colours. I am not very keen on the usual pastels for babies.

  13. Isn't that just darling!!!

  14. Very nice hat and also very nicely knitted. I am also a knitter and quilter. Happy to link with you

  15. That hat is perfect. Adorable and perfect. Thanks for linking up at Inspire Us Thursdays!


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Chris Dodsley

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