Monday 28 March 2016

Guest Hosting @Blossom Heart Quilts

Today you'll find me over at Blossom Heart Quilts guest hosting Sew Cute Tuesday for Alyce.  I hope you'll pop over, read what I'm sharing and give me some of that quilty support we're so great at!
I'll also be adding my Beginner's Guide To Y-Seams to the Linky Party - maybe you have something you're working on to share in the Linky Party too?  See you over there :D

Have a great week.
Chris :D

Clicking on an image will take you to a new page of crafty goodness :)

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I love to hear from everyone, thank you for taking the time to read my blog and share your thoughts. Please leave a message to let me know you visited, it's a great way to get to know you all better too :)

Chris Dodsley

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