Sunday 27 September 2015

A Self-Indulgent Blog Post

I'm sharing what is quite simply a self-indulgent blog post to show off my gorgeous Grandson, Oliver, who turned one last Monday.

Quite the little model showcasing his Stars & Stripes Vans, a birthday pressie from Aunty Flicky and his Canadian mountie tee, a recent Niagara Falls trip pressie from Glam-ma and Grandad. 

Oli obviously has all his Daddy's talents...

...quite the Jack mini-me. I have photos of my son up to all the same things and I feel like I took them only yesterday!

I love Oli's determination and try, try again 'can do, will do' attitude - again just like his Daddy - oh and this pic does actually show one of my quilts - remember the laminate backed picnic playmat?  Read more about it here.  

And, at the end of his first year I think we've safely established that Oli loves chocolate cake.

Happy First Birthday Oli xxx

Self indulgence over, thanks for humouring me :D

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Linky Parties
This post may be linked to some great Linky Parties, always a great source of inspiration too.  If you click through to my 'Fave Linky Parties'  page you can  see where I like to share my work.


  1. Happy Birthday to your grandson !:) He is very cute:)

  2. It's ok to be that in love with your grandson. I too just had my first grandchild, also a grandson. He's 4 months living in NYC. I retired to NC from NJ so I know how it is being a distance although I fly up often.
    I remember your post of his birth, time surely passes quickly. Enjoy him.

  3. SO...........ADORABLE!! Happy Birthday Oliver!

  4. Chrissie, you earned the 'bragging gene' the minute that little cutie was born! I remember how it felt when we had our 1st. grandchild almost 47 years ago and are now being blessed with great grandchildren from those same grandchildren. We now have 6 beautiful little GG with 2 more babies on the way, and that bragging gene is still working. Thanks for sharing.

  5. A big congrats, Glam ma! He's quite a handsome young man!

  6. He is gorgeous! and growing up fast. xx

  7. What a gorgeous little man! Happy birthday Oliver!

  8. How precious he is! He loves the camera too. Happy birthday Oliver!


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Chris Dodsley

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