Sunday 30 March 2014

The Colour Purple - Old Age Or Eccentricity?

Be eccentric now.  Don't wait for old age to wear purple.
                                                                                             Regina Brett

Last Thursday I was teaching a class at The City Quilter and one of the students raised the question of why woman over the age of 65 fall in love with the colour purple?  Well I have no answers, and neither did the women in the class, all I know is that my own Mum adores the colour purple, she can't get enough of it so when I saw this cowl on the Black Sheep and Ewe stand at Vogue Knitting Live in Manhattan back in January and spotted that they had it in purple I just knew I had to make it for her.

This 'Flower Cowl' pattern and yarn are available to purchase online at Black Sheep And Ewe.

Today, Sunday, 30 March is Mothering Sunday in England 
- we celebrate our Mother's Day on the 4th Sunday in Lent dating back to the 16th Century.  The rest of the world celebrate Mother's Day on several dates but the majority on the second Sunday in May as introduced by Anna Jarvis of West Virginia, USA in 1908 -
so it was a perfect gift to send off to Mum.  Fortunately Flicky was around last week to model the finished cowl for me.

a close up with the 'flowers' included in the yarn.

To be honest I'm disappointed with the finished shawl.  It doesn't look as good on Flicky as it did on the model at Vogue Knitting Live, maybe a different colour or outfit underneath would do it more justice and, now looking at the model I can see we haven't hung it quite the same way, it could look better with the twist off to one side.  Not one of my better projects :(

I guess what matters is whether or not Mum likes it.  I spoke with her tonight and she told me that it's her favourite colour - well who'd have known?!!!  

Something to do with her being over 65 maybe - we still haven't got to the bottom of that one ... thoughts anyone?

Update at 7.11 pm, 31 March 2014

Mum went out in her cowl tonight - she wore it over a three quarter length sleeve round neck purple top and a full length purple skirt.  People stopped her to say how glamourous she looked, friends have tried the cowl on too and now they're keen to get hold of the wool and the pattern now over the pond!  When she got home Mum skyped me so I could see how she looked, she'd read my blog post and knew I was disappointed with the cowl and wanted to tell me how much she loves it.

I asked her if she could take a selfie and send it to me and here it is

She's never taken a selfie before and quickly realised she couldn't stand far enough back from her iPad to get the whole outfit in - she even tried using a spatula to take the pic but to no avail.  After giving us both lots of giggles and scaring me with how much she's looking like my Grandma (her Mum) these days, she's gone to bed now and I've told her to check back here in the morning to see this update.

Enjoy Mum, you look fabulous and I love you so much, Happy Mother's Day xxx

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  1. I love puprke and I am not 65! I like your cowl. I like the texture from the little tufty flowers. And I bet it's warm and snuggly which is what a cowl is for, right. :-)
    E xx

  2. Looks gorgeous and while I don't mind purple I hardly every wear the colour. I know younger people like purple!!!

  3. The cowl looks beautiful love the colour purple too

  4. How gorgeous is this cowl? I love it, I think it looks great. No, I'm not over 65, but I sure think it's pretty.

  5. I have loved people for ears and year I am not officially old until May. I always think of purple being bright and striking but have a feeling that Victorian ladies went into a more muted purple when they came out of mourning black. xx

    1. Oh, of course, purple and dark green, hadn't given mourning a thought Lin. Can't believe you'll be 'officially' old in May! :D

  6. Your post reminds me of the poem - - which always makes me smile. I like purple for a season every once in a while and then go off it for years. Your cowl looks lovely - really snug. I'm sure your mum will be delighted with it :)

    1. Ann mentioned this poem too - I hadn't heard of it before, I'll be sharing it with my Mum now :D

  7. I think it's lovely and I know your mum will be thrilled with it!

  8. I've always worn purple and I haven't reached 65 yet! This year there seems to be more purple fabric around (which pleases me greatly as it usually seems hard to find) and I hear it's something to do with Pantone - whoever they are!

    1. Absolutely, Pantone Orchid, hadn't given a thought to it being the colour of the year! :D

  9. Beautiful!!! I love purple since I was young!!! Gorgeous yarn! ! Would love to have you visit me sometime :)
    Hope you have a wonderful day and week!
    Hugs from Portugal,

    Ana Love Craft

  10. It looks really snuggly! I have to say purple is my least favourite colour but my mum loves it too, maybe I will with age!?

    1. I'm with you there Lucy, not a purple lover myself but have just sent Mum a necklace set with purple stones and a purple Radley handbag for her birthday - needless to say she's delighted :D

  11. LOVE the cowl! Purple has always been one of my favorites :)

  12. Looks great! I'm 56 and have had a love affair with purple all my life. It certainly won't change when I'm 65!

  13. Your mum looks fab in that lovely cowl, Chrissie! You did a great job!

  14. Chrissie how gorgeous I love your cowl and I love it even more on your beautiful Mum! How gorgeous always beautiful to see them when they are far away! She looks so beautiful in it!! Thanks for sharing! Marie (

  15. Your Mum looks beautiful! What a great shawl and such unique, pretty yarn! I too just finished a purple shawl and I am a little disappointed in it! I am new to knitting and crocheting so I think it is just my lack of experience....I have to show it to my experienced knitter friends and get their opinion. Yours looks perfect and all that matters is your Mum loves it!

  16. So sweet! I like the shawl. My grandmother's favorite color is purple...but it is also her hometown football team colors. Lol
    - Katelyn @ Sing While Crafting

  17. What a great shawl. Your mum looks amazing.

  18. I LOVE the purple! It's beautiful and your mum looks beautiful wearing it! Thanks for sharing it with us. :)

  19. Hadn't heard of this poem before but I've found it, read it, love it!

  20. I think that your mother is very gorgeous with the purple shawl. It pairs very well with her top. It would also pair well with black, I'm sure.


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Chris Dodsley

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