Friday 2 October 2015

Linblomman - Embroidery Linen Yarn

I have a friend, let's call her Jacqui, and she always shares with me anything crafty she thinks I might be interested in.  Back in August she shared a Purl Soho email about a 'new' 50-year-old linen yarn Linblomman and as soon as I saw it I knew I wanted it.  Yes, I wanted it, I didn't need it, I just wanted it.  I actually sent Jacqui an email asking her to stop sending me scrummy stuff to look at, it's just too much temptation.  

Five weeks on I still wanted that embroidery yarn and in my book that's no longer a whim to be ignored, but a wish to be acted upon.  Purl Soho have been out of stock for a few weeks but after having brunch today in Noho with my besties Em and Amy I took a chance and nipped into the store. 

I couldn't believe my luck, the Purl Soho staff were putting sales labels on newly arrived boxes in front of me as I asked tentatively about its availability.  It was obviously meant to be so I bought one box of each of the three colourways: Neon; Pastel; and Flora & Fauna.

The story behind this linen yarn is that it was made in the 1960s in Sweden, the factory closed down and the yarn, hidden away in a haberdashery stock room, has been rediscovered fairly recently.  It is just as beautiful and strong now as it was then.

Linblomman (Swedish: The Flax Flower) is distributed by Linladan (Swedish: flax barn) 

Wondering where you can get this yarn in the US?  There 's only two US stockists:
Purl Soho - in store, NYC and online (read about one of my visits to Purl Soho here); and 
Bolt, Portland, OR - in store (read about my visit to Bolt here).

UK stockists are listed here on the Linladan website and if you're lucky enough to be attending The Knitting & Stitching Show 
at Ally Pally next week, Linladan will be there too.

So what am I going to do with my beautiful linen threads? 

Admire them? 
Stroke them?
 Stash them away for another fifty years?  

No ... I'm going to use them.

Remember those Dropcloth Samplers designed by my friend Rebecca Ringquist that I bought in Bolt, Portland (a Linblomman supplier, how did I miss these yarns in the store that day???!!!)?  Well, I'm taking the samplers and yarns on a plane journey with me next week when I head back to Britain to celebrate my daughter Flicky's 21st birthday.  I don't know what I'm more excited about, seeing some of my kids or using my newest crafty acquisitions ;D

And Jacqui, keep sharing those crafty temptations, you're absolutely right, why should you suffer alone?!!! x

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  1. They are absolutely beautiful!

  2. A very timely post Chris cos guess where I shall be next Friday!!! Those threads are gorgeous and Linladen (a very appropriate name I feel ) will be on my list of stands to visit. Thank you. xx

  3. Gosh these are beautiful. And I can hardly believe they are so durable. To Die For!!

  4. Beautiful beautiful beautiful! What boxes of treasure. I would have to keep them in their boxes for at least a few weeks just to admire the loveliness.
    I came to New York in the spring with some girl friends and visiting the Purl Soho store was on our B list of things to visit, we had limited time and sadly only got to the things on our A list - (It was on MY A list but there were 7 of us and compromises had to be made - sigh!)

  5. I refer to it as KARMIC-Shopping! - If you're meant to buy it, it will still be there!
    BTW, can't believe you ONLY bought 3!!? Especially if it was on sale..?

  6. Oh wow those yarns are to die for and can understand your burning need to own them. Would not use just open a box each day to admire, lol

  7. Oooh! No wonder you had to buy them. They are sumptuous! I can hardly wait to see what you use them for :)

  8. They really are gorgeous. No wonder you were tempted.

  9. They're lovely! What a fun purchase.

  10. They are gorgeous, I love all of the colours.

  11. Ooooo they are truly beautiful. I'm afraid I would just gaze at them and stroke them. How many are left I wonder? Xx

  12. I'm guessing that last image is neon? That's the one that might tempt me in! Love those colors.

  13. Oh they do look pretty! I've never heard of linen yarn. I hope you'll let us know what you think of them once you've had a chance to use them.

  14. Beautiful thread Chrissie and I can't wait to see what you make out of them! I have a friend that is always sending me links to things I "need". LOL

  15. They look beautiful, and no doubt you will work magic with them:) Enjoy the plane journey - and most importantly catching up with some of your children:)


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Chris Dodsley

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