Thursday 14 November 2013

A Tula Pink Quilted Tote - A Cure For Torn Ligaments?

"Last week I stood up." - doesn't sound too remarkable does it?  Let's try again, "Last week I stood up and tore the ligaments in my foot."  Yep, it was as easy as that; I didn't twist as I stood, I didn't topple and fall badly, I just stood up and the damage was done.  So I'm into week two of physical therapy and taking things easy until the foot heals enough that I can stand all day at work again at The City Quilter.

 So how am I passing the time?  Well, I've been sewing - with my bad foot raised and the other foot hard down on the pedal.  So following on from making my first ever shoulder bag I decided this time to try a quilted tote.

I've created the quilted tote by placing batting between the two layers of the bag and quilting it and I've done the same with the handles. I've made my own trim along the line where the bag sections join using a Clover 3/4" Bias Tape Maker just as I showed you in this earlier post.

 Main Bag - Spencer Stripe
Top Section & Lining - Topiary
Handles & Trim - Eye Drops

Who doesn't love Tula's fabrics?  If you didn't see it take a look at my post about her Trunk Show at The City Quilter.

I've had these fabrics in my stash for a while now, looking back through my blog they've actually been around for the best part of a year as I posted about them last December!

That's not the best photo of the lining but it was quite hard to take, holding the bag open with one hand and the camera in the other.  

Not really a cure for torn ligaments but it helped me pass a few productive hours and turns out to be a really sturdy bag and simple to make.  I'm pleased that I added the batting, it's made it more substantial and self-supporting.  

Is there Tula fabric hidden in your stash or have you already made something with it?  Go on, share your stories :D 

This post is for informational purposes only, no payment or commission is received on click-throughs and opinions are my own.

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  1. Ouch! My eyes are watering! I hope it gets better soon. I don't know how you could have avoided that one - standing up is fairly common! Love the bag! Do you know I've never used any Tula Pink fabrics - they are lovely though...

    1. Thanks Lynne, I know it's such a necessary action and unfortunately it's making it slow to heal too because you can't help but move your foot on a fairly regular basis!

  2. Turned out pretty. Get well soon.

  3. Chrissie. I am so sorry you've hurt your foot. You poor thing. Silver lining - at least it's not your pedal foot :-) I'd hate to try to sew left footed ;-)
    E xx

    1. I know Erin, I was saying in an earlier post that I didn't have enough time for my sewing - be careful what you wish for! You know I sew with either foot, which ever is closest to the pedal and I also sew with both feet on the pedal at the same time, helps to balance our my hips. I'd never thought about it before but a few people have said they only sew with one foot, starting to think I'm a bit odd!!! :D

  4. So sorry about your foot!! At least you can do something beautiful while you recover! The bag is very nice!!

  5. What a great bag! No, I don't have any Tula in my stash... yet! :) So sorry about your foot. Those things happen to me, too! One time, I tore something in my neck while brushing my teeth - ha!

  6. You just stood up? My goodness! That's horrible!!! I hope it heals up quickly. Injuries are never fun. :(

    Your tote, however, is SUPER fun. Man, I love Tula. And Parisville is so divine. In fact, I have a drawer dedicated to my Tula stash. It's a little out of control, but whenever I'm feeling sad, opening it up and looking at all of that Tula makes me so happy. :)

    1. I'm in love with your latest Tula Pink ' Marie' quilt that's a fab finish. I've got a WIP TP quilt - I'm using Swallow Skies in Storm from The Birds and The Bees, I think it'll be the new year before I'm working on it again though :D

  7. Oh no, so sorry about your foot. Bet that hurts like hell. You have a fab tote to make up for it! Early on in my sewing experiments, I bought a bundle of 10 fat quarters for £10, bargain. Looking at them recently, some had the selvedge on and they are Tula Pink. I don't like them much!

    1. Lol, Wendy, sounds perfect for gifts or a giveaway! TP's not for everyone :D

  8. Sorry to hear about your foot- I hope it's not too painful.
    I don't have any Tule Pink in my stash. Thanks for bringing it to my attention though, I'll have to go shopping now :)
    I do love her fabrics and I've bought them in the past. I hoard Amy Butler though... I just can't seem to cut into them :o
    I like your labels- where do you get them?

