Sunday 6 September 2015

Exploring Seattle WA - Dry Goods Design

For our second stop on my Exploring Seattle WA tour, we're calling at Dry Goods Design right on the corner of Occidental Street and Pioneer Square in downtown Seattle.

Let's walk in at the front door

immediately I'm struck by how light, airy and modern this space is.

Next, we'll walk around that pillar and take a peep at the class/work area

how many windows? how much light?

lots of lovely Berninas and a super large cutting area at a great height

and through the side windows, you can look over to Pioneer Square.

What about this area, don't you just want to sit down and stay a while?  No-one would ever mind waiting to use the irons (over on the right) with a seating area like this in the classroom!!!

So many fun details,

tons of gifts to buy and projects for inspiration,

and notions, books, and threads.

Walking towards the back of the store this fun plus quilt is hard to miss

and here's a look out from the back of the store to the front.

Fabric, you want to see more fabric?  Lots of weights and types and all the latest designers and collections, everything you could want

and yes I brought a little home with me too - well you just have to don't you?!

Everyone was lovely to me in store, taking the time to chat, discover something about me and share their stories too - that's the sign of a great fabric store for me and makes me want to go back.

Dry Goods Design
301 Occidental Ave (Pioneer Square) S Seattle WA 98104
(206) 535-6950
hours: weekdays 10 am - 7 pm / weekends 10.30 am -5.30 pm
classesonline store / website / blog / facebook / instagram

Permission granted by a staff member to take and blog all photos.

Read all my Exploring Seattle WA posts, the first about Undercover Quilts and my second about Dry Goods Design by clicking the images below:

For details of other fabric, yarn, trim, and notion stores I've visited around the world along with the NYC stores I love, exhibitions and events I've attended and wonderful people I've been lucky to meet click the links below or in my sidebar :D

Clicking on an image will take you to a new page of crafty goodness :)

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Disclaimer: This post is for informational purposes only, no payment or commission is received on click-throughs and opinions are my own.

Linky Parties
This post may be linked to some great Linky Parties, always a great source of inspiration too.  If you click through to my 'Fave Linky Parties'  page you can  see where I like to share my work.


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Chris Dodsley

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