Friday 10 January 2014

A Knitter's Dream Basket

So in the run up to Christmas my daughter, Flicky totally shocked me by announcing that not only was she knitting a scarf but that she'd joined a knitting group and taught some of the other girls at uni to knit too.  If you read my Lion Brand Yarn Studio post back in August you'll remember that she wasn't interested in knitting!

Well, I'm thrilled; some of my craftiness is finally rubbing off!!!

So for Christmas, I decided to surprise her with all the knitting and crochet goodies she could need to develop and continue her new hobby.   I figured she'd need a basket to keep everything tidy and to match her uni room so I made her her very own Knitter's Dream Basket using the Divided Basket pattern by Noodlehead.

The fabrics are Bluebird Park by Kate and Birdie for Moda

The basket was really easy and fast to put together and Anna's (Noodlehead) instructions are excellent and very clear.

I made a matching yarn bag so Flicky can knit on the plane without the ball running away down the aisle - it's just a regular pouch with a grommet on one side to feed the wool through.


Then I made her a matching tea cosy - can't think of anything better than knitting with a cuppa.
Tea Cosy and lots of new wool
So the Christmas pressie was a huge success and we've been back to the Lion Brand Yarn Studio twice since stocking up on extra wool and more needles.  

Current 'Zodiac' Window Display
Flicky's turned her hand to cabling and made a cabled headband and even Tatty's got involved eating her way through two sets of Flicky's bamboo needles (I did warn her that bamboo was a mistake as I'd had a similar Tatty experience with my own bamboo crochet hook which I wrote about here!).  

It's hard to knit with a Tatty dog on your knee!
I've been busy knitting myself - a really simple and quick Spice Berry shawl from Black Sheep & Ewe, had it finished in a day and I've received lots of compliments from CQ staffers and customers alike which is very welcome and makes you feel great.

Heading off to Vogue Knitting Live in Manhattan next weekend and guess who's coming with me???  Yep, Flicky - someone pinch me - maybe one day she'll even make a quilt!!!

Click the images below to read more about other Divided Baskets I've made.

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Threading My Way_Featured A Handful of Everything All Things with Purpose

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  1. Hi, the stuff that you made for your daughter for her knitting is so nice! You did a great job making them and you must be so happy that your daughter is interested in knitting. I love the Lion Brand Yarn Studio too! Stay warm and have a nice weekend.

  2. I'm sure your daughter loved her basket as well as her knitting goodies inside! My daughter knits a little but is not interested in quilting at all. Maybe one day!!

  3. Ha ha. Of course Flicky has your craftiness in her! My mum spent years sewing and encouraging me to sew, but it wasn't until I was 27 that I finally sat down at a machine. Some of us just take a little time :-)
    I love the bluebird park material (how cute are those little hedgehogs!!) and your yarn bag is a great idea. (I'm not a knitter but if I ever start I will totally steal this idea, so giving you warning now ;-P). And a matching tea cosy is the bom diggity! Because there really is nothing better than a hot cuppa while you craft (particularly in chilly Scotland)
    E xx

    1. Flicky loves the hedgehogs too Erin - learn to knit and steal away :D

  4. I love the use of the bluebird park on the noodle head basket....I think I am going to use my bluebird park for the same pattern now....totally love + inspired :-)

  5. The perfect basket for a knitter and for lots of other things, too. Love the fabric you've used. How wonderful that you are heading off to a crafting activity with your daughter.

  6. Congrats on your contagious craftiness! My daughter just caught my craftiness also. I know how thrilling it is! Love, love that basket and yarn pouch.

  7. Such beautiful makes for Flicky. The bluebird Park fabric is so pretty and I love your shawl too-great yarn!

  8. A brilliant present! I made one for the little man's room and was so impressed with how well it went together. Hope Tatty didn't experience any unwanted side effects!

    1. Great pattern isn't it Sarah? Tatty's doing just fine, we replaced the first set of bamboo needles just this week and Flicky moved the knitting basket to a secure location in her bedroom. Using stealth tactics that would put Ethan Hunt to shame, Tatty has managed to locate and eat the second bamboo set too - we're expecting a call from Paramount any day now offering Tatts the lead in the next MI movie! ;D

  9. WOW I love the goodies you made your daughter, she sure is one lucky girl.

  10. How nice to have a shared hobby, love the basket too!

  11. I love sharing crafts with my two girls and our son has always liked making things! My DIL has just started knitting and I am thrilled - we get along well but I think having interests in common always helps! That fabric is really nice - it looks so much "classier" in the flesh on your lovely bag than it did on moda's swatch pages! I might have to get some!
    Are you allowed to knit on planes again now? That's good news? I might try that as I was told I couldn't take my cross stitch needle and scissors on board when we went to Prague. I had to buy more needles and a cheap pair of scissors when we arrived there and then left them behind in the hotel room before we set off for home. Luckily it was only a short flight so I didn't get too bored!

