Monday 7 September 2015

Exploring Portland OR - Bolt, Dropcloth and Eb & Bean

The second post in my Exploring Portland OR series is a trip to Bolt.  Bolt is just a few blocks down the street from Modern Domestic (visited in my first post), you can easily walk between the two and there's lots of other great shops and eating places to pop into as you go. 

If there's anything Modern Domestic doesn't have then Bolt will have it and vice versa, so you're pretty much covered between the two for all your sewing needs no matter what you're making.



and trimmings.

There're every type and weight of fabric too.

I picked up a sashiko sampler that matches a smaller one I've already completed and I finished the bolt taking several yards of the softest, silkiest Amy Butler Feather Fans midnight voile.  I also picked up two Dropcloth Samplers - these will be great to work on when I'm on a flight and I have a few long flights coming up again in the next two months including flying to Japan.  

After visiting Bolt I headed off to have frozen yoghurt at Eb & Bean with Dropcloth herself, Rebecca Ringquist.

Rebecca's only recently moved to Portland from Brooklyn and we first met when she became a Bernina Ambassador and came into the Manhattan store where I worked to choose her new Bernina.  After demoing the machines Rebecca left with a 750 and since then she always says I "changed her life" and that is just the best feeling for me - you can read what she thought of her new machine here

If embroidery's your thing and even more to the point if you've never done it and fancy having a go take a look at Rebecca's book, she'll guide you through everything you need to know and more. 
I looove the cover - between the graphic lettering tantalising peeps at all the beautiful stitches included inside  - totally inspired and inspiring.

EB & Bean organic froyo was absolutely delish and they also do non-dairy, it's highly recommended

and the artsy decor was very to my liking too, yay to hanging quilts on froyo store walls!!!

Rebecca and I had fun catching up and those Dropcloth Samplers I bought in Bolt - well I got Rebecca to sign them both of course!!!

2136 NE Alberta St Portland OR 97211
(503) 287-bolt
hours: M-F 10 am - 6 pm / Sa 10 am - 5 pm / Su 11 am -4 pm
online store / website / blog / facebook / instagram

Permission granted by a staff member to take and blog all photos.

Eb & Bean
1425 NE Broadway Portland OR 97232
(503) 281-6081
hours: noon until 10 pm daily
website / facebook / Instagram

Permission granted by a staff member to take and blog all photos.

Rebecca Ringquist website / Dropcloth website / blog / facebook / instagram

Read all my Exploring Portland OR posts, the first about Modern Domestic, my second about Bolt and finally my Cool Cottons post by clicking the images below:

For details of other fabric, yarn, trim, and notion stores I've visited around the world along with the NYC stores I love, exhibitions and events I've attended and wonderful people I've been lucky to meet click the links below or in my sidebar :D

Clicking on an image will take you to a new page of crafty goodness :)

Disclaimer: This post is for informational purposes only, no payment or commission is received on click-throughs and opinions are my own.       

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Chris Dodsley

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