    1. Oh Kim, I too am in love with all things Amy Butler and quite a few of my posts have featured fabrics by her, even my dog, Tatty, sleeps on an Amy Butler dog bed!!!

  9. Very nice. Sorry to hear about your foot... but I see you are putting it to good use.

  10. What a great bag! Love the fabrics you used!

  11. Tearing your ligament like that is too bad, I just hope you could recover as quickly as you tore it! Wishing you a speedy recovery.
    Great bag! No, I do not have any Tula Pink fabric in my stash so can not show you any T.P. quilted items!

  12. The colors are so beautiful!

    Sorry about your foot btw. Hope it heals swiftly.

  13. I really like your did a really good job on making it...hope you recover quickly from your injury...I have this whole line of fabric in fq's plus 12yds of yardage of the headdress...I have yet to use any of it in a project....I guess I am hoarding it as well...I purchased it when it first came out, so I have had it for a while...I simply hate the thought of cutting it up yet...and I did purchase it to make myself a quilt...maybe I will use it in the coming year, who knows....:)

    1. Wow Wendy what do you think you might make with your 12 yards? I know what you mean about it being difficult to cut into some favourite fabrics. I try to make myself use my 'special' fabrics as often as possible and I've found it easier if I'm making something for someone who means a lot to me, I still struggle with my Kaffe Fassetts though!

  14. Ugh. That's the worst, when you have an injury and no good story to go with it! Last time I was in a boot for doing nothing but stepping off a curb, I started making up stories when people would ask what happened. They got wilder and wilder as I ran out of ideas - It was kind of fun! (I did own up to the truth soon after telling them I hurt it jumping from a plane)

    Your bag looks great! Glad you didnt hurt your sewing foot!

    1. I hadn't thought about elaborating, wish I had!!! I'm fast realising that I'm a bit of an oddball but incredibly lucky to be able to sew with both feet individually and even both at the same time, thought every one did that but apparently not ;)

  15. Torn ligament = no fun. Time to sew = the best alternative. The bag turned out great. I hope you heal quickly.

  16. Very pretty bag. Hope you're back on your feet again soon!

  17. Ouch!! Hope the foot repairs swiftly - lots of rest is prescribed. Love the bag and adding wadding is good.

  18. Lovely tote and gorgeous fabrics. Hope you're foot is better soon xx

  19. That doesn't sound like fun, although to seem to have put your best foot forward. Love the bag!

  20. Wow sorry to hear about your foot, but the bag is gorgeous

  21. Just as well you didn't injure ligaments in the foot that controls the sewing machine pedal. I don't think I could use my left foot to control the pedal.. never actually tried. The bag looks fabulous and I especially like the fabric for the main part of the bag. I hope your injury heals quickly, Chrissie!!!

  22. What an awful circumstance, but what a great bag! So much fun.

  23. The tote bag is just gorgeous! You did such a great job on it even while having a leg elevated. So Congrats on that! Hope your foot heals quickly!

  24. Your bag is lovely! Love the fabric! You did a nice job, thanks for sharing!

  25. Beautiful job! I love the patterns! I'd love if you'd link up to The DIY'ers.

  26. I'm sorry to hear about your foot, but I'm pretty sure you're creating great projects, like this wonderful bag!
    Feel better soon!!!
    MammaNene @

  27. Oh, poor you, I hope you are on the mend and you'll be out and about soon, sporting your gorgeous new bag around town!

  28. Oh ouchy!! Hope it gets better quickly!! I LOVE that Topiary print! So beautiful!

  29. Great fabrics for a great bag! Hope you're better soon (fab excuse to sew tho'!)

  30. Love this bag! Wonderful work. Linda

  31. So sorry for your accident, but so happy to see all the pretty you've been making while on the mend! Take good care and don't overdo...women tend to do that! All the best, beautiful bag!

  32. oh, Chrissie! I'm so sorry to hear about your foot, but glad you're still getting in some sewing time. your tote is so cute! I'm a terrible klutz and have broken bones in my feet a combined total of 5 times, so I can totally sympathize. I hope you recover soon!

    Thanks for linking up to Needle and Thread Thursday!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  33. I know it's 2 weeks later, but I hope your foot is healed since then! It resulted in a beautiful bag you'll cherish for a long time! I love the fabrics you used!

  34. I have recently discovered Tula and am actively hoarding her fabric! I will bravely cut into this one of these days...


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Chris Dodsley

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