Sunday 20 April 2014

A Foundation Paper Pieced K-9 Friend

I've joined a new Bee and the instructions for our first block were to create an alien/sci-fi character block.

The Queen Bee loves dogs so I thought I'd go with a canine theme, the obvious candidate being K-9 from Doctor Who.  A quick internet search and I found a foundation paper pieced 12" finished block version of K-9 by Caroline @Trillium Design.  You can get hold of her pattern here on Craftsy along with several other Doctor Who blocks, and it's currently free.

I've made K-9's body using Robert Kaufman Quilter's Linen Grey and 2 grey Kona solidswhile his collar is Kaffe Fassett Jupiter-Red.  The background fabric is Dear Stella Designs 172 - Piper ZigZag (Orange).

Some of the sections were just one piece of fabric or had large areas that weren't sewn in place - so I used a basting stitch and stitched around the edge of each section to hold the cut fabric in place - you can see what I mean in the photos above and below.  

This meant a lot more work once the block was complete to remove the paper and any visible basting stitching but I think he was worth it.  

I ironed the section seams to one side in a way that makes the body and head be higher than the other sections to make him look more 3D.

I'm not a Doctor Who fan - though I've watched it for 50 years and if pushed I'd have to say my preferred Doctors are Jon Pertwee and Christopher Eccleston.  These days I sew while watching it under sufferance with my husband and daughter, can't for the life of me understand what all the fuss is about but 'horses for courses' and all that.  

Jon Pertwee/Christopher Eccleston/K-9 with Tom Baker

I hope the Queen Bee likes him, he is kind of cute in a robotic sort of way.

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  1. This is such a fab pattern Chrissie! Thank you for the link - I have downloaded this one and a couple of other Doctor Who blocks into my Craftsy library x

    1. Glad you like it Gertie and that Caroline's patterns will be useful to you. Slightly worried that my husband might see this post and want his own quilt! :D

  2. Great block Chrissie and many thanks for the link - I too have been there and downloaded! Cant understand you not loving Dr Who!! xx

    1. Lol, too many Saturday teatime's spent hiding the sofa, obviously scarred for life Lin! :D

  3. I like the idea of basting around the pieces that have few or only one section. I haven't seen it before, and I think I'm going to try it! Also, K-9 looks great!

    1. All the fpp I've done before had enough stitched detail to hold all the pieces in place, this is the first time I've come across this problem, I wasn't sure how else to go about it and it did work but it would be good to hear if anyone else has any ideas/solutions.

  4. Very intricate paper piecing! Turned out great!

  5. Terrific piecing, congratulations. It's funny before I started reading I thought it looked like a Dalek dog! I didn't watch the series much: when it started I deemed myself too old ( all of 12 I believe), but my younger brother did. The Daleks however rapidly found a place in folk culture. Enjoy your bee, it would seem to be an inspiring company.

  6. Wow! what an adorable paper piecing piece! great job!

  7. Love the collar you gave him. I'm a big Doctor Who fan and love this block! I've 4 of the 20 designs made from this QAL series and someday hope to get more done. Your Queen Bee is going to love him!

    1. I'm worried my husband might discover there's a whole set of these blocks and want his own Doctor Who quilt! :D

  8. How cute Chrissie! I'm getting ready to work on some PP too! Thanks for sharing.
    Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday

  9. Great block! As a Doctor Who fan, it's perfect!

  10. Your K-9 looks great. I watched Dr Who as a child, then when I met my husband, he was a fan. I didn't get into it until Matt Smith, the last Doctor and now i'm hooked! I've saved all the paper piecing patterns as I plan to make him a quilt... one day!

  11. Love the fabrics you chose, Chrissie. Especially the collar! Sure turned out cute!

  12. Adorable K9- I especially like his collar. My entire family is quite addicted to the show...

  13. I haven't watched Dr. Who in years. Love the dog. I am sure your Queen Bee will love it.

  14. Dr. Who isn't available in my area, but that sure is a clever interpretation of his dog. Great job. And thanks for linking to TGIFF - I wouldn't have seen this fun post otherwise.

  15. The canine is cute so many little sections. Great job

  16. cute little pup, and your colors and shape do make him look robotic!

    Thanks so much for linking up to Needle and Thread Thursday!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  17. awesome K-9!! nice work...great colors...

  18. Love all the pieced together shapes!

    Thank you so much for sharing your creativity with us at Show-Licious Craft & Recipe Party! I hope you will join us again this Saturday at 8:00 am EST!

    ~ Ashley

  19. Fabulous! Thanks for linking up to Inspire Us Thursdays on The Inspired Wren.


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Chris Dodsley

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