Saturday 22 March 2014

Spots Before Your Eyes - April 2014 NYC Metro MQG Block Lotto

The NYC Metro Mod Guild Guild Block Lotto for our next meeting on 5 April is 9 patch polka dot blocks.  (Not sure how to piece and press 9 patches?  Read my easy tutorial here.)

So the idea is that you make as many blocks as you like and take them along to the meeting.  Each block you hand in gives you one entry in the raffle and the raffle winner wins all the blocks brought along by guild members.

I've used the 7 polka dot fabrics that I picked up on my trip to Britex in San Francisco two weeks ago and added a purple that I used in my Sparkle Plenty Quilt and a pink from my Drunkard's Path Quilt.

Blocks can be straight or wonky but have to have 9 polka dot patches and measure 9.5" square unfinished - with a quick bit of maths that's 9 x 3.5" squares.

And there it is ...

Does it look like a lucky Polka Dot block?

I hope so!  I'd love to win that raffle!!!

If you're interested in seeing the Show & Tell from our February NYC Metro Mod Guild meeting here's the link.  You might want to nip over just to take a look at my Show & Tell - a quilt I made for Simon for Christmas but haven't got around to photographing and blogging about yet.  It's a pleated quilt and I was dreading ever having to wash it because I really didn't want to ever have to iron it - but Watson, our new Havanese pup, vomited on it last week and by the time I got home from work Simon had washed and tumbled it absolutely bone dry.  I'm not sure it'll ever be quite the same again and not a photo to show for it :(  I'm going to give it another wash and try ironing it when it's still pretty damp, that's the plan but life keeps being too busy and getting in the way, I'm sure you know how it is!

Can't help loving Watson though, he's such a cutie!!!  Haven't shared too many pics so here's a few and some of Tatty too.

Love them so much I think I can just about let them off a bit of vomit on a quilt.

What about you, do you have vomit stories (or worse!) about your quilts?  Did you love the culprit enough to forgive them too?!!!

And you can click this link to see all of my NYC Mod Quilt Guild Bee Blocks and Challenge Blocks/Quilts.

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  1. Chrissie...I love these polka dots! 9 patch has always been my favorite block. Good luck!

    1. Love 9 patch and love polka dots Vicki - taught 9 patch and HST windmills in my first class at CQ yesterday, really enjoyed it. Got some more classes coming up next Trimester, spreading my wings!!! :D

  2. What a fun block - hope it is lucky for you!

    We don't have any pets so it's strictly no cats & dogs on my quilts! Although I'm sure there has been baby spit up on quilts more than once and yes they were forgiven. However I'm not sure how I would feel if they drew on my quilts - once my little one drew all over her bedsheet in felt tip pen so she's lucky she didn't get any on the quilt!

    1. I love that Gertie. When my boys were 1 and 2 they 'coloured in' their less than 24 hour old suede boots with felt tip pens - I sat and cried for hours, by the time they were 2 and 3 and drew on their bedroom wall I made sure I took a photo before cleaning it off (I actually thought they'd done a wonderful job but didn't feel that as their parent I should be seen by them to condone it!). By the time I had the 3 of them aged 4, 9 and 10 I gave them paints and let them paint the walls outside each of their bedrooms with anything that said something about them - the eldest painted the Liverpool FC emblem, the middle guy painted all of The Simpsons and Flicky painted a house/field/horses/children playing, as they've grown I've wanted their artistic side to shine through. I still draw the line at dressing the Xmas Tree, however, that's my domain and no-one else is allowed to touch it! ;)

  3. Watson is adorable. I'm sure I could forgive him anything. Looks as though he and Tatty are quite happy with each other. I loved it when I had two dogs to see them sleeping together like that. I've forgiven quite a few culprits of things but never quilt-related.

    1. I've never had two dogs at the same time before, I've had up to three cats at a time but never dogs, they're bringing us so much fun together, we're sorry we waited so long :D

  4. Thanks for the link to your guild show and tell. Not only is your quilt great, the whole line up was inspiring. I hope your washing and ironing work. Hope you win the dot blocks. My traditional guild has such a lotto every month. I play sometimes, but haven't won it yet.

    1. Glad you enjoyed the Show and Tell - fingers crossed you win next time you play! :D

  5. I'm working on my first quilt now and piecing and lining everthing up nicely has been a burden!! Will defo look up your tut.

    1. Glad you dropped by and hope there's something in the tutorial to help you :D

  6. Oh I do love me a bit of polka dot! Your work is so neat and with those fabric choices you can't go wrong!

    1. Thanks Julia and you're so right about polka dots, who couldn't love them?! :D

  7. Loving your polka dots block Chrissie! And Simon's quilt looks fabulous! Sad you didn't take photos of the process! I'm sure it'll be fine after another wash to photograph it! Watson it's such a cutie, it's so nice to see the two of them get on so well!

    1. Still haven't rewashed it Kati, a bit too niggled with myself at the moment for not photographing it straight away. I'll wait until that feeling passes and then give it a go :D

  8. Fun, fun block! Good luck and I hope you win! Will be a new follower of you on Bloglovin' - just love that, totally missed my Google Reader!

    1. I'm loving Bloglovin too Kelly, welcome and thanks for the follow :D

  9. The dots are so festive.... I lvoe the little 3.5 squares... so dainty and vintage looking.....
    :) Have a happy week!!
    “hugs” Crystelle
    Crystelle Boutique

  10. My guild does a similar Block lotto every month! Its always fun to see what everyone makes. I love your polka dots!

    P.S. I have my first giveaway going on my blog if you would like to enter...

    1. Good luck in your block lottos too! I've following you on facebook and given your giveaway a shout out there too :D

  11. Fun block and very cute pups!! I'd like to personally invite you and your readers to stop by for a new linky at my blog: Tuesday Archives. Hope to see ya! Val from

    1. Loving your new Tuesday Archives Valerie. I missed the cut off for one and the other two I haven't had anything appropriate to add but I'm keeping my eye on it and as soon as I've got the right posts to add I'll be joining in too :D

  12. Beautiful dots and I missed that you had gotten a puppy. He is a cuties and they both look happy together! I looked at your quilt and hope you can get it to look like that again after ironing. Thanks for sharing.
    Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday

    1. I think I've only mentioned Watson once before Connie, my blog posting has been so sporadic this year that I'm not sure what I've shared and what I haven't. Still stinging over that quilt so waiting till it's not niggling me quite so much and then I'll give it another wash - I have to build myself up to all the ironing involved! :D

  13. good luck in your block lotto!

  14. Those dot blocks will be great all together.
    My Mom's dogs chewed off the corner of a Halloween quilt I made her so it had to have surgery. It was a very large piece of corner - about 4 inches down and 3 inches in. I was able to fix it but it did leave a scar.

    1. Crikey - my story's not nearly so bad, fingers crossed I can make mine look almost as good as new! :D

  15. Great polka dots. I love em! Thanks for linking up to Building Blocks Tuesday.

  16. That's a pretty block. Good luck on the raffle!

  17. I love this idea! I wish our guild would do something like this.
    We have a fat quarter drawing. We can just bring one fat quarter of the month's theme color. They are then put into sets of 4 and names drawn to win.

    1. Suggest it Marsha! Though I like the idea of the fat quarter swap too so I might take your idea and suggest it at our next meeting too :D

  18. Polka Dots, Puppies and Puke. Love the dots! They dogs are sweet and yes, it would be easy to forgive that cute face. Hope you can get a chance to wash and iron your quilt to get a good picture to share!

    1. The 3 Ps then Lorna as opposed to the 3 Rs! My fingers are crossed that I can recover that quilt :D

  19. I'm a big sucker for polka dots! I love them! cute blocks and pups!

    Thanks so much for showing this off at Needle and Thread Thursday!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

    1. Love, love, love polka dots Kelly, you can't go wrong with them! :D

  20. Love the dotty block, good luck in the raffle Chrissie. No animals here to wreak disaster on quilts although the son and d-i-l's rabbit has a nasty habit of chewing anything it comes across so I keep a close eye on any quilts they receive :)

    1. Is the rabbit a house rabbit, we had litter trained house rabbits in England, fab pets? Our new pup, Watson, likes to chew the bindings of my quilts - hope he grows out of that quickly. :D

  21. Love the polka dots! Thanks for linking up to Inspire Us Thursdays on The Inspired Wren.


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Chris Dodsley

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