    1. I've been knitting, crocheting and English paper piecing on planes for the last 5 years - across America, Europe and trans-Atlantic. I use Knit Picks interchangeable wooden circular knitting needles, even when I'm straight knitting, and the length of the needle is no different to carrying a pencil or pen in your bag - the same with a crochet hook. I've carried scissors too but I try not to if I can help it, my understanding is that it's okay as long as the blade is less than 4" long. I use a great needle threader/thread cutter by Clover if you're not a 'use your teeth' kind of girl.

      I've also done English Paper Piecing on planes - I do all my cutting at home and I've carried plenty sewing needles with me. With the amount of trans-Atlantic plane travel I do I'd go crazy if I couldn't occupy myself with my crafts!!!

      You've set me thinking though - I'm going to write a post about it, what I take with me, etc.

  12. It's brilliant sharing craftiness with your family isn't it. I've got 3 boys, so not much knitting goes in there (they did learn when they were little, but they wouldn't admit to it now! Fortunately their girlfriends/wives share my interests.
    Love the bag, and the fabric you chose :-)

  13. How fantastic that your daughter has started knitting! My daughter seems totally repulsed by my quilting, no surprise since she is a moody teenager. I am visiting from Show Off Saturday.

  14. I love this basket! Flicky is so lucky!

  15. I dont know whats more exciting about this post.......... Your view is gorgeous, and Now I know I have to get this fabric too. I was hestinate .. I love the Linky party Bar at the bottom. Do you have a post on that, how incredible and WoW factor too..

    1. Lots of smiling reading your comment, I love my view too!!! I created my linky party bar myself and it keeps evolving mainly based on reducing the size of the link images. I haven't done a post about how to create it but it would be pretty easy to put together so watch this space :D

  16. What a fabulous gift. I love that fabric line and have just ordered some myself! The yarn bag is absolutely genius!

  17. The basket is beautiful and I love the little yarn bag too. So practical. As for the tea cosy, I am a big fan to these. I really prefer a pot of tea rather than a tea bag in a mug.

  18. I love that basket! I really need to make some. I love the fabrics too. Such a nice gift for your daughter. She'll be the envy of all the girls! Your knitted shawl is to die for too.

  19. Love it all! And so sweet that your daughter loves to knit with you. She'll love her goodies! You are making me want to take up knitting. Lol

  20. Great choices for fabrics, and isn't Noodlehead patterns the best?! Nothing better than sharing a creative art gene with your daughter.

  21. What a fabulous present. Just perfect, and I love the fabric you used. Your shawl is beautiful too.

  22. That is a knitter's dream basket! I'm very envious :) And how lovely that Flicky is kitting now. One of my daughters started a scarf on her second to last visit home (her first knitting since she was seven years old!) and she really enjoyed it. Apparently she did some more on the train home but I think it's fallen by the wayside now. Maybe one day...Thank you for linking with Wool on Sundays :)

  23. I love your knitting hold all and the lovely supply's what a lovely present for your daughter a good idea!

  24. She's a lucky girl, your daughter!

  25. Such a cute basket - the perfect Christmas present. And a grommet in a yarn bag - pure genius!!!!

  26. That's so cool. Love your fabric choices on the divided basket.

  27. Isn’t it wonderful when our daughters love the things we so love doing. Mine is 50 and can do everything so much more creatively...but I wouldn’t want it any other way. Love the knitting basket and that great yarn bag. I know she is going to treasure these. genie

  28. Love that shawl!

    What a wonderful gift to give to your daughter. I've always thought the divided basket pattern would make a great knitting basket.

    Enjoy the mother-daughter bonding time :)

  29. I love the divided basket, the colors you used were just beautiful.

  30. I love this! I'm sure your daughter was thrilled!

  31. I love your bag and your scarf is beautiful.

  32. Well your basket sold me, I just hopped over and purchased the pattern!

    1. I'm so pleased you liked it Vicki and enough to buy the pattern! I don't have any tips to add, Anna at Noodlehead pretty much has it all covered. Excited for you making it :D

  33. Sooo stunning!! Love that basket. May have to make one for myself!! You can never have too many project bags, right?

  34. That's adorable! You did a great job! Thanks for linking up this week at Sewlicious Home Decor!:)


  35. Chrissie, the basket, yarn bag and cozy look awesome! This is the first thing I've seen made out of bluebird park, I have some of it myself but haven't made anything yet, I love how you've used coordinating prints from the collection, it looks great, really inspiring me to cut into my bluebird stash!

    1. Hadn't thought about it until you mentioned it Sarah but yeah, although I've seen pics of stashed bluebird fabric I've not seen any used yet! Looking forward to seeing how you use it now too :D

  36. I got rather distracted by that sneak peek outside the window behind your daughter - is that the view from your house?! Stunning!

    1. It certainly is Alyce, I never tire of it. My living room view is uptown across to the Empire State and Chrysler buildings and up the Hudson River to the George Washington Bridge. From my roof garden I can see up and downtown, the full length of Manhattan - there's a clickable photo on my About Me page of the full view, I still need pinching at times! :D

  37. What a darling bag! Thanks for sharing the pattern, I just might need one of those!

  38. What a fun fabric basket and I love the bag with the grommet! My kitties wouldn't be able to bet my yarn! The fabrics are so fresh and what a blessing to be able to share your gift with your daughter...who is sharing with others! That is the true story of the post! Your legacy being passed on! Well done!

  39. What a great idea for a gift. I have that pattern and a knitting friend with a birthday coming up. You may have inspired me. Genius idea for the bag with the grommet as well!

  40. What an awesome gift for your daughter! THe fabrics are beautiful !
    My daughter got a Divided Basket, made by my sister, and she is using it for knitting, too! I ADORE the pouch with the grommet hole for the yarn!! Brilliant!!
    These basket patterns can be used for so many things..

  41. I love the basket! Great fabrics! Cute doggy, too!!! Thanks for sharing at Submarine Sunday!

  42. I love this basket!
    I have the pattern here myself, but haven't managed the time to do it yet :/

  43. I totally love that basket. Been thinking about buying that pattern for ages!

  44. I'm a newbie to crochet and adore this bag and all the cute accessories to made to go with it. I will definitely be checking out that pattern! Thanks so much for sharing.

  45. What a beautiful basket and the fabrics you chose were perfect. Enjoy your knitting!
    Thanks for sharing.
    Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday

  46. What a fantastic post Chrissie!! Love the tote and the fact that you're daughter is knitting with you is fantastic. Thanks for sharing!

  47. Great knitting basket. I especially like the grommet in the zip bag for the yarn. Hum, perhaps I should try one with a zip bag pattern I have.... my dd started quilting in high school and still fits it in. Wish we had more time to do it together.

  48. This basket is great. I would love to get a knitting basket like this. I especially love the yarn pouch. Thanks for sharing with us at Great Idea Thursday 38 you have been featured.

  49. The yarn pouch with the grommet is GENIUS!!!

  50. Love how your basket turned out, great choice of fabrics. And I have to say your yarn pouch is just inspired. I wish I had thought to make something like that for myself, it would have saved a lot of chasing wool under train seats. It's defintiely on my to-do list now.

  51. absolutely lovely basket. My mum is a knitter so I may have to make one for her!

  52. I wish I was your daughter ;-)

    1. On occasion Flicky might advise otherwise and even hand me over eagerly, but she's always happy to accept my crafty goodies ;D

  53. This is such an awesome present! I adore this fabric line! Those divided baskets are so cute and useful too. I think the bag with the gromit is a fabulous idea and I may have to try that. Thanks for sharing and linking up with TGIFF!

  54. Looks great! I definitely need one of those :-)

  55. you're such a thoughtful mom! I love to hear that Flicky has found a fun creative niche!
    Thanks so much for partying at Needle and Thread Thursday!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  56. Mama you did good with this present!! It looks like such a sturdy,well planned bag for Flicky!

  57. I have fallen behind on my blog reading.... But thankfully didn't miss this! Gorgeous bag! LOVE the fabric choices and design! Great job, Chrissie!!!

  58. I am not surprised to see your bag featured in link parties, it is gorgeous:) Plus the grommet on the yarn bag is a great idea:) I think you have inspired many:) Vicky

    1. Popping the grommet in the bag was a breeze Vicky, might have to do a tute!!! :D

  59. I've popped over and shared a few posts Claire, thanks for the invitation :D

  60. What a great present Chrissie! Your daughter is so lucky to have such a crafty mum. The basket is gorgeous and adding the grommet to the knitting bag is absolutely genius.

  61. That is the cutest basket Chrissie! I also like the knitting bag. I'm not a knitter (YET!) but have some close knitting friends so that could be a great gift for them. It IS a thrill when your daughter wants to share the same creative outlet as you do. Mine quilts a little and has asked to come along to my retreat in April so it's all good. BTW, I've had numerous kind remarks about the apron I bought from you. I have to watch some of the girls because they kept hinting that they'd like to take it home! :-)

  62. Congratulations for being the most viewed project! You did a great job! :)


  63. I love this basket! Super cute :) My neighbor is a knitter and I know she would love this!

  64. Oh my, you had a lot of comments! It's so exciting to see her turn into crafting and that basket was the perfect present. I bet she was thrilled! I love the little zip pouch with the grommet on the bottom for the yarn to go through! And you just made me want to make tea! :)

  65. You are a great mom! So many lovely handmade pressies! And how much fun is a shared hobby?! Yay!

  66. What a great post to rejuvenate! I love love love this basket!! So happy for you that your daughter is so into a craft you can share. :)

  67. Love the fabric you chose for your basket. Darling basket too!


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Chris Dodsley

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