Wednesday 21 October 2015

She's 21 Today, 21 Today

Last week I flew over to St Andrews, Scotland to celebrate Flicky's 21st birthday with her. Five days of fun with some of my kids is just the ticket when I'm missing home.

If you've never visited St Andrews, or Scotland for that matter, it's absolutely beautiful with tons of history but also quite bleak and very cold.  I've put together a few photo collages from the weekend.

 There was lots of food and drink and a fab spa day at the Fairmont resort.

My son, Joe and his partner Katie joined us and, as it was their first visit to St Andrews, we did the touristy bit showing them around the town.

The University

The Castle...

...don't you love a loo with a view? (centre pic below)

and crawling through the tunnels underneath the castle was a lot of laughs too, though I think there were moments when we were laughing just so we didn't cry.

The Cathedral

Love this selfie of us all at the top of the Cathedral Tower.

The Gin Tour
We also visited the local brewery and gin & whisky distillery, Eden Mill, where we may or may not have sampled four G&Ts each as part of the Gin Tour.

If you're a gin girl (or boy) I highly recommend the gin tour.  All the Eden Mill gins are abs delish, the guys at the Eden Mill were super friendly and I think you can tell from the pics we had a lot of fun there.

Eden Mill Gins
Original gin - citrus and seabuckthorn - forget the lime slice add some pink grapefruit
Love gin - tastes of berries and citrus - try it with raspberries
Oak gin - tastes of whisky - great with an orange slice
Golf gin - made using hickory (golf club wood)
Hop gin - tastes of beer - add a sizzling chilli slice

And on Sunday, Flicky's actual 21st birthday, there was even a birthday cake...

...with candles that Rob and Colin, Flicky's two housemates helped her blow out.

It was over all too soon but I was almost glad to get back to slightly warmer weather on the US east coast and slightly pained in the knowledge it'll soon be just as cold or colder here too.

Happy 21st Birthday Flicky xxx

If you'd like to read more about St Andrews you can click through to my previous posts on the images below:

Clicking on an image will take you to a new page of crafty goodness :)

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Linky Parties
This post may be linked to some great Linky Parties, always a great source of inspiration too.  If you click through to my 'Fave Linky Parties'  page you can  see where I like to share my work.


  1. What a blast. So glad you could have such a fun celebration!

  2. Sounds like you had such a lot of fun Chris. Great photos and lovely for you all to get together to celebrate. Happy birthday Flicky. xx

  3. Many Happy Returns to Flicky.

    Bleak and cold in Scotland Chrissie never ???? :)

  4. Happy Birthday to Flicky! Scotland is on my bucket list - my nephew went to Edinburgh Univ. , and rumor has it our ancestors originated in Scotland. Thanks for sharing the pictures! Looks like you had a grand time!

  5. Happy birthday to your sweet and beautiful girl! Many happy returns, Flicky!

  6. Looks like you had a great time, what a fab excuse for a visit!

  7. Wow, I turned 21 so long ago the dinosaurs helped me celebrate! Happy Birthday to your lovely daughter. It looks like you all had a wonderful time.

  8. Thank you for sharing! Hubby and I would love to visit Scotland. Such a spectacular country full of a wealth of history and artifacts. Sure looks like you all had a fabulous time! Have a wonderful creative day!

  9. Happy Birthday to your daughter. It was so nice that you were able to go over to Scotland for her birthday and spend some time with her. And from the looks of it, you had a great time. Beautiful landscapes and buildings, especially the cathedral.

  10. How lovely for you to be with your girl for her 21st birthday in such a wonderful place! Thanks for sharing your pictures!


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Chris Dodsley

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