Sunday 22 May 2016

Twice Monthly Newsletter Sign-Up

Introducing a new venture for mbCD - twice monthly newsletters.  

Up to now if you subscribed to my email service each blog post was sent individually to your inbox.  I realise not everyone wants two, and sometimes more, emails from me per week and I find myself becoming reluctant to create blog posts as I don't want readers unsubscribing due to email overload.

After much thought, I've decided the answer is a newsletter. More work than using an automated service to send out blog posts still I think it could be a lot of fun. 

To clarify only email subscribers via Mailchimp will be affected by this change.  Subscribers to this service, old and new, will now receive the newsletter only instead of individual blog posts.  For those who were happy receiving each blog post individually, I'm sorry to be making changes that affect you and hopefully, you'll enjoy this new service more. 
If you do want to receive individual blog posts this service is available still via RSS and  Bloglovin' and other blog readers - click through on either of the links to subscribe to these services.  Anyone currently receiving emails via an RSS feed or blog reader will not receive copies of the newsletter or be affected by these changes.  If your last email from my blog doesn't have the Mailchimp logo (below) at the bottom then you aren't a Mailchimp subscriber and there won't be any changes for you.

Typical content will include links to all the blog posts I've published over the previous two weeks and it'll also give me the chance to share snippets of personal and business related news, some behind the scenes pics and anything else I think of that might be of interest to you too.  I'm thinking that readers will be able to dip in and out of reading the newsletter picking topics that interest them to click through to and skipping over those that don't.

You'll see I'm using a Hello Bar pop-up in the top right of the screen and if you add your email to this you'll receive my newsletters via this little fella at Mailchimp.

I'll run through the subscription process quickly here as many who sign up remain as pending and never convert to subscribed so they won't get my newsletters.

  When you subscribe you receive an email from Chris - owner at made by ChrissieD asking you to confirm your subscription.  Sometimes this email goes straight to your trash/junk mail and if that happens you won't receive my newsletters.  If you don't receive a follow-up confirmation request email shortly after subscribing do check your junk folders to see if it's hiding there.

This is what the confirmation email looks like:

I hope you'll love the content and that you'll look forward to receiving it but if you don't that's okay too.  All I ask is that you take the time to scroll down to the bottom of the newsletter and click the unsubscribe button and then the 'not interested anymore' option.  Mailchimp monitors why people unsubscribe and can ban individuals if it looks like they're abusing subscribers with junk mail.

Here's what the bottom of the post looks like right where the unsubscribe from this list button is.

The first newsletter went out last night have a look using the link below, see what you think and decide whether or not you want to sign up to receive it if you aren't subscribed already.

I've also created a My Newsletters button in my sidebar
so you can visit and revisit my newsletter archives if it takes your fancy to do so :D 

The newsletters will be delivered to your inbox on the first and third weekend of each month unless life gets in the way too much but hopefully, we'll soon get into the swing of the new routine.  If I've got a time critical giveaway coming up I'll do my best to let you know in the newsletter prior to the relevant blog post so you'll still have the same opportunity to enter as everyone else.

Only two weeks to think about the next newsletter, I wonder what I'll be sharing next time? There's only one way to find out!!!

Clicking on an image will take you to a new page of crafty goodness :)

Disclaimer: This post is for informational purposes only, no payment or commission is received on click-throughs to links shared.

Click to follow me on

Linky Parties This post may be linked to some great Linky Parties, always a great source of inspiration too.  If you click through to my 'Fave Linky Parties'  page you can see where I like to share my work.


  1. What if I'm happy with how I've been getting your newsletters?

    1. Hi Melody, sorry for any confusion, I've updated the blog post with some more info which hopefully clarifies things :D - Chris

  2. Okay, I'm confused. Is the newsletter in addition to the regular posts? Will I still get the regular posts by email. I don't use Bloglovin' or Feedly. Not sure I understand the need to add another format which is duplicating what you've already posted. Good luck with it though.

    1. Hi, Pat and apols for any confusion. I've updated the blog post with some more info which hopefully clarifies things and I've email the update to you. Enjoy your day :D - Chris

  3. Well done Chrissie, I've subscribed and look forward to getting your newsletters :)

  4. Good on you for starting up emails! I've subscribed! :)

  5. How fantastic! I really need to do this too. now to find the time! xx


I love to hear from everyone, thank you for taking the time to read my blog and share your thoughts. Please leave a message to let me know you visited, it's a great way to get to know you all better too :)

Chris Dodsley

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.