Monday 5 May 2014

Finally Showcasing My 'Even The Dog's Got Two' Quilt

For the longest time my husband, Simon, kept commenting that I made quilts for everyone else but not for him.  I didn't pay any attention until the day he said

"everyone else has at least one quilt except me, even the dog's got two".

It couldn't be denied, the evidence is right here on this blog:

I needed to put matters right.  

I think I'd been putting off making him a quilt because I knew Simon would probably like his very own space themed Star Trek or Doctor Who quilt but there's no way I'm having anything like that in my living room as I have to live with it too. I'll leave you to make your own mind up whether I'm a total control freak ex-interior designer or maybe I just don't love him that much - either way, this is the plan I came up with.

For some time, as they wore out, I'd been collecting Simon's cotton and linen shirts and linen trousers all in shades of blue and brown so even when he's off to work he always co-ordinates with my apartment colour scheme.  At the same time, I saw a sample quilt hanging in a Manhattan quilt store for a  Pleated Patchwork class by Andrea Deal, you can see Andrea's quilt here on her website. The quilt is from the book Modern Neutrals by Amy Ellis @Amy's Creative Side and I knew this would be a perfect way to use the shirts/trousers and I think the quilt has a very strong masculine design too.

Here's a handful of photos taken as the process was ongoing

Other projects kept taking precedence over the quilt and although it was meant to be Simon's Christmas present I didn't actually finish it until Boxing Day (that's the day after Christmas Day celebrated by Commonwealth countries) but the good news is, Simon was thrilled with it.  I think I should tell you at this stage that I did also make him a travel bag lined with Star Trek fabric that I'll share with you another time so don't judge me too harshly as totally inadequate wife material (though I did say 'lined with', well I draw the line at it actually being visible!!!).

Obviously, over winter the weather was dreadful and I never got around to taking photos of the quilt.  I did pass comment that possibly the quilt should never actually be used as if it ever needed washing I really didn't want to stand and iron all those pleats back into place.

So this is the bit of the story where I totally get my comeuppance.

Our new pup, Watson, threw up on the quilt.
He committed his crime on a Saturday when I was working at the quilt store and Simon set to, washing the quilt and tumbling drying the life out of it till it was bone dry.  Every crinkle and crease were well and truly fixed in place, no iron was sorting out that mess.

Here's the only photo that exists of the quilt in its perfect, pre-washed state, taken by Nellie at our February NYC Metro Mod Quilt Guild meeting.

Last week we finally had a few days of brighter weather, suitable for taking quilt photos.  I quickly rewashed the quilt and while it was still soaking wet I ironed it.  I was amazed how perfect the pleats still were, washing didn't affect them in the slightest and they required minimal if no ironing.  The most difficult part of the quilt to iron was the back - it's made from Peppered Cottons and no amount of pressing can make it look pristine as you're always pressing against the lumps and bumps of the pleats on the underside.

Ironed as best as I could manage I left the quilt to hang dry overnight and here are the pics from its photocall last week:

The quilt is really heavy and incredibly warm.  I guess the quilt top is actually three layers of fabric due to the way the pleats are created and the pleats themselves probably trap air and, therefore, heat.

This pic shows how difficult it was to iron the peppered cotton flat but you can also see how I've quilted it - either side of the ditch to create the square design and to avoid sewing over the pleats and spoiling the texture and effect of the quilt front.

So the long-suffering Simon, at last, has his own quilt to stay warm under on a cold winter's night, finally a happy ending ...
well, that's not quite how it is ...

there's two little people who have their own ideas about the new quilt on the block and they're not moving anywhere fast.  

Poor Simon, maybe I'll make you another quilt sometime or maybe you're just not meant to have a quilt at all? x

Find out more about the life of this quilt here:

This post is for informational purposes only, no payment or commission is received on click-throughs and opinions are my own.

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  1. I just love your quilt: the colours and the structure - and it's status after washing! It is also a great recycling project.

  2. This is a beautiful quilt! Thank you for sharing! I just love your husband's reasoning: even the dog has two, this is hilarious! So funny!

  3. Oh, it's a beautiful quilt! I love all the blues and totally agree that it has a masculine feel to it. Well done!

  4. I love making quilts from old shirts. Wow your husband is tolerant. I justify my stash hording by every once in a while making my husband a new quilt!!! So onward from here hey?

  5. Maybe Simon deserves a second quilt, with just a little Star Trek fabric on the back. This quilt is AWESOME, Chrissie!!! Love the colours and the pleats truly set it apart, making it a unique quilt that is bound to be loved and treasured, hopefully by Simon if he gets to use it.

    1. Thanks Pam, the binding already has nibble marks courtesy of the youngest member of our furry family but fortunately all his teething is now done! Maybe I should make the dogs a Star Trek quilt and see if they'll let Simon borrow it?! :D

  6. This is spectacular. I've seen several quilts made of recycled shirts, and, sadly that's what they looked like! I love plisé blocks but I've only ever seen them in wall hangings before. I'm glad you finally got it washed and ironed properly. Now you've proved that plisé can be used in functional quilts without being damaged, even by pukey dogs, and old shirts can be revitalised. Brilliant.

  7. That's a wonderful quilt. Maybe the dogs will decide to share it with Simon. :D

  8. It's awesome! Clearly the doggies have good taste, too.

  9. The texture on that quilt is amazing! I think it would be fabulous for a baby or toddler to feel, although the washing difficulties may make it less than ideal. Thanks for linking up to Anything Goes Monday!

  10. Wow :o from Facebook I didn't realize those were pleats. Ah-maz-ing! Those poor suffering husbands ;)

  11. OMG, that is too funny, your two little are sure cute. your poor husband. looks like a quilt that is going to be on my to do list.

  12. Oh Chrissie...I LOVE this quilt! What a fantastic pattern. The colors are perfect for this great quilt.

  13. what a fab quilt! I'm so glad it returned itself to its perfect state after being ironed.

  14. This is gorgeous! I've been making quilts out of my hubby's shirts too but would never have thought of this. It is incredible!

  15. Ha ha ha ha!! Once the puppies lay claim to it, it's never coming back! :-)
    Really lovely idea and fantastic execution. Definitely has a manly vibe going, but still very stylish. Hopefully Tatty and Watson will occasionally share a corner of their new quilt.
    E xx

  16. This is fantastic!!! So unique and original Chrissie! Also glad to know my pup isn't the only one who intrudes on photo shots!

  17. What an unusual quilt. I love how it looks.

  18. Great looking quilt! It won't have that "well used look" if it's pristine and besides what man can keep anything pristine, LOL!!

  19. What a stunning quilt Chrissie although........are sure the quilt is for your husband???? I seem to see two little cuties on it! Thanks for sharing.
    Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday

  20. Nice work, Chrissie! Thanks for showing it. Linking with you thru Let'sBeeSocial.

  21. coolest quilt!! Love love the texture. The dogs apparently have three now. Men love to hang on to their clothes, so now he can still have them
    Leeanna Paylor
    Not Afraid of Color!

  22. Really lovely idea for a quilt. Looks great, hope he has treats for the dogs to bribe it off them!

  23. Wow! I love the pleats and am sew glad to hear that you did get the barf out of it and still had it turn out so fabulously! This is a great design. And using the clothes really worked. Well done, Chrissie! That last shot? Adorable.

    1. They're quite the pair Lorna and totally irresistible :D

  24. Great idea for a very special quilt!

  25. Great quilt Chrissie, I have been stockpiling my husband's shirts too and this looks like the ideal way to use them.

  26. This is awesome, I love it! I'm planning on making a t-shirt quilt someday and you've just given me an idea for what to do with those solid colored shirt backs. :)

  27. Chrissie, this is gorgeous, I'm so glad it washed well this time! Great man quilt :-)

  28. This quilt is beautiful with such an amazing texture. Glad to know it is washable.

  29. wow! that quilt is really quite amazing!

  30. so funny. I love to here a quilt's story! It is very lovely and cozy. :)

  31. I love the photo against the skyline, the colours are perfect!

  32. This is awesome Chrissie! The pleats give such a great texture to the quilt. I'm a little bit OCD about what goes in my living room as well. So glad to hear I'm not the only one, and glad your hubby finally got his quilt!

    Thanks so much for sharing at Needle and Thread Thursday!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  33. That's an incredible quilt from the collection it's made of to it being washable after all in the end. Great photos! For a Star Trek quilt, you could make a plain quilt of one of the show's shirt colors (blue would do!), and make an insignia-shaped label for the back. Just an idea from a fellow Trekkie... :)

  34. Beautiful!!! I love the texture on this!

  35. What a wonderful quilt and what a great story! I'm surprised the dogs are allowed anywhere near it now :D

    1. Lol, thankfully I'm not precious about my quilts Janine and the quilts I sell are locked away in a cupboard where furry paws can't reach :D

  36. What a great story to go with this quilt! Love the pleated look -- that's been on my must-try for a long time. Great job, Chrissie!

  37. I love the story too and how it turned out. Now me..I would never make a quilt like that but kudos to you for it. I'm sure he is grateful.

  38. Oh my! I love this. Love. Thanks again for linking up on Inspire Us Thursdays!

  39. Love this cool, masculine design! So happy your son now has his own quilt! ;)

    Pinning to our Party Board!

    Thank you so much for sharing your creativity at our Show-Licious Craft & Recipe Party! Join us again on Saturday to show off your latest projects!

    ~ Ashley

  40. What a great quilt! Love the story too. I don't know if I'd ever iron those pleats...I'd probably just let them wrinkle however they wanted because I hate ironing!

  41. This is the second time in a short while that I've seen a quilt entirely or mostly made of old linen clothing. My linen pants are mostly tan/white, but I might have to keep an eye out at thrift stores for good linen grays and blues. This quilt turned out gorgeously, and I sure do hope your husband fights those two cute little quilt-hoarders for his quilt. He deserves his own! :)

    1. Thanks Kitty, I made a memory quilt 2 years ago using my Dad's shirts and they were polyester cotton - not ideal and I'd be loath to do it again. Using the pure cotton and pure linen shirts/trousers worked like a dream and has washed well too. Unfortunately those two cute little quilt-hoarders are way too cute for anyone's good and have claimed every quilt in the apartment, bit cheeky when they've got fur coats of their own ;D

  42. Love the texture and use of the shirts!

  43. Thank you so much for sharing, both the quilt and the wonderful story!! Loved it all!

  44. Great guy quilt!! Love the colors you chose.

  45. they look so sweet on top of their new quilt! i love all the texture too!

  46. What an amazing quilt! The colors are so perfect...great texture! I have to admit our dog has two quilts, and why not?! Your husband has got to be thirlled!

  47. What a neat quilt. Love the texture.


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Chris Dodsley